A warm hello to readers and followers of my personal journey with early onset dementia and a rare terminal brain disease, PSP - progressive supranuclear palsy. The books are my fundraising platform with 100% of royalties going to PSP non-profits to help raise disease awareness and accelerate research towards treatment and ultimately a cure. If you have read any or all of the books, I would kindly ask that you leave a review here and on Amazon. I would like to further promote the books at my expense, but require a minimum of 15 reviews (verifiable purchase).
The more reviews a book receives, the better positioning it has among the six million titles. A better positioned book can produce better sales. Higher sales equate to more royalties. Better royalties means more money to the PSP-CBD non-profits who support and partner with research. The first survivor of PSP-CBD is out there. Let's not become another statistic. With your help, we can make it happen.