Looking for a solicitor website - help! - PSP Association

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Looking for a solicitor website - help!

Kevin_1 profile image
27 Replies


Some months back someone posted that they had found a good solicitor for challenging a CHC decision. I think they posted the website too.

I can't find it and I remember reading the website and thinking it was very informative.

It could have been two posts one for the solicitor and one for a website.

I can't find it / them.

My addled brain!

Can anyone help please?



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Kevin_1 profile image
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27 Replies
Spiralsparkle profile image

These solicitors post on thr Care to be different Facebook page


Not sure if the ones you have heard of before.

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Spiralsparkle

Hi Spiralsparkle

Thanks, I've made a note of them, but its a different one I am looking for.

And any other solicitor where people have had a good personal experience.

Spiralsparkle profile image
Spiralsparkle in reply to Kevin_1

Hopefully whoever posted before will see your post.

Flutterbyes profile image

Hi Kevin it wasn’t beacon was it? I have seen their name on here! Xx

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Flutterbyes

Hi Michelle

Thanks for coming back. Yes, Beacon are good.

There was someone who used a Solicitor for CHC and reported that they were good.

I'm looking for that one.

Greens profile image

Sorry Kevin didn’t see post may be before I joined when I spoke to Alzheimer’s society they said they could help with CHC applications know it’s a long shot but they may have some good contacts x

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Greens

Hi Greens

There is some other stuff going on right now and I am finding that some Solicitors specialising in CHC are charging exorbitant fees. Also pushing very disadvantageous 'No win no fee' contracts.

One of them is possibly the company in leagues and recommended by 'Care to be Different'.

So its a case of getting first hand positive experience.

I am looking at the stage where folk might want to appeal against the CCG decision.

But, hey, thanks for coming back. It's appreciated.

I do hope you Mum is doing OK.




Greens profile image
Greens in reply to Kevin_1

Ups and downs like all our loved ones the days where she is calm and we can have a reasonable conversation are precious listened to radio 2 today with Jeremy vine and they had a call on on dementia. A number of carers had called with their experiences and it made me cry all were the same in saying illnesses that affect the brain are debilitating for everyone in the family not just the person and one person said just love your loved one .... they are so right take care hope you get help with the CHC x x

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Greens

Thanks :)

Yes, the first time I came across dementia in my work I was quite shattered. The thought kept going through my head, "Who is the person when the brain has stopped being them."

I worked it out eventually.

At least with PSP / CBD the person is still there.

And as you say - It effects everyone.


Spiralsparkle profile image
Spiralsparkle in reply to Kevin_1


The solicitors with care to be different, do you think they are best avoided then?

I was going to contact them to help with appeal.

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Spiralsparkle

Hi Spiral Sparkle

I'm unsure.

Recent comments I have heard is that Beacon are very good. Excepting there is a problem. They don't appear to use the strategy of getting an independent DST done. This means when they come to the tribunal stage they have no evidence to make a challenge that the scoring is incorrect. This means that they can only challenge the CCG on procedural matters.

Personally I would use my free hour and a half telephone consultation with Beacon to get an understanding of the situation and then, if I wanted to go forward I would find a solicitor who can access a nurse trained in completing a DST. The solicitor really needs to be a specialist in CHC by the way.

The other thing I have come across are the 'no win, no fee.' The advice I have come across is to avoid them. If they win then they really will run off with the honey pot.

I have been trying to identify good solicitors that people have used. No joy.

This one looks, on paper


My own prejudices are that if a solicitor gives you a choice of no win no fee or a straight