For those of you who gave all your wonderful advice all them weeks ago I just want to give you a brief update with some photos.
After lots of talks with physio, drs consultants about how dangerous it would be for mum not to have a peg fitted and constantly trying to tell me it wouldnβt be possible for mum to go to London, some family members thinking Iβd lost my mind by even trying, I can confidently say it was the right decision.
Mum has come home on Pallative care, has her bag of meds to keep her comfortable when the time comes, but most importantly she has had her very successful trip to London and had many family meals and trips out to restaurants.
Yesterday she had a check up at the doctors and so far there is no sign of infection
Her daily routine consists of 3 coffees and a caramel slice, before carers arrive to give her breakfast and cup of tea after dressing and showering her. We then do a bit of shopping before lunch and then itβs tv time before evening meal.
There has been a lot of coughing and choking but although this will panic her at times she is aware of the risks and continues to choose to eat.
Mum went on the London Eye, madam tousauds (?) had a facial in harrods, shrek land, London dungeons and a west end show, where she cried because it was our last night and she had made it!! The following weekend she had her brothers n sisters, nieces nephews grandchildren all visit a huge family meal. She has had many more since and we are even starting to plan for Christmas
Thank you all so much for your support xxx