Hello, just put out my last smoke! Anyone els... - Quit Support

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Hello, just put out my last smoke! Anyone else quit today?

Angelina187 profile image
52 Replies
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Angelina187 profile image
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52 Replies
beardy_chris profile image

Hi Angelina,

Most people on here have already quit - so you may not get many who are quitting today - but we've all been there and most of us remember exactly what it was like.

Perhaps the best (and most regular) advice is to write down all the reasons you are quitting and keep it to help motivate you later on in your quit when the cravings hit and you are tempted to start again (sorry but it is almost certain to happen).

My advice would be to surround yourself with layers of things to help you quit - don't rely on just one thing. If you are using some form of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) - patches, gum, lozenges etc. - back it up with munchies (carrot sticks, sweets, etc.) - I find a multi-layered approach suits me best.

Good Luck and, if tempted, come and rant at us. If successful, come and share your best and most successful tips.

Remember, NOPE, Not One Puff Ever - don't fall into the "just one won't hurt" trap.

Angelina187 profile image
Angelina187 in reply to beardy_chris

Thank you for replying to me :-) I'm not using any form of NRT but I haven't ruled it out. Like most people I guess I'm quitting for health reasons and my boys :-) they are primary school age and they have begun to question why I smoke if it can kill you etc so I've four very good walking talking reasons for stopping!

I hope I'm prepared for the cravings but I will admit its kind of scary reading how stressed everyone is. I've been smoking since I was 19 so about 15 years now and I've got to the stage where running up the stairs leaves me breathless and I've always loved running so I think it's time.

Will keep getting tips from here and I'm determined I can do this!!!! You are all such inspirations x

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to Angelina187

Hi Angelina, welcome to this crazy journey, stay determined and you can do it and meet lots of helpful people on the way :) x

Hi Angelina and anyone/everyone who is trying to stop smoking. I have been quit almost 25 years and i still remember how hard it was not to give in to temptation and have just one cigarette. Believe me its the best thing you can do, to make it easier on yourself find things to do to occupy yourself, go out and about with others that don't smoke, put money in a money box and keep counting it. And remember each minute, hour, day is another minute etch without smoking and it does get much easier.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Love it Lowfield, just love it gal :) :) :)

Thank you :) :) Pete :) x

beardy_chris profile image

OK - Angelina - it's getting on for 6 hours now - how are you doing?

Usually, the first obstacle to get over is the habitual ciggy - the one you light up without thinking about it. For the first couple of days, they will be the ones you miss most. Then, if your experience is like mine, most of the time you forget about ciggies - but they come and grab your attention at certain times (often known as "triggers"). You can use breathing exercises (search on here for details), diversionary tactics or whatever works for you to get over them - they generally only last for a couple of minutes.

I'm afraid I don't really know what happens next - I think it all becomes easier but, somewhere in the background is that temptation that says "I used to enjoy that, one won't hurt". The trouble is that you won't enjoy just one (guaranteed) and then it's like having an itch you can't scratch and, before you know it, you'll be smoking again. That's where I've gone wrong in the past - but I won't fall into that trap again :D

We've all quit many times for varying lengths of time - the most important thing is to keep trying. Don't be ashamed if you don't succeed first time, just learn from it and try again.

Angelina187 profile image
Angelina187 in reply to beardy_chris

Hiya , well it's the after dinner one I'm craving :-( it's hard but I think I'm still riding high on the determination at the moment. Girls night in tonight while hubby is out so I think after a glass of wine I will feel it most!!

I'm going to try the breathing you suggested and concentrate on my reasons. Thanks for the support though you've no idea how much it helps :) especially being non judgemental if I slip. But I am giving it my best shot !

beardy_chris profile image
beardy_chris in reply to Angelina187

Will there be other smokers at your girls night in? Will there be non-smokers? Would you normally go outside to smoke? Can you ask them to help you? Could you even get them to try quitting too?

Many people find alcohol and ciggies tend to go together. Personally, I tend to drink too much when I'm not smoking - somehow I lose track of how much I've had and get falling-over-drunk. I think it's something to do with oral stimulation. So be careful!

