To dog or not to dog that is the question - PSP Association

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To dog or not to dog that is the question

Georgepa profile image
33 Replies

I find these days that I am having increasingly long conversations with myself , not that they aren't interesting as I regularly find my self in disagreement with what I have just thought about so quite a debate can ensue . They say that talking to oneself is the first sign of madness , but what is the second sign , I have never heard it mentioned .So I have considered getting a dog , just a rescue one but one that will hopefully follow my train of thought .Now the strange thing is that as soon as I open my laptop and log on to Adopt a Dog sites my cat Millie appears from nowhere as if by magic . She then proceeds to walk up and down the keyboard which totally disrupts my efforts until I surrender and give up . How does she know ?

My strategy then was to take my laptop to bed and in the secret space under the duvet to continue my search . The trouble was that every time I found what I thought was a suitable dog it came with the warning "cannot live with a cat !" But then last week I found a very pretty mongrel which said it could live with a confident cat . What on earth is a confident cat , one that can beat the hell out of a dog or one that has a fulfilled sense of its own identity .Who knows , anyway I thought I would follow it up and go and visit the RSPCA rescue centre where said dog abides . On arrival I had to fill in a questionnaire that seemed more suitable to joining MI5 and whenI had to say that I would be away for a week in a month's time they said it was a no go , which I did understand as the dog would need a lot of time to settle . So I returned home dogless .

Now I will swear that I left my computer shut with the lid down but the lid was up and the history wiped clean . Mille was sitting on a chair nearby looking very smug ........

By the way the photo is Millie watching a nature program - she especially liked the BIg Cats program

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Georgepa profile image
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33 Replies
Marie_14 profile image


What a sweet cat. Isn't it funny how cats recognise their big relations? My son and daughter both have cats and they do exactly the same. It always makes me laugh.

Now dogs are different. Firstly they have to be walked. Great exercise but is that leg up to it yet? Will Millie take kindly to her space being invaded and her master sharing his home, time, and love? If the answer is she will get used to it...she probably will. Then go for it!!

I like the fact you are looking for a rescue dog. If I got one it would have to be from a rescue centre and fingers crossed well trained! Good luck whatever you decide. He/she would be well fed? 😄

Marie x

doglington profile image

I talk to myself all the time . Always have but more now of course. I really make myself laugh - amazed how witty I am !!!

My grandson looked at me in the car and asked why I was smiling so I had to admit it. He was relieved as he does too. Now we can have drives whilst we both smile at our inner thoughts. I then insist he shares them.

I don't think you stand a chance with that cat. She's clearly way ahead of you.

love, Jean x

Marie_14 profile image
Marie_14 in reply to doglington

Jean thanks for the laugh!! I talk to myself too. Nobody else to talk to is there? Good that you caught your son doing it too. At least you are not the only one in the family? 😁.

I like your comment about George's cat. He will have to watch her? 😃

Marie x

Kevin_1 profile image

Chuckles George

What a delightful post.

So many things in there.

Rule 1 Cat's know best?

How wonderful that your moggie watches big cat programs - I have never heard of the like; that gave me a big smile and pleasure at the thought.

As for talking to yourself... As you know I was a single handed sailor... sometimes a month or more at sea on my todd... I started having discussions with my boat about which sails she would prefer as the wind changed, or ask her if I had the trim just to her satisfaction. Unfortunately I continued the habit when I landed and was royally chucked out of a dockside bar as an unrequired customer. One learns quickly.

But I do know what you mean. I talk to my Moggie all of the time. She is suitably disinterested unless I mention food or treats or bed and cuddles.

I read up on cats and getting another animal in quite recently. The advice is for older cats to leave them be. They like quiet and their own space and not too much excitement, but looking at your photo your cat is not so old?

I keep telling myself to go out and meet other people, but to be honest I think I am more comfortable in my own company; talking to my cat and and a neighbour from time to time.

So thank you for the wonderful post and I just love the way her ears are all pricked up. She is so engaged!

I'm going to show Liz the picture of your cat watching big cats on TV... She will be delighted.

Be well George.



P.S. - I still talk to myself and amazingly I sometimes loose some debates with myself too. It's never acrimonious I just agree to differ with myself. ;)

raincitygirl profile image
raincitygirl in reply to Kevin_1

...and don't forget: you talk to us!!... :-)

NannaB profile image

You do make me laugh Georgepa. We had a rescue dog for 12 years and she was great company, very loyal, affectionate and great for giving us exercise. Now, however, when it’s windy, cold and raining I do think, “Thank goodness I don’t have to walk a dog in this”. I think Millie is thinking of you as well. I have a of my 5 indoor guinea pigs. They love sitting on my lap, speak to me as I open the front door or the fridge ( they know where their salad food is kept) and don’t need walking. OK they need cleaning out and sit on a towel over a vinyl apron when on my lap as they aren’t house trained, but far easier than a dog. I’m sure your Millie would love a couple. She’d probably stare at them in their run for ages.....licking her lips 🐱🐹🍴.

Carry on talking to yourself. I’m sure most of us do. I even answer myself.

Enjoy summer and your time away.


Sayer profile image
Sayer in reply to NannaB

Tounge in cheek answer. The second sign of going mad when talking to yourself is answering.

Seriously: research shows that talking out loud to oneself to better for one than talking /thinking inwardly to one self.

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Sayer

That’s good. I do get funny looks in the supermarket though 🤣


easterncedar profile image
easterncedar in reply to Sayer

That is quite a comfort! Thanks!

