Has anyone used a care home near the New F... - PSP Association

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Has anyone used a care home near the New Forest in Hampshire?

Lorri-2 profile image
2 Replies

I'm looking for a care/nursing home for some respite if anyone knows of one they would recommend please let me know. Tony spent a week in a nursing home but it was a total disaster.

Love to you all


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2 Replies

Have you tried asking your PSPA rep? They may know of people with expertise in PSP either to support the stay or have some input in the home in the way of staff knowledge and understanding. It has taken a long time to get things established and fine tuned in the home my mum is in due to the size and amount of staff shifts. even though they are lovely as far as keeping mum clean fed and watered is concerned. We are mostly there but I still have to keep a close eye to ensure they keep to the care plan.

One tip I can pass on is that if you find a home that has 7 or 8 day shifts at least if you may be able to time it so you only have to brief one set of day shift people and the night staff in caring for him. What were the things that didn't work? Are you able to draw up a draft care plan of your own so they have something to work from? Another tip is to get other relatives or friends to visit on a rota and keep a check for you so that you get the rest you need.


Lorri-2 profile image

Hi Dianne

Thanks for your reply. I had a very good care plan written by the care home deputy manager, she assured me that they could cater for all Tony's needs. After I complained things seemed a little better, the manager told me that she would make sure the nursing staff signed that they had read the care plan. I had put written PSP information in his room with a hand written sheet about his care, including the fact that if his eyes were closed he was probably awake.

Equipment that I had asked for was not in place. Medication not given on time. No eyecare given so that he could open his eyes. Food did not meet his nutritional needs. I had to explain to the nurse about his conveene as the same leg bag was attached even though I had taken night bags for him, this gave him his first UTI. He hadn't been washed because they thought he was asleep. I was told that they would give him a bath, the first in years but this never happened. On my last visit before he came home there were four items of rubbish on the floor. The complaint is quite long.

It is such a shame because everything seemed good when I went to visit, I got so stressed and hate making complaints. I haven't found another care home that is able to meet Tonys needs but hopefully I will find one. I only get 8 hours out of the house a week to shop etc. so would love to find a good care home near here. I am so glad that your mum is being looked after well and you have family and friends to make a rota of visits to ensure good care, it means that you can spend quality time with her when you are there. My mum was in a small but good care home in Kent.

Take care and I hope that you and your family have a lovely Christmas


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