I'm still waiting for the obsessive cleaning (as reported by some people) to kick in - I wish it would hurry up - especially as they even seem to enjoy it!

Angelina187 profile image
Angelina187 in reply to beardy_chris

Lol really obsessive cleaning?? Oh I'm quite looking forward to that as I'm a bit OCD with my housework already lol. Yes my best friend is a smoker who has made it clear she's not ready to quit, but she smokes roll ups and I was never keen so I'm hoping it won't be too hard tonight. She will go outside anyway. Perhaps I will just keep filling my glass instead :-)

beardy_chris profile image
beardy_chris in reply to Angelina187

All the very best - let us know how you get on. I'm sending you positive thought-waves.....

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to beardy_chris

Hi Angelina well done on your decision to quit, it will be the 2nd best decision (after your boys...) that you will ever make :)

Chris has given you some great tips so you should be ok, mmmm girls night in eh well as long as your friend goes outside then you'll be fine.....one little tip, give her something to put her butts in but make sure its got water in it.... after a few glasses of red or white and after they have gone home you may be tempted, if there are soggy then that wont happen :)

Just take one day at a time but as Chris says always have something as a back-up just in case :)

If you started putting the money you save away, then you could make some lovely smoke free memories with your boys or you could even treat yourself to something that you would necessarily buy or do :D

Stay strong, keep positive and let us know how your getting on.... we are all here to support you and your doing great :) -x-

Leohnora profile image
Leohnora in reply to beardy_chris

Ohh Obsessive cleaning sounds like a real bonus, I hope I have this fantabulous side effect! lol

Angelina187 profile image

Thank you so much for all the support! I'm definitely going to do the glass of water for the butts. That's a great idea.

Fingers crossed and will check in in the morning. Thankyou again, with all this support I really feel I can do it :-)

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Angelina187

It will stink to high heaven.....but you won't :) But you can do this and your non-smoking friends will help you :)

Angelina187 profile image

:-) you are all stars. Thank you. So far so good. One glass of wine, no smokes!! Feeling it a little though :-( mainly jealous that my friend is having one lol

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Angelina187

Hi Angelina, a big warm welcome to this lovely quit site :) :)

Sorry I havnt posted to you before, but had to work flipppin late AGAIN !! but it sounds to me that you have got what it takes to quit :) :) and please do one thing for me, show your smoking friends that YOU CAN QUIT :) :)

It may just make them think !! eh :) :) Enjoyyyyy gal, you enjoyyyy :) :)

Pete :) x

Angelina187 profile image
Angelina187 in reply to monky

Hey Pete :-) late working again? Oh dear I bet that doesn't help with the stress !! I'm enjoying the wine nicely but I was really starting to flake a bit with the saying no til you popped up lol :-)

Footie is on and I'm focusing on that instead whilst the smokers go outside :-( I am determined to show them that any one of us can quit if the desire is strong enough!!! X

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Angelina187

Angelina, I just cant fault you one little bit gal :) :)

You've got your head screwed on the right way gal, and you have more than 1 brain cell, not like me eh :o and thats when I can find it !! :D :D

You enjoyyyy Angie :) :) cos I know you WILL stay strong and focused on your quit, cos you are a determined young Lady :) :) and above all, knows whats best for her :) :) xx

Angelina187 profile image
Angelina187 in reply to monky

Lol well I don't know if I have my head screwed on right now :-0 the fizz is taking effect!!!! But I'm trying to stay strong!!! Xx

droopyJ profile image

Was out last week with a group of friends and most of whom smoked.... every time they all went outside I really wanted to go too as I thought I was missing something..... the only thing I missed - not - was the severity of the hangover the next morning. It turns out that your hangovers are not as bad when you don't smoke and therefore not quite as dehydrated as you are if you smoke as well..... Now thats what I call a WIN WIN situation :D

Angelina187 profile image
Angelina187 in reply to droopyJ

Well that's a huge plus! :-) I didn't know that. It does feel strange not smoking, almost like the drink doesn't quite hit the spot or feel the same, but I'm guessing that's normal. I didn't start smoking til I was 18 ish so it was around the same time as starting drinking so I probably associate the two far too much.

