Kathy soul is free: After a long 6 years... - PSP Association

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Kathy soul is free

Birdman34265 profile image
31 Replies

After a long 6 years battle with PSP brain disorder Kathy is now free,I looked after her all that time except the last 6 months. I was with her till the end.she was only 28kg .she was so courageous in her fight against this disease ,she had lost so much weight I will always treasure the happy times we spent together, many trips in the motorhome in the wheelchair, even though I had a heart attack in 2014 I carried on looking after her. The covid virus made it hard to se her and was a big strain on me, at least I saw her the last week of her life.the pain for me pass in time but she will always be remembered as a loving wife and mother to my two sons, thanks to you all for your love and support xx Peter

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Birdman34265 profile image
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31 Replies
Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Peter send you my deepest condolences, she is in a much better place away from this horrible illness. You looked after kathy amazingly, you must be happy you were able to see her, big hugs Yvonne xx.

honjen43 profile image

Oh Peter! Am sorry to hear your news, although not unexpected. And yet am glad for you both that the battle is finally won.

Kathy was a kind gentle person and I was so pleased to be able to meet her. She also beat Covid-19 and you were able to visit her at the end.

Take time to grieve and remember the life you had together, like picking daffodils. There is no hurry. Just take your time.

Great to talk to you today!



bazooka111 profile image

I am so very sorry for your loss.

Tippyleaf profile image

Dear Peter

So very sorry for your loss but also relieved you were able to see her in her last days.

That is a beautiful photo of the two of you.

Please take care of yourself now and do what feels right for you.

Sending lots of love at this difficult time Tippy xxxx

doglington profile image

My condolences Peter. Its so sad but I am pleased you were able to be with her at the end.

Its been a long road and the next bit is hard too. Look after yourself now. Lots of love from Jean xxx

SewBears profile image

Dear Peter,

These are the most difficult posts to hear about and I’m so sorry for your loss of beautiful Kathy. You were able to be with her for the last week and I’m sure that must have meant the world to both of you. She will live on inside your heart and make you stronger. The good memories will always be there. Take care of yourself now, you’re due!

LostinHeadSpace profile image


Deepest condolences. You have been a hero.

Thanks for sharing the picture.

NannaB profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss Peter. Kathy is now free. The lovely photo shows how you cared for her and had happy times even with this awful condition and I hope you can soon have more happy memories than sad ones.

Take care of yourself.


Willow_rob profile image

I am so sorry to read of your loss. I do know how you feel, I lost Mary last November after a 2 year struggle with PSP. Take care of yourself now.

A big hug Peter.


Hiking13 profile image

I am so sorry to read this, take good care of yourself as this next bit is difficult in a different way. Take your time and grieve at your own pace and take comfort from the fact that Kathy is at peace now.

Sending lots of love


HilsandR profile image

Dear Peter,

These are the saddest posts to read and the most difficult to find the right words for. Kathy was courageous and so were you. You supported her along the most long and difficult road, your love for her never faltering. I hope you find peace in the days, weeks and months ahead; when you are ready, dig deep into your treasure trove of memories, there will be tears but you will smile again.



DenB profile image

So sorry for your loss Peter.

So glad that you could be with your dear wife at the end.

D x

Megabrew88 profile image

So sorry for you loss.

May she rest in peace.

I’m sure sure she’s eternally grateful to you for looking after her all these years, as I know from personal experience that it’s not a mean feat.

Take care of yourself.

Love and light,


Katiebow profile image

Dear Peter, so sorry that you have lost your loving wife to PSP, it’s a cruel disease, it was made even harder during the Covid pandemic. Be proud that you loved and cared for her for as long as was possible and that she Is free from the All of the terrible things that PSP inflicts. Take time to grieve In your own way.

Sending love

Kate xxx

Heady profile image

Dear Peter, I am so sorry to hear that Kathy has passed away. May she rest in peace, finally free from this evil disease.

Now it's your turn to use those hard learnt caring skills on yourself. This next road is just as bumpy as the PSP journey. Take care, be kind to yourself.

Sending big hug and much love

Lots of love


daddyt profile image

So very sorry for your loss Peter. Kathy has earned her wings and her souls is flying high. Hugs and prayers.


Sorry to hear. Even knowing it would happen it is always a shock when it does.

georgeg25 profile image

My deepest condolences Peter. May Kathy Rest In Peace free from PSP. The journey ahead is just as difficult in a different way. Travel it in the way that suits you best. Sending prayers 🙏 for some peace and comfort for you in the days and months ahead. 🙏🙏🙏

Peter, such a lovely photo of both of you.... Sending Gentle Hugs... Granni B

Lisajwalters profile image

Bless you Peter my dear dad is in a home in his late stages of PSP I can identify with so much of what you have said . The pain and heartache we endure watching our most precious loved ones suffer this awful disease is hard to put into words . Hold those beautiful memories tight of your dear wife and find some comfort is knowing as you so beautifully say she is free and suffering no more . Lots of love and a big virtual hug to you xxx

Skye04 profile image

Am so so sorry for you Peter...You were a courageous husband and caregiver...Now time to look after yourself..So glad that you got to see her in her last week...Take care sending a hug!

Inparadise profile image

My sincere condolences to you and your family.


Nanny857 profile image

Peter I am so sorry you no longer have your beautiful wife, but as you say she is now free. I am so glad you got to be together in her final week, I hope this gives you some comfort.

You have been an amazing carer, even after having a heart attack you continued caring for her.

Now it's time to look after yourself and take each day one at a time. Having lost my husband last December I can say it's not easy, but you have shown how strong you can be and I hope you find that strength to get you through the days that lie ahead.

Take care, lots of love, Nanny857xx

AJK2001 profile image

So sorry to hear your sad news, but glad even in these strange times to hear that you were able to spend time with her.

Wishing strength to you & your boys. xxx

JubileeRanch profile image


Y2U4 profile image

Sorry for your loss. I hope you rest and take care of yourself. Prayers you and your family.

Cwolpe profile image

Im sorry to hear about Kathy. I hope peace and good health find you. Hugs and prayers for you and your 2 son's .


raincitygirl profile image

I am so sorry for your loss, Peter 💔

What a beautiful picture of you two!

I hope you find peace through the grief 💖

Anne G

Cinnylou profile image

I am sorry to hear of your loss. May it bring you comfort to know that she is now resting in peace.

BamBam28 profile image

So very sorry for your loss, sending love and hugs to all xx

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