Morning all. I'm a 27 year old man and after 11 years of smoking I am now starting day 4 of being a non smoker. Things at the moment seem pretty good. It doesn't seem as bad as i thought it would be. Is this normal or is there likely to be surprises along the way?
Newbie in here: Morning all. I'm a 27 year old... - Quit Support
Newbie in here

Good morning thiett, Welcome to quit support. Everyone is different with their quitting, some find it easier than others.
Are you going cold turkey, or using nrt. ? I would certainly make the most of how you feel , may be you have the right attitude and will quit without any problems. If you do have difficult times just call on here there is always someone to help and support you. Roll on day 5
and well done!
I am following the nicorette patchs program, which I feel are really helping. I am doing it together my partner. supporting each other. She's going cold turkey. The weekend was momenterily hard, especially sat out in a pub garden yesturday in the sun with others smoking around me but it was more about I'd usally have a ciggy now than I want one. Im starting to think that my smoking was more towards social and routine. How did you start your journey?
I'm REALLY glad that it's not been as hard as you thought. It helps to have support which you clearly have, keep each other on the straight and narrow.I used an Ecig (I'd been a smoker for nearly 40 years !!) which I think was what got me through.
I've now been nicotine free for 8 weeks (Ecig has gone into the cupboard!!) and I'm doing fine, still have the odd 'I really miss the cigs' moments but that's more to do with the memory of it than the actual nicotine withdrawal.Get to day 14 and I reckon that you well and truly have things sorted for me day 14 was the no turning back point.I'm EXTREMELY proud of my 6 month quit (6 months yesterday) and the money I've saved has gone towards a return trip to Thailand this September.Good Luck to you and your partner I have NO DOUBT that you'll both succeed. Helen
Well done to you for 6 month. Its great to see such a great comunity on here to support each other. I was looking at those e-cigs but thought I wanted to wean off the nicotine too. knowing me i'd just move over to them. It must be lovely to have saved that much for such an adventure. I am going to do the same to keep us inspired, but will probably have to give it to bank of mum as i a rubbish at saving money!! lol

Hi Thiett,
I also had a chest infection back in Jan,could not smoke for coughing,so was smoke free for 7 days unwilling to cough my guts up anymore.After a week my chest got easier,with the help of some antibiotics,but decided to stay off the fags.
At the moment fags to me smell great,my wife is still smoking,although I would like a fag I have no desire for one if that makes sense???
Also my chest is the best it's been for years,no weasing at night
I do get urges now and again,but kick Mr Nic out the door x speak soon Nick
Hi Nick. Can understand where you are coming from on that. I wasn't too bad recently, just had a bout of man flu, but the mrs had a chest infection and had to take anti-bi's and steroids so it was time for bye bye ciggy's. She actually pursuaded me. Can understand in regards the smell of fresh smoke is still quite luring as I walk into the city at lunch but I sat next to someone who smokes this morning on the bus and... well.. cant believe I possibly smelt like that to others. Do you use any NRT or was the chest infection enough to keep you cold turkey.

Aup Thiett, a big warm welcome to this lovely quit site pal
You sound to me like you and your partner have got things sorted, it must be really nice to help each other
So your using the patches, same as me, you will probably find that they leave a red mark on you, this will itch, but only for a few days, then your body will get used to them
Like the others have said, we are all different, and maybe the quit for you will be easy but please stay focused and positive, cos you never know when or how hard mr nic will strike
Good luck to you and your partner please keep in touch
Morning Pete. Thank you for your welcome. We are on day 5 and doing ok me thinks but deffo know what your saying bout cravings. Chilled out at home with a few beers last nite and bang. It still feels wierd, so might have to keep alcohol down a notch till we are a bit more settled. Im so glad i bought a nico inhalator as it got some use. But today is another day and feel grand.. although forgot to put a patch on this morning so think i might have to take a wander down to the chemist.

Hey thiett welcome well done on what you and your partner have achieved so far!! And you've certainly come to the right place for support :). I couldn't do it without this crazy bunch
..............(oops did I type that out loud???!)

Hey thiett, welcome to our happy place
Congratulations on making one of the best decisions that you can for the better of your health
Take each moment of the day as it happens, be ready to deal with any cravings and those that you do get, see it as a positive sign that your body is recovering from all those poisonous chemicals that you have been feeding it over the past 11 years.
The more cravings / symptoms of recovery that you get through, then the stronger you will become
Let me know your quit date, and I'll pop your name up on our Wall of Winners - the place where every quitter is a winner
Remember that you can do this
Many thanks for the welcome Em Jay. You have got a good space on here and friendly. No preeching, but good honest help and banter. I am very proud to say that I put my last cigarette out at 23:55 on Thursday March 6th. So well over 100 hours ago now (not long, but sounds good to me!!)
Who's on here that's crazy ?? : ) Hugs Mardi,how's everything with you flower?Hel x