Still, I can't complain as the wine is yummy and I should be grateful I'm not stressed out and desperate for a smoke yet.

Has anyone tried champix? A friend just told me that's what they used. Not sure I want to replace one vice with another though having read the side effects online. Xx

katelisci profile image
katelisci1 Month Winner

Hello Angelina! And CONGRATS on your decision to put an end to smoking. My first couple of days as a non-smoker were rough at first but getting easier. The hardest thing was having to overcome the routine of smoking. But each and every time I stay strong and say No... I am feeling so much better about myself :) Your kids will be a great inspiration for you to quit. Again CONGRATULATIONS on quitting!!!! Most importantly stay strong and keep positive :)

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to katelisci

Hey Kate how you doing today? how's your quit going? -x-

katelisci profile image
katelisci1 Month Winner in reply to droopyJ

Hey there droopy! Today was a really tough day for me. All by myself, no work today to keep me busy and was really having a hard time. That is until I kept telling myself that there is no way I can turn my back on quitting. Come so far!!! 4 Days now and still going! Cold Turkey! Working on my first milestone of 1 week... where I am going to take my daughter and I out to get our nails done. A little reward for the both of us :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to katelisci

Hi ya Kate :) a massive flippin ginormous well done to you gal :) :) 4 huge whole days nicotine free, I'm sorry, but I will have to do a bum wiggle dance for you right now :o :D :D

Hey, it was a good en gal ;) :D :D :D

katelisci profile image
katelisci1 Month Winner in reply to monky

Lol Monkey... bum wiggle dance!! Luv it!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to katelisci

Hey, Kate, I dont just do a bum wiggle dance for everybody you know :o hmmmm, must be your eye lashes that bought it on eh ;) :D :D

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to monky

wot you no longer a leg man now monky.... switched to lashes :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to droopyJ

Hey, DroopyJ, once a leg man always a leg man gal, BUT am now getting on a bit see, soooo I have to diversify a bit eh :| :D :D

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to monky

I feel your pain hun... :D :D

I'm not a lover of hairy men but hey, I'll take what I can get ;) :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to droopyJ

I've got a shaver :| :D :D :D

katelisci profile image
katelisci1 Month Winner in reply to monky

Well if I could... I would have them give ya a wink right now ;)

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to katelisci

OI you two..... geta room :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to droopyJ

:D :D :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to katelisci

;) :D :D :D

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to monky

Okeycokey I'm off to my pit as I is struggling to keep my peepers open :(

Glad you all had a smoke free day and lets hope the sun stays shining on another new smoke free day :D

Nighty nighty lovely quitters :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to droopyJ

Nity nite Droooooopy J, am sending you some coooooling be a Lady huggs for when you get stuck in a traffic jam next, soooo you dont have to strip off to your tights and have a slip up eh :o :D :D :D

Sweet dreams gal and hopefully see's ya tomorrow :) :)

Take care now :) xx

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to katelisci

WOW 4 days is fantastic............. I wont lie, you will get these sort of days but you really have to work thru them :)

mmmm could do with getting my nails done tooo can I come :D :D Thing is you could treat yourself each weekend with the money you save...... facials, massage, shoes, handbags, nice takeaway ....... mmmm bit hungry now :D

katelisci profile image
katelisci1 Month Winner in reply to droopyJ

Day 4 Just seemed to be a little rougher than usual. First time not being occupied with a work day or my daughter... so I figured today just might be one of the toughest days I come across... Still staying strong and I like the idea of celebrating the little milestones. Especially with something my daughter and I can do together. Even with the little celebrations it sounds crazy but I am still saving money :)

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to katelisci

Good for you and your daughter.... see when you stop smoking you make lovely new smoke free memories for you and your family..... ooh maybe you could even have a weekend away if you saved your weekly treats... :D

