OMG: What's wrong with me today? I am vaping... - Quit Support

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annrich profile image
10 Replies

What's wrong with me today? I am vaping,havent had a real cig for 2 weeks but how I miss that smelly dirty smoke.Makes me wonder what I am actually addicted to? Can't be the nicotine as I get that from the ecig vapour?So why crave a cig?

Any other vappers feel the same? xx

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annrich profile image
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10 Replies
EmJay profile image

Hey Annrich, there's nothing wrong with you today. How you are feeling is pretty darn normal. I could be wrong but I reckon you aren't missing "that smelly dirty smoke" - (as you say), you just THINK you do...

Ths is all part of the psychological process and so therefore you shoud see how you are feeling as a positive sign of recover. Those little blighters of triggers in your mind are still trying to trick you into believing that (most of) the things that you once disliked about smoking, you now love... I hope that makes sense... Please don't be reeled in, we are here to help you through this and you really can do this!

annrich profile image

Thanks for being there Emjay.You are right of course but it's hurting...almost like a bereavement.I was actually questioning what I have in my life today,I have everything I need husband kids grand kids good job nice home so why miss some inanimate thing that can actually risk my life.I now empathise so much with drug addicts.

I guess I am just a bit flat today as the novelty of quitting cigs has eased away.I know I'll get through it.I am no longer a smoker.Another few weeks and I'll ween off the vaping.I will do this, today is just a bad day.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to annrich

Hi ya Anny :) am so sorry your having a bad day gal, but I'm afraid, Like Emjay has said, it seems to be part of the package when quitting :o It will get easier gal, you just see :)

Like you say, in your life, you have everythink you need, but if you dont mind, I would like to add a little something to that, ''your body and mind'' :)

Hmmmmm, you also say, your a bit flat today, so ave got something for ya :D :D

Take care now Anny :)

LawnRanger profile image

Hi are doing really well, my trick was to keep mind and hands busy. I am on day 67 and have managed to be NRT free for 3 weeks now (patches and mouth strips). My saviour was reading books, not the Kindle, books that you have to turn pages on..keeping your mind and hands busy. I got through 2 autobiographies in a week easily. I also suffered insomnia as I also gave up coffee at the same time, my routine was outside with a huge mug of coffee to have a smoke. I found reading also helped with the insomnia. Walk past someone who has recently had a cigarette and that will put you off the "nice" smoky smell. Go to bed earlier and you cross the days off quicker too ;-) Keep going and buy yourself a little treat with the money that you have saved so deserve it!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to LawnRanger

Aup Ranger, not seen you on here for a bit :) 67 days quit now then, thats just flippin fantanidoublouse gal :) :) :) erm, am not sure whether I've spelt that rite ;) :D :D

No NRT at all now then, thats just ACE gal, huh, typical flippin Woman, I expect you want a gold medal for it now dont you :o Ooooooooooo go on then :) :)

If you dont flippin like it, flippin tough :P :D :D

Hey, you take care now Ranger, its lovely to hear from you again :) :)

LawnRanger profile image
LawnRanger3 MONTH WINNER in reply to monky

Thank you for my medal ;-)

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER

It's like the addiction is more to the activity than the nicotine. Our minds process cravings in weird ways. Hope you are feeling better about it now

jules56 profile image

i am a vaper. whats happening is your missing the get the cig out the packet. putting it in your mouth and lighting up habbit ! yes this is the hardest habbit to kick.its been your comfort blanket for years!!! now its gone. but! the way i did it was to say out loud i"ITs No DIFFERENT" then i would ecig vape. strange i know but it worked for me. the other thing i would do was to have a cig pack on the sheff and say to it "no dont need you now - its no different!" got to get your brain to co-operate and let the cigs know you mean business! on the far less wierd side. i would say dont try and reduce nic level too soon. it can leave you wanting. wait untill you are really happy vapping and the ciggey thoughts have gone. this can take a while. but you can get there. chin up keep going. it will happen.

kirsty72 profile image

I am 3 weeks today free on the dreaded cig, but I vape too, have patches, and gum. I still crave. I sometimes want to just go to the shop and buy a pack of 10, but what I do to stop myself is go to walk to the shop via someone who is smoking, then realise the smell is horrible, then walk back home without them.

There are occasions, when someones ciggie does smell nice, and I want to breathe it in for a split second, but that's when I reach for the gum. Most of the time though someone else's cigarette smoke smells horrible. It also smells horrible when someone has had a ciggie and it's lingering on their clothes etc. Makes me realise how pleased I am that I don't smell like them anymore. You don't realise how bad you actually did smell till you smell someone else!! xx

yellowsnowdrop profile image

What you also have to remember is how horrible a cig would taste now that you've been off them.This is my 4th quit attempt & I can still remember how awful those first few cigs tasted after being off them.I vaped for about 3 months or so and some days are just easier than others.You're still in very early days of your quit tho remember you've done the hardest bit in that you've gone 2 weeks without a cig which is brilliant.I felt exactly the same as you in that I felt I had lost a friend but that friend was killing me slowly and in reality do you really want a 'friend' like that in your life? Stay strong, you can do this. H

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