Our family is complete.....may be! - PSP Association

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Our family is complete.....may be!

NannaB profile image
60 Replies

Meet Jess and Tess, who came to join Millie, Mollie and Andy Pandy today. They are all rescue Guinea pigs and are gorgeous. They also answer me when I talk to them. OK, I don't understand them but they respond when spoken to. Every day Colin has one on his lap and he can strokes them with one finger. With each stroke he says "Ah, Ah, Ah". One nudged him under the chin today and he actually smiled..the first time for ages.

I'm sure Jess and Tess will soon get used to cuddles as well.

I celebrated having my new babies by ordering a curry takeaway for one, delivered to the door, and enjoyed a glass of wine.

So all in all, it's been a good day; apart from clearing up the large "present" C produced for me and getting rid of the dead rat I found in the garden.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring.


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NannaB profile image
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60 Replies
Patriciapmr profile image

How sweet are they? My son and his wife have Guinea pigs and they're lovely!....xx

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Patriciapmr

🐹 🐹🐹🐹🐹


Doglinton profile image

They are lovely. How great that Colin enjoys them. You will have quite a graveyard in your garden !!

love, Jean x

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Doglinton

We already have Jean. We started taking our departed pets to my dad's garden as we were running out of space. We have had a lot of pets in 44 years. Unfortunately he has now departed so we will have to find somewhere else....not for a long time though, I hope.


Doglinton profile image
Doglinton in reply to NannaB

Do you have funerals ? I have happy childhood memories of " pet funerals " - very tearful occasions !!


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Doglinton

Happy childhood memories of funerals?? We used to when the boys were young. I don't remember ever having any when I was a child. I remember floods of tears when they died but don't know what happened to them afterwards. When our dog died in 2010 after having her for 12 years, we had her cremated and then put the ashes in the large hole she had dug in our garden. It was the only hole she had dug and it was 3 ft deep. The trouble was she would dig and then turn round and dig at the soil she had just flung out so for 12 years it was almost the same depth. Colin was very emotional and sobbed his heart out, he hadn't been diagnosed but PSP was there.

I always cry when I see the funeral on Marley and Me.


goldcap profile image
goldcap in reply to NannaB

Oh God, me too!

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to goldcap

😥 X

KatherineParr profile image
KatherineParr in reply to goldcap

And me.

Doglinton profile image
Doglinton in reply to NannaB

During the war my little sisters and I were evacuated with my mother to a remote Yorkshire village. Our home had been bombed and dad was in RAF. We shared a big old house with another family - mother and four children. They had also been bombed in Hull and dad a soldier.

These two young women with 7 children under 6 lived in a house without electricity and we all remember it as idyllic. Lots of laughter. The funerals were whenever the cat killed a bird or mouse we had a funeral procession, singing, to bury the little bodies. Mum was sobbing pitifully. I now realise they were in fits of laughter at our serious little faces. Happy days !

Jean x

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Doglinton

What memories! That's made me smile.


Heady profile image

Our previous dog use to love Guinea pigs, once despatched 6 in a few seconds!!! Her first act of being rescued from the dogs home!!!

Hope you enjoyed your takeaway. Learning how to cope with puréed food and have started a selection of pre cooked meals. Tonight was able to have salad, as I had veg and potatoes already cooked and puréed in the freezer for S!!! So, also celebrating with glass of wine. Also, have finally got a Carer starting on Sunday night, to help put S to bed! That deserves a second ( or is it my third??????)🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

Lots of love


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Heady

Hooray! So pleased about Sunday night. I think I'll celebrate with you.

Cheers 🍷

I hope the Guinea pigs survived.


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to NannaB

Lovely, a drinking partner! Does that mean I can have another?????

Lots of love


Doglinton profile image
Doglinton in reply to Heady

I'll join you both. I can't keep up with the politics at present !! Its a chaotic world. Have a drink !!!!


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to Doglinton

This is like the old days, drinking with friend So!

Lots of love


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Doglinton

Cheers Jean


shasha profile image
shasha in reply to Doglinton


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to shasha

I've never been interested in politics but I've been listening and watching as much as I can. I can't believe we had a new PM in two days. It's interesting Boris is foreign minister but someone on the radio said foreign ministers spend most of their time abroad so we may not see too much of him now! Everyone knows him though. Aparently most of the foreign newspapers had Boris for foreign minister on their front pages and the presenter asked how many members of foreign parliaments could we give a first name to. So perhaps he is the right person for the job as everyone knows him.

It will be an interesting few years.


