THE MACHINE .....: 16/05/2013 THE MACHINE Good... - Quit Support

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16/05/2013 THE MACHINE

Good evening all – hope you’ve had a good day, for a Thursday that is, and I’ve been wondering all today how Monky can sound so flipping chirpy so early in the morning and two days running at that – definitely want to know his secret!

My machine is now ‘together’ in that the battery is fitted and is nicely charging up. Never had a machine like this before but there again I’ve never felt like a “yuppie” before so there’s always a first time for everything. I’ve treated myself to a Laptop Netbook so that I will, (very) hopefully, be able to access the internet at work and therefore keep up with what’s on the board during the daytime instead of trying to take it all in early evening and into the night. It is so small and so light, it’s only about 12” x 6” when closed and weighs 1.25 kilo (which I think is about 3lbs give or take an ounce or two in old money). Won’t be using it tomorrow but can’t wait for our neighbour to come tomorrow night to finish it off – he’s going to and I quote set it up for you unquote. So roll on tomorrow night. It’s got one of them fancy things at the bottom where you ‘scroll’ if that’s the right word so after work tomorrow, I’m going down to the local computer shop to see if I can get a wireless mouse to use with it as that is what I’m used to. Will let you know how I get on tomorrow. It has Windows 8 on it and I’m told by some they don’t like it as much as Windows 7 but others say it is brill! If anyone has anything to add, whether it be for or against Windows 8, I would be interested to know please.

Today has not been as Thursday go - at least I haven’t had a migraine and it was fine for both walks but then the heavens opened and boy, did it bounce. Our road was more like a river there was that much water the drains couldn’t cope with it all. It would seem that the forecast is the same for the next few days – never mind summer, what happened to spring?!

This was going to be a lot longer but I’m still very tired after the migraine yesterday so will save what I was going to say until tomorrow – I bet you can’t wait can you? What do you mean – the longer the wait the better! Oh well, at least if I don’t wear my hearing aids, I won’t be able to hear the sighs and moans but I do promise to try and make it interesting.

Hope you all have a good evening and enjoy a peaceful and restful sleep filled up with sweet dreams.

Take care everyone.

Luv, hug and a great big :D because every time I look at my machine it makes me grin cos it’s a lot better than something else I know.

Night all


PS Photo taken at about 6.15 am this morning and even I am impressed. Taken again with my little Kodak which never seems to let me down.

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4 Replies
bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Hi Kath

Love the pic. You are so correct about missing spring that I think we are now in the 18th month of winter :-o :D :D :D :-o

Lucky you new laptop. :-) I'm not very pc savvy, :-o so good for you. :D :D

Think I'll do some sewing then bed at 11.30/12ish read book for half hour then sleep until 6am tomorrow before it all starts again. Yipee Friday.....then a weekend with no plans...heaven :D :D

Have a great night Chat soon :-)

Sue xx

LilyMay73 profile image

Hi Kath,

Really nice pic, sometimes it's worth being up early just to catch a little something special :) Hopefully spring/summer won't be far away now although it's been a really nice day here so I'm not going to complain, just hope it holds for the weekend when I'm free of the office and can enjoy it properly.

Sleep well and here's to a good Friday :)

Lily x

Betts profile image

It is exciting getting your new netbook. Things come in such small packages now. I type all these posts on my little Blackberry phone, which is partly why there are so many mistakes! I have been so pleased to get internet, emails, calendar and everything on this tiny device.

Well, must go. Glad it's Friday tomorrow, and looking forward to muminlaw coming for a few days from tomorrow. Get a bed changed and keep bringing in the tea etc

Sleep well, dream something lovely, and wake bright and breezy on the morrow :)

Big hug warmly returned :) xx

Betts profile image

Sorry about that, if it's for me. Carried away. Will try and do better :)

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