I have no one to talk with. I live with my husband but since his stroke in 2017 but he really can't speak well and has severe tinnitus. He spends his days on his laptop with noise cancelling headphones on to control his tinnitus better. He also has a feeding tube due to stroke, he can't swallow anything.
I don't have any friends because I don't trust or like people anymore, probably due to all of the abuse by others most of my life. I have family but they all live in the opposite side of the country (US). I was in therapy until I could no longer pay my copay but I was making progress and was going to try EMDR for my C-PTSD.
I am struggling very hard with not having any emotional and physical connections. Due to my husband's health issues he can't hold or hug me nor kiss me, I really miss and need that. I have my 2 service dogs but I need more than what they can do. I feel like I've been treading water for years and don't know what I can do to stop it.
I have had 7 deaths over the last 5 years of family members but haven't been able to process them. I've had too many stressful daily events to battle through such as finding affordable housing before my lease is up. Trying to deal with my health issues, my husband's worsening health and the health of my aging service dogs.
I'm hoping getting these things out there will help me reduce some of my depression and anxiety. Thanks to anyone that has read all of this.