Hi 7months smoke free. I have tickle in my th... - Quit Support
Hi 7months smoke free. I have tickle in my throat and my breathing is worse than when I was smoking.

Hi Jenny54, lovely to see you back again and a huge congratulations on staying smokefree
Although you may have nothing to worry about, it may be worth a visit to your GP which will then put your mind at ease.
Having a tickle in your throat is a normal part of the process of stopping smoking but I would expect this to have cleared up for you now.
Depending on how long you smoked for, how many you smoked and even how you smoked can affect your health in so many ways. The good news is that by stopping smoking you have stopped putting yourself at such risks and could potentially have stopped anything the matter from progressing any further
Just to be on the safe side and as I said to put your mind at ease, then how about making an appointment to see your Dr and let her / him know that you have stopped smoking too?
Please keep us posted on how you get along won't you?
I'll also see that you have your award badge next to your name for doing so well
I'm about 6 days now no cigs....but, it would be so easy to crack....bad stomach pains and trouble sleeping.....I knew what it was, severe constipation, I also knew I could cure it with one or two cigarettes......( always worked for me)...... But I didn't give in.....just taking my ecigs
A bit better today, ( always had a problem in THAT respect)
But today I have to have a small snooze, too tired to function
Don't laugh; for me, cigarettes cured my constipation.......often
Don't like to talk about such personal matters....but why do cigarettes ACT like a medication??? Cure all our problems, and secretly, slowly, kill us.....it's a dirty trick.....to all you folks hanging in there trying not to smoke!!! It is tough, one more day of stomach pains and I might have talked myself into One...
I'm grumpy
Wouldn't print this, but it might help someone else struggling...
The physical body is arguing with me! HA,ha! "where is my morning puff?
"how dare you not smoke.!?!?!"
Terry, WHOOHOO your almost a whole week smoke free.... I am soooooooooooooo delighted for you, see what you can do when you put your mind to it
As for your other problem - don't know if you can get it in Canada but there's this stuff called Fibrogel, you make it up like a drink and its gentle on your stomach too
Thanks, I'm sure my body will be a bit mixed up for awhile, but I am very happy, my 7th day, no cheating...I planted a couple of small flowers...I love the gardening...now to start a new painting...I am so lucky to have found this group...
Well done Terry on very nearly 1 whole week, those flowers will smell soooo much better this year so make sure you plant lots of pretty smelly ones, in a nice way obviously haha
Terry, a great big fantastic well done to you gal, a flippin whole week quit now
Ermmm, as for your little problem, just wandering if you eat much fruit ?? something like grapes cos I snack on peanuts and raisins and they help me to go
erm, you know where eh
Thanks, nuts are good, and I was reading how healthy flaxseeds are, but I by them ground, because the outer part has to come off....I'll try blending them with liquid...
It may be tiny, but it’s mighty: The flax seed carries one of the biggest nutrient payloads on the planet. And while it’s not technically a grain, it has a similar vitamin and mineral profile to grains, while the amount of fiber, antioxidants, and Omega-3 fatty acids in flax leaves grains in the dust.
Okay, to the mighty flaxseed...we'll try it NOW !
Hi TerryOR, just read your post and you brought the nurse out in me. I think (possibly unknowingly a lot of people had more regular 'movements' with the old weed! However - for me - if I had the one fag - it would start me off again. And of course - the problem will go on repeating itself. A bit self-defeating really!! Off the shelf medicines are worth a go - Lactulose is pretty good and can be sold from the pharmacy - or senna or even the old fashion Prunes. ;D - that fag (according to the Red Indian sayings) is like having 2 wolves on your shoulders. One says "I want a fag" the other says " I won't give in". the Red Indian says - which Wolf will win? The answer is " The one I feed the most will be the stronger and will win through"
At first it is an almighty battle to keep away from that "just one puff" FEED the wolf that is saying I won't give in!! How's that for 8 am - phew need a brew.
Thank you so much for answering,
I've accepted I've always had a problem in That respect...
And cigarettes did help....no doubt..
But I have prunes ugh! Taking metramucil, and bought some flaxseed.....so look out world......
And yes, I eat fruit and vegetables.....
I had headaches for years until I discovered 'That' was my problem . Chronic C-----------
But It is too easy to say that is a reason to smoke....
And I refuse to smoke
We all have some kind of problems, and we have to find our own cures......but thanks to wonderful people like you,
We don't have to go it alone....I REALLY APPRECIATE you answering me...I never heard of lactulose, will check it out
You are an Angel
because nicotine is a stimulant and boosts the metabolism big time! So therefore you would poop more often. If you use e-cigs you won't get constipation or put on weight. It's the loss of nicotine that causes people problems when quitting smoking or e-cigarettes. But with e-cigs you are not getting carcinogens (toxic chemicals)
That is very true....I looked it up.
Still had a bit of trouble in that respect, but o.k.
More liquids, fiber,
I hope I haven't gained to much, but suspect "yes"
I go to my weight -loss group tomorrow to face the medicine....the e-cig doesn't give me the same ' kick-start'
the regular cigs gave me...physycologically or physically,
Despite what 'google' might say......but they sure are better than ' cold turkey' for me, personally.
I stopped cold turkey two years ago, for 3 months, had a headache everyday for the first 3 weeks......no thanks..
For myself, I prefer stopping with some aid.....( e-cigs)
Hi, the constipation is pretty awful isn't it? I've never been very 'regular' but since stopping cigs I am having to take laxative regularly. I keep thinking I'm dehydrated too which may be a factor. It's 5 months for me now and I'm wondering when it's gonna get back to normal! But I can say, without a doubt, it's all worth it and I wouldn't go back if I can help it.
I'm with Emjay, anything worrying us quitters should be checked out.
Thanks Rozi, I forget to drink waters, and THAT DEFINITELY HELPS,and green teas, and juses, definitely ....l do love coffee, but one person says that dehydrates us, and another says it doesn't......wish they would make up their mind.....I'm going to put flaxseed in my blender and drink it with liquid.....I guess it all just takes a bit more effort.....smoking was soooo easy...sigh!
Hi Pete
Just off to work.....thanks for the suggestion. Grapes no good but I have overdosed on dried apricots in the past!

Glad to meet you, jenny54, by the way.......
I've only been off cigarettes a couple of weeks now,
Love this group....
Hope you keep in touch
The man in store put me on 1.8 nicotine = about 20 cigarettes a day

Dried prunes, chop em up and snack or tinned prunes gets the best results or syrup of figs but not so keen on that one but does the job ha ha