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3 Replies

Tomorrow because come tomorrow, everything and I do mean everything, will change and if the saying all change is for the better is true, then tomorrow, Thursday, 6th June, 2013, is going to change my life for ever and ever.

I am, would you believe, basically a shy person. I don’t really mix that well and if I am going somewhere that I have not been before and meeting new people, I get so nervous I am sometimes physically sick but yesterday, I hitched up my knickers and walked into our local chemist and asked about smoking cessation. Yeah, me, the one who went it alone for 7+ weeks has now asked for help and I have received it.

Took a lot of courage – more than when I quit to be honest because it involved speaking/talking to what was to begin with a comparative stranger, but I am so glad I did it because I now have that bit more confidence to dig deep and start again.

Now as you know, I am always honest and I did fully intend to start my journey on Monday with another one of our members but regrettably, we both succumbed to the things yet again but they started their journey yesterday so I understand and I start mine tomorrow.

I have spent the past hour reading the leaflets that came with my inhalator and nasal spray and am going to give them a try but the young lady (and bear in mind anyone under 30 is young to me :-/ ) did say that I could change them to something else in two weeks should I wish to. Couldn’t believe how nice she was – no condemnation, no talking down just a bright and bubbly young girl who wanted to help ME and she certainly accomplished that.

I shall only use these two things should I really, really be desperate but the fact that they are there means that I now have, for the short term anyway, an alternative to puffing on a fag. So that has to be good – well I think so.

No more 5 pm’ish longing will now be satisfied with a real fag – inhalator, you may just be what I need but only for a short while because I don’t intend getting hooked/addicted to you, you may become an acquaintance but I’m very sorry but I don’t want you as a long term friend! :P :P

See how I go with these two items and I promise not to bore you all to death with how it goes tomorrow. Well, I don’t think I will but you never know :D :D !!!!!

3 Replies

Thanks Madi - scared but excited as well because I know how much I can benefit from NOT smoking but as you say, at long last, I've seen the light and it's up to me now to make sure that it carries/stays burning brightly.

EmJay profile image

Kath, you have simply used all your past practice attempts as part of your planning process. Those who plan are more likely to be successful at quitting smoking long term.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how you get there or when you get there. What counts is the fact that you keep on keeping on until you do get there.

We are all here to support you and support each other, so stay positive and carry on heading forward :D

Good for you! I can recommend the inhalator. Someone with the will power to go 7 weeks without anything, has it in them to do it with a little help for sure. I am doing what madimad said, hour by hour. And time never goes back (unless you are Dr Who) it always marches forward, so every minute that passes is taking you on your way to what you want.

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