Bargiepat profile image

Every day I think of my little brown dog. He was my shipmate for many years but I had to re-home him when my arm and balance got bad.

Here is a video I made when he was young.............

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Bargiepat


He must be a big loss.

But what a life he would have had as a ship mate!

enjoysalud profile image
enjoysalud in reply to Bargiepat

Wow, you are a man of many many talents. The video itself....but then as I have mentioned how in the world do you manage to get it on a share of another posting? I can barely get a photo up when I post, but NOT in the middle of another posting.

raincitygirl profile image
raincitygirl in reply to enjoysalud

Well, now we know who to ask, eh Margarita?!


enjoysalud profile image
enjoysalud in reply to raincitygirl

For sure.....except I'm sure he's too busy with other stuff.

raincitygirl profile image
raincitygirl in reply to Bargiepat

Ha ha!!..that's excellent, Bargie!

Hugs :-)


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Bargiepat



Marie_14 profile image
Marie_14 in reply to Bargiepat

Pat it must have been heartbreaking to give him up? He looks adorable. We had a dog many years ago but had to give him to a new home when G left the forces. We literally had no home to go to initially and I had to go and live with my family but they didn't want a dog. G had to go to live with his Mother who also didn't want a dog. So he found a good home for him. I totally understand what you mean about thinking of him everyday. Even though I realise our dog is dead many years now, I still think of him. Love never dies does it?

Hugs to you Patrick.

Marie x

raincitygirl profile image

Dear George: i think your cat is related to Kevin's - in which case you are in trouble: your destiny is in moggie's hands ;-)

The fun thing about adopting a sensible dog would be (apart from years of companionship) it would make a good project to research and practice introducing the dog into your kitty's environment.

You like walking, right?

Anne G.

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to raincitygirl



Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Oh George what a wonderful post, I also talk to myself, we have a beautiful French bulldog, we have had him 4 years, wouldn’t be without him. Yvonne xxxxx

Ratcliffe profile image

Rescue dogs are by far the best in my opinion, I've always found them to be the most loving and well behaved once they settle.

That cat sounds like something out of Sherlock 😼

Brenive profile image

Think about the snow and ice we had afew weeks might not want to walk a dog then.. Now talking to your self , not madness you'll alway get the answer you want. When you dont thats the time to worry, ....Brenda. .x

raincitygirl profile image
raincitygirl in reply to Brenive

Hello Yoda!!



enjoysalud profile image

I loved the captures so much more than words. Your humorous, and down to earth, sharing brought smiles. I'm wishing it was the beginning of a book so I could read more. A great intro, if writing a certainly grabbed me.

Blessings, Margarita (here in sunny and glorious Los Angeles)

Heady profile image

Oh George, only you can loss a battle with a cat! Says she that is constantly having full on rows with her dog and yet to win one! Still think you should get a dog though!

Lots of love


Bargiepat profile image

You have had a lot of comments and thoughts about owning a dog.

Can I just add my thoughts........ if you do get one, because you have a cat it would be best to avoid a terrier. My suggestion would be a spaniel because they a very intelligent and also have a soft coat similar to a cat.

I love you picture of the television watching.

Best wishes,


Tippyleaf profile image

Oh Georgepa I love your posts. I have a wonderful cat (Tiger) who keeps me sane and brings me much joy. Small though she is she is fiercely protective of her turf and will not tolerate dogs in the house or garden. She has been seen to walk

Up to a lab and snack him on the nose simply for sitting in ‘her’ garden. friends think it is hilarious how this 3kg little cat scares their dogs!!

Millie sounds a bright little kitty so a dog used to cats will be essential.

Hope you have a lovely week away next month.

Sending you a big hug

Love Tippy

Nothing wrong with talking to yourself!!!

Spiralsparkle profile image

What a fabulous post as ever. That pesky cat of yours sounds like a Ninja is disguise.

We got a rescue, nearly two years ago now, 1 to give Mum some focus and happiness and 2 to keep me sane and a purpose when the inevitable happens and Mum reaches the end of her journey.

They are hard work though and commitment but the love returned is worth it. There are charities out there that can walk dogs for people who become unable to if that were an issue.

The right dog will find you at the right time if you decide to go ahead and over rule the cat. We were turned down a few times by the rescue charity and we ended up with right dog for us in the end.

Enjoy your holiday.

LostinHeadSpace profile image

This is funny. . . our first reaction to the crisis of diagnosis of possible CBD was to up and get a dog. .. a dog that would mesh with the previous owners of our home, the two cats (that would be "moggies" to some). It's been the best decision ever--never hurts to add more enthusiasm and unconditional acceptance to a home!

Bargiepat profile image

This may be helpful..............

Beads0122 profile image


Thank you so much for starting this lighter string of posts. I often struggle to read these because of they hurt my heart so much, but this one warmed my heart.

We adopted a bonded pair of senior dogs at the encouragement of my wife’s neurologist when we ofhandedly mentioned that we were thinking of it. They are small, one a beagle mix and one a schnauzer mix. They have been with us two months now. Unfortunately my wife struggles to relate to them, but they love to be near her.

It was chaos this last weekend when our son and his wife came to visit bringing their dog (also rescue of questionable heritageJ. At the same time we were dog sitting my other sons massive rescued black face curr mix. Four dogs all underfoot. No cat would have had a chance. When it rains it pours

Thanks for the laugh today,


Artteach10 profile image

So great to read. Your literary skills are marvelous and so enjoyed a lift for the day! Keep it up. Nancyxxxx

easterncedar profile image

Oh George! You really made me chuckle with this post. Thank you.

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