Just worked out that I would have smoked 250 fags in the last 25 days if I had still been smoking. How disgusting! Hope everyone is doing well today, I always find it easier at night cos I know I don't have to go out into the cold.
OMG!: Just worked out that I would have smoked... - Quit Support
It's shocking isn't it Kizwiz? Have you worked out how much you would have spent?
Would have been about ยฃ75. See these facts make me determined never to be a smoker again!!!!
Wowser, I hope you've treated yourself then! You deserve it
Thats good news.Im glad its not just me thats celebrating the eariy days of abstinence. Yesterday was the 1st day that i never thought of a cancer stick. Its 5 weeks tomorrow for me.One day at a time. Thank you.
Well done to everyone (including me) who is giving up the evil weed. We can do it.
Hi Nixy
Sorry about this direct approach but how are you doing, what is the score between you and that evil weed ? "evil weed" being rather an accurate description !!
Best wishes
Mr NOPE and all that
Hi Quit, like most of us I am battling away every day to stay away from nasty Nic. I did stop for 6 months but started again when dad died, he was 92 so had a good long life but it was still a shock. Smoked 20 a day for 4 months and gave up again, had no option really felt so ill. Noe I have been smoke free for 1 month and 2 days, just tootling along taking each day as it comes. As you will know some days are easier than others. Last night I was thinking of the rotten things all evening. I tried many times over the years to kick the habit, tried champix patches ect., I think champix suits me best. The weight is another problem and if I get much bigger I won't be able to haul myself out of bed. I will try and sort that out after Xmas, Hope you are still free of nasty nic, keep going it will be worth it in the end.
Hi Nixy
Well thanks for your answer .... and very well done in your continued battle to now be over a month free. I think last time you were posting it wasn't going too well so this is one big turnaround. Yeah glad to say I have clocked up 3 months, in fact nearly 4 so just so glad about this because any cravings are very weak now.
Other problems have surfaced and weight is one of the main ones but all in all so glad to be free from this horrible addiction.
Have a good evening & best wishes
Brilliant all of you, did anyone see the Tonight programme on Alcohol consumption? They lined up all the glasses of wine this woman would have drunk in a week, she was really really shocked, I'm sure we would feel the same if anyone did that to us! Eeek.
The look on her face when she was told not to drink at all for 6 months made me smile. At least she can have a drink at some point in the future whereas us smokers are condemned to abstinence for ever.
Yes I know! She looked shocked, I wonder if I could do that??? Do I want to??? Mmm, Personally would never have exposed myself on TV with something like that, on the other hand she was brave but yes it did make me smile as well!
I wonder if a lot of this drinking 'cos I deserve it I've worked hard today, had a bad day, stressed etc' is down to the immense pressure many people are under at work. We work to live, not live to work, I think its time employers recognised this fact.
I agree!