I was in a very abusive relationship for just over a year. This man had narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. I did not know any of these things at the start of the relationship; he treated me like a queen. And then, it was like something snapped, and his true self was revealed. I blamed myself and assumed I did something wrong to make this happen, but now I see that he was just showing his true colors. He would give me back handed compliments and criticize my body, abuse me emotionally, and physically. He was so manipulative that I felt there was something wrong with me the whole time, and I was feeling very suicidal.
Now, I see it for what it is. My therapist has diagnosed me with PTSD. I have flashbacks very often, and I am right back in that horrible situation. Sometimes, I vividly recall something he said or did.
I am reaching out to share my experience and connect with others who suffer from frequent flashbacks. Is there anything that you have done that helps this?
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.