Hi, I'm new to this and quitting today...I've tried lots of times but I'm determined to do it this time. Any tips to get me through the first few days?
About to quit: Hi, I'm new to this and quitting... - Quit Support
About to quit

Hi there, you've come to the right place for advice and support. I guess it depends just how you plan on quitting. Are you going to be using Nicotine Replacement therapy or quitting cold turkey ? I used (as do many others on here) an Ecig and that got me through just fine but it's really a question of thinking about what makes you smoke (stress, boredom,hunger)known as triggers, when you smoke (early mornings,after a meal, before bed) and trying to find stuff to do to change those habits like maybe doing some housework going for a walk, going to the gym, having a bath etc.I'd be totally lying if I said it was going to be easy because it's not but write out a list of what you want to achieve by stopping smoking and put it where you can see it so when you get a craving you can look at it. Try deep breathing exercises (EmJay our advisor posted some on here ages ago so try to search for them) they help to get thru the cravings.If you're going out for a drink maybe take just enough money for a couple of drinks and nothing else so you're not tempted to buy cigs.Good Luck, I'm sure there'll be others along to chip in soon. H

Hello and welcome seaside-girl, Helen has virtually said it all I will bo the breathing exercises on for you. Meanwhile I put a post on today for over 100 things to do instead of smoking. Keep us all informed. xx

Breathing exercise (1)
1 reply
Cravings lead to irritation and sometimes panic, causing the quitter’s mind to speed up. When this occurs, concentrating becomes hard. Using a deep breathing exercise is an effective way of calming yourself down.
This exercise can be done anywhere from sitting down in a chair to waiting for a bus. Follow the simple stages described below;
With your mouth closed and shoulders relaxed, inhale deeply and slowly to the count of eight.
As you breathe in, push your stomach out.
Hold your breath for the count of four.
Breathe out slowly to the count of eight.
Repeat the cycle five times

Breathing Exercise (2) How to cough up what's not supposed to be there...
2 replies
When you first stop smoking, you may feel that you have more phlegm and mucus on your chest. This may cause you to feel a bit rattly and as though you need to 'cough something up'... Doesn't sound very nice, I know but this is a good sign.
At the end of the day, you are only coughing up what is not supposed to be there!
1. Stand up with your legs your shoulder width apart.
2. Put you hands on your hips.
3. Take a long, deep breath in through your nose - Very slowly.
4. When you feel like you have taken your fill of air in, take another little bit more.
5. Keeping your hands on your hips, slowly bend over forward. As you do, blow your breath out slowly through your mouth. Making a blowing noise as you do.
6. When you have pushed out that final bit of breath, stand up and give a gentle cough.
Repeat this 3 times.

Breathing Exercise (3)To help slow a busy mind down and help with a good night’s rest
Before you try going to sleep, think about your day, and try and clear your mind. Is anything worrying you? If so think about whether or not you can do anything about it. Focus on all the positive things that have gone well for you, how good you feel about them or the things that have happened during your day. Any negative thoughts you may have collect them all together and have them ready to leave your body.
Once you have done this, close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
Breathe in and out a few times, in your own time
Next, take in a nice, long, slow, deep breath through your nose
Breathe out a nice long sigh through your mouth
Repeat this 3 -4 times
As you feel yourself ready to relax, shrug your shoulders up towards your ears and then let them drop
Focus again on your breathing, now think of the number 10 as you breathe in
As you breathe out, see the number 10 leave your mind.
Feeling any tension leaving your body as you do this.
Next, breathe in nice and slowly as you think of number 9
As number 9 leaves your mind, breathe out slowly.
As you breathe in, see the number 8
Imagine every bit of worry within you being caught up in your breath and being pushed out
as you see the number 8 leaving your body,
taking everything that concerns you away.
Continue to focus on your breathing
Imagining with each breath in, you are gathering up every bit of tension from every part of your body.
Every breath out takes all this tension away.
As you see the number 7 enter your mind,
feel the activity within your head and thoughts starting to slow right down
breathing in and then out, feeling more and more relaxed each time as the numbers leave your mind.
Your breathing should now be nice and slow, your heart and pulse will be more relaxed and your mind will feel so at eased.
As you slowly count your way down the numbers, you should be feeling ever so relaxed and the days worries and stresses should be as far away from your mind as possible.
The more you practice this breathing exercise, the easier it should become everytime.

Good luck you will be fine. You have come to the right place are you going cold turkey? X
Well done you, best decision you will ever make for your health yes Helen has pretty much said it all, we all have different cravings and symptoms through quitting but there is always someone on hand to talk you through them and let you know you are not and, welcome to our family we all all musketeers fighting the same cause let us know how you go on and good luck seaside girl one the name by the way presumably you live near the seaside?

Hi ya Seaside Girl, a big warm welcome to this lovely quit site gal
I think the Girls have said it all, but if you need help or just want a rant & rave, then come on here and flippin shout about it gal Oh are you using any NRT ( nicotine replacement therapy ) ? cos if you are, there's loads of advice and tips on how to use it
Good luck, keep us posted eh, Pete
Aw thanks everyone, I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the support! This seems like such a lovely place and friendly place yes I live by the seaside in Southend, looking forward to finally being able to smell the sea air lol. I think I'm going to get an e cigarette rather than go cold turkey, what do you think? Thanks so much for the breathing exercises and lovely messages, I feel better about quitting already
Hi there seaside girl...im new too, on day 6 now .cant believe im saying that as I didn't think I would make it to this! I have been using the e cig and its helped loads...don't think I could of done it without it tbh. Using patches too for now...and there really helping. Good luck.xx Ps...visit southend quite often....im an Essex girl too
Hi seaside girl im on day 4 and using a vaporiser presently i dont feel deprived. Feel a bit heady but apparently that will pass. I just couldnt do cold turkey i have read allan carr book but thats just not for me. Also tried patches before and completed whole program. But i have always found after 5-6 months i grieve dunno why. Hopefully i can still use vaporiser without nicotine if i need too. Good luck
So far so good, it's been 4 days and I'm really struggling but haven't given in! Been really moody and snappy, just hoping it'll get better soon xx

Hey Seaside_girl, try and see how you are feeling as a positive way in that your body is just recognising that you are not getting all those 4,000 plus poisonous toxins that you would from smoking cigarettes
See it as a sign of recovery
Did you end up buying anything to help you to stop? NRT or and e-cig?
Stay focused and you'll be grand - Fast heading to the end of week one