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Heady

Of course, and another.....


goldcap profile image
goldcap in reply to Heady

Stop it both of you. I am antibiotics for an infection and cannot have any wine. Will celebrate when finished;)

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to goldcap

Shame, we will have to have another drinking party, when you have finished. Hope you are feeling better.

Lots of love


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to goldcap

I hope antibiotics work quickly Goldcap.


Auddonz profile image
Auddonz in reply to Heady

Of course :)

KatherineParr profile image
KatherineParr in reply to NannaB

Oh well, for you it will be morning and here it is night, so I will have the next wine and keep it going. Xxxxx

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to KatherineParr

Yes, I haven't started drinking wine in the morning yet. I'm just having coffee so cheers!



goldcap profile image
goldcap in reply to Heady

Heady, where are you getting those wine emos from?!!

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to goldcap

If you mean the pictures of the wine glasses, I am on a iPad and on the bottom line there is a button with a smiley face that has loads of different pictures!

Lots of love


KatherineParr profile image

My nephew and his wife took a large pet rabbit in to see my husband and V smiled and stroked it. It was wonderful to see that. My sister also used to take her labrador in to visit on Saturdays. Animals really do help... other than those who need clearing up from the garden. Millie, Mollie and And Pand plus curry and wine, I'd say that would sum up a good day, NannaB. X

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to KatherineParr

Oh yes!


Yvonneandgeorge profile image

NannaB lovely Guinea pigs, had a rabbit when I was young, my brother swapped it for a bike, I was very unhappy, but he wanted the bike, never really forgave him ha ha, my sons dog Baxter is very protective of George, sits with him all the time. So happy C gave a small smile. Could not even think to pick up a dead rat, just couldn't even think about it. Enjoy your wine all that are having wine, NannaB hope your curry was delicious. Yvonne xxxx🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Yvonneandgeorge

Brothers!!!! I don't think I would have forgiven him either. I think animals know when something isn't quite right don't they. The Guinea pigs never run when on C's lap. They sit perfectly still.

I did tell Colin today how much I missed him. I said rat disposal was his job not mine. I wouldn't have even thought of doing it 6 years ago.Not any more though. If it needs doing.....

The curry was scrummy but I feel very uncomfortable now as I ate too much. My fault.


Nanny857 profile image

Oh NannaB they are so cute. I don't know how you do it, looking after Colin, yourself and 5 Guinea pigs and everything else. So glad Colin gets to enjoy the Guinea pigs, isn't it amazing the joy a little animal can bring, long may it continue. Hope you enjoyed your curry and wine.

W actually did burgers and sausages on the BBQ tonight - when he lit the BBQ it was sunny but during cooking he and BBQ ended up under a big golfing umbrella in the pouring rain! Typical Northern Ireland bbq'ing weather. ☀️☔️☔️☔️☔️. But the food was lovely and went down well with glass of wine.

Hope tomorrow is good for you and Colin. Nanny857 xx

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Nanny857

It's typical English BBQ weather as well. One minute bright sunshine and the next torrential rain.

I hope tomorrow is good for you and yours as well. Let that sun shine on all of us.


vlh4444 profile image

Love the new arrivals! Our little dog puts her head in D's lap but he can't stroke her as it takes him too long to lift his hand. By the time he is ready she has gone! He loves the PAT dogs that come to the hospice - they are a bit slower moving on the whole.


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to vlh4444

Colin can only stroke with one finger if I put the GP ( just re read this, I don't mean the doctor) on his hands. They had a large labradoodle at the hospice on Friday. It was there when we arrived so I spoke to the handler while we waited to hand C over to the staff. When I got back into my car, I realised I was covered in blonde curly hairs. I thought labradoodles didn't shed their hair. I was wrong!


goldcap profile image
goldcap in reply to NannaB

Nanna just thinking if it was a REAL GP he'd probably want to wring its neck. Did I really say that? My bad! And Labradoodles are not supposed to shed. Our dog died a little while ago and it just about destroyed me. I talk to myself now:( Just do not feel ready for another pet. I want him back not just another dog. My husband liked petting him as well and somehow the dog knew to sit calmly for him. But he was my companion for 12 years. Just not the same without him here.

Thanks for sharing. I always love your posts!