Angelina187 profile image
Angelina187 in reply to katelisci

Hello Kate, wow you are doing amazing. You must be so proud! I admit my babies do give me such determination. We have decided with the money we save we are going to go to Disneyland. Getting married in December and we have always promised the boys (from day one) that when mummy and daddy finally get married we would go! And as life often does, things got on the way and four babies later we have got round to setting the date lol. So I have extra motivation now. You all really are such an inspiration to newbies like me. Thank you

katelisci profile image
katelisci1 Month Winner in reply to Angelina187

Wow! 4 kids! You have yourself an entire motivational team at home :) Take everything one step at a time. I find myself always carrying around a water bottle. In the event I get an urge I just start drinking water and eventually it goes away. Bad side... I have to use the bathroom a whole lot more :) Also slow deep breathing techniques helped me get through those urges :) Getting married!!!! So exciting!!! Disneyland sounds amazing... jealous here :) you and your family are sure to a blast! You are making a great decision not only for you but for your entire family by quitting!

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Angelina187

OMG Angelina..... that's fantastic, congratulations :D

You will all have a fantastic time in Disneyland, well you sure have your motivation now :D

Leohnora profile image

Hi Angelina, I did not start stopping today, but have now reached Three Days, 11 Hours and 39 Minutes mark (yes even the minutes seem like an achievement lol). Well done for making such an excellent decision to stop smoking, you will not regret it! The last 3 days have not been nearly as awful as I thought they would be. Of course the first day I was, it seemed, thinking of having a cigarette every minute of the day, but on day two having already succeeded the day before I found far easier and thought much less about smoking.

Today, I did not think about smoking for a couple of hours after waking which is great! The only issue I have faced is a 2 day bout of insomnia, but I did manage to have a very restful sleep last night and feel much better today. On the plus size, I am not keeping myself awake by the sound of my own breathing (I have asthmas and smoking really made me noisy at bed time).

All the people on this forum are very friendly and supportive, so you could not have picked a better place to come for some moral support! I wish you all the will power you can muster and if your having a hard time come and have a rant about it on here, it should help you to get over the average 3 minute craving time and help you keep on track. I hope it all goes well :) Kindest regards Leoh

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Leohnora

Hi ya Leo, wowwww soooo your 3 days 12 hours quit now then gal :) :)

Some of the members on here who cant sleep, have a cup a camomile tea before they go to bed, this seems to help them, just a thought gal :)

Your doing ever so well Leo :) you stay focused and positive now :)

Leohnora profile image
Leohnora in reply to monky

Thanks Monky, I will try the camomile tea, I picked some up whilst shopping today, so hopefully this should help me to relax in the evening :) I notice you are at 4 weeks now,so how is it going for you? :)

droopyJ profile image

Hey Leohnora..... your doing Fab :D I love that your counting the minutes too :D keep going :)

Leohnora profile image
Leohnora in reply to droopyJ

Thanks DroopyJ, I feel Fab for doing this well already! Silly I know and a long way to go, but I felt sure I would cheat the moment I had the house to myself, but I did'nt! :) how have you been getting on with it, at 3 months. Do you still miss a ciggy or do you feel you have conquered that one? oh and the minutes are where it starts, so they are surely very important!

Have a great evening all of you ! :) :) :)

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Leohnora

No its not silly at all, its a sign of positivity which we love on this site :)

Erm I have had my moments over the past 3 months (in fact its 16 whole weeks tomorrow...) but to be honest this site has saved me.... Ive had some real humdingers of cravings and feeling rubbish about myself. However, I have come on here and talked drivel for a few hours and it has taken away my craving and put me in a much better mood :)

I've been nic free for over 4 weeks now but so far so good... maybe I just hit It at the right time but I do carry a spare patch and lozenges in my bag just in case (that mr Nic can just come and bite you on the bum when you least expect it) :p

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to droopyJ

Droopy, I'm sooo glad you said Mr nic could come and bite you on your bum, cos you know me gal, that hadnt even entered my head ;) :D :D :D

Leohnora profile image
Leohnora in reply to droopyJ

Congrats on reaching 16 weeks today droopyJ, I hope you feel very victorious! I hope I'm still going strong like you in 16 weeks time :)

droopyJ profile image

Thanks Leoh but you must be nearer your first week by now... is this day 5 for you? see, your well and truly on your way now :)

Obviously I don't want you catching me up (no offence) but will gladly do you a droopy shuffle each time you get a new badge :D :D

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