Spoiler: It's many different things and this is why each person's journey is a little different.
Prof. Huw Morris is a leading UK Neurologist specialising in PSP and CBD. He has a number of research teams covering different areas.
One of his research areas is leading up the PROSPECT UK wide study which aims to find better diagnosis regimens. The idea of this is that the more precisely PSP and CBD can be diagnosed then the more precisely causes and treatments research can be targetted.
This is an excerpt from an interview in the Spring copy of PSP Assoc. Journal.
"Research has also helped us to improve the diagnosis of PSP. Due to an increasing understanding of the condition, the diagnostic criteria have bee revised to be broader because we now know that people have varying types of PSP, different to the classical form. However diagnosis remains a challenging area and I know many people with PSP have initially been mis-diagnosed. One problem is that the disease features are not specific to PSP, with some people initially having symptoms that are similar to Parkinson's disease. One of the ways we are trying to improve diagnosis is by developing biomarker. We are currently comparing biomarkers of 2,000 patients with Parkinson's and PSP to see how they are different."
The whole article can be read here.
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If you are in the UK why not subscribe and make a small donation to the Assoc. at the same time? It's a good read and they are doing amazing things with few funds. It was they that kicked off the funding for the PROSPECT research.