Best, Jayne

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to goldcap

I think I know how you feel Jayne. We were devastated when our dear Rosie went. She came from Battersea dogs home and we were told she was about 3. She was the only dog we had owned during our marriage as Colin didn't want one. I went with my friend to get her from Battersea but 2 days later she phoned me in tears saying Rosie had fought with her other dog and would have to go back. I said I'd keep her for the night. 12 years later we were heartbroken when she went. Our last Guinea pig had died 2 weeks before we got her and I got more Guinea pigs 9 months later. The house was too quiet without animals and C speaking less. They are indoors so reply to me when I say good morning. I'm sure Andy Pandy doesn't really mind when I say good morning girls. He replies anyway but is probably shouting, "I'm a boy!".



goldcap profile image
goldcap in reply to NannaB

Just saw this Nanna thanks. I know you understand. He was my best friend but I just do not feel like I can replace him right now. Someday I will get a dog- a rescue as well. Loved how you took the dog for the night and he stayed. Sounds like he found the home he was ment to be in. I get lonely sometimes too. I have found I talk to myself now ! Just used to my husband not answering so now I have conversations with myself. Just have to remember not to do it in public- ha ha ha. Lots of love Jayne

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to goldcap

It's OK having conversations in public if you don't answer yourself. I talk to complete strangers often now. I was buying a wedding anniversary card yesterday and asked a woman which one she thought a young couple would like. I comment on the produce in supermarkets, point out things of interest, anything really. They may think I'm an odd woman but I've never had anyone ignore me. The other day I decided to treat myself to coffee and pastry in a department store and commented on the choice of cakes to the woman behind me. We ended up sharing a table and stayed for an hour. She was a widow who had nursed her husband with cancer. A similar thing happened last year. I got talking to a woman while queuing for lunch and we ended up sitting together. She had also nursed her husband who had died. She was returning to Spain where her family lived and hugged me when we said goodbye.

So talk away. It doesn't do any harm and I find it can make me and others feel less lonely.

Hope today is a good one for you.


vlh4444 profile image
vlh4444 in reply to NannaB

Oh dear - probably more lab than doodle!

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to vlh4444

That's what I thought. It was a very big dog and didn't look like any other labradoodle I'd seen before. It was very gentle though and C liked it when the dog rested it's head on C's lap.


easterncedar profile image

So glad you had a good day. Simple pleasures are the best. Nice to hear that Colin smiled, too. Love, ec

abirke profile image

Oh nothing like the family getting larger. And if those guineas start answering back in guinea talk...well either too much wine or you need to see somebody..... :) seriously I am glad you have some new members that C can enjoy. A good lap animal ...our dog is too big and nervous just to pet...and i'd rather have a dead rat in my garden than any mice cousins in my house....i miss my cat

Hows your wasp situation...any come back w a vengeance?


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to abirke

No signs of wasps. The foam did the trick. The hive is still there for the boys to see when they come next. I was going to give it to them to take to school but it will probably drop hundreds of dead wasps around the classroom so maybe not.

Mice in the house are not good. Especially if they die somewhere you can't find them. UGH!


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to NannaB

Your grandkids will love the wasp nest. So far no more of my own little "friends'" I quit feeding the dog before bed...she liked to nibble through the night....at least I thought it was her ...


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to abirke



goldcap profile image

Nanna, you just crack me up. These little guys are just too cute but I really LOVE the curry takeaway for one and wine!!!


XO Jayne

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to goldcap

I loved the curry as well Jayne, but I was awake most of the night with my stomach churning. Not bad curry....me being too greedy and eating too much. But it and the wine were lovely at the time.


goldcap profile image
goldcap in reply to NannaB

The simple pleasures we savor! I appreciated little things so much more now.

Tippyleaf profile image

Pets are such a wonderful comfort, they say stroking animals reduces stress and blood pressure so good for you both. The curry and glass of wine sound (maybe 2!!) sounds a well deserved treat - enjoy.


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Tippyleaf

It was good. I ate too much but am cutting down on food a bit today.


shasha profile image


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to shasha

Good to hear from you Shasha. Hope you are having an OK day.


shasha profile image
shasha in reply to NannaB


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to shasha

That is so annoying 😡 and can take ages. Hope you manage to order it soon.


Auddonz profile image

Dead rat, couldn't deal with it, ugh. I am thinking about getting another dog but will have to wait to see if and when we sell the house. Your babies are adorable :) NannaB. I told Don I was going to get a cat but am afraid my 3 dogs would not like it to much and hubby doesn't like them at all.


cabbagecottage profile image

Bev I just been going through some old posts and came across the one where u asked about some help for colins neck . The Physio bright John a metal neck master it was called. It's a bit strong bit did help , I didn't like to use it for two leg because it pressed into johns chest . I bought a £5 soft neck collar from the Physio room ! On line. It'd helps John quite a bit takes some of the weight off.

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to cabbagecottage

It's strange but his head doesn't droop now. He holds his head very upright and his mouth is now always open.


cabbagecottage profile image

Sorry. They are beautiful Bev , Will show my d aught tomorrow. . That's if she comes she slipped down the data it's and is feeling very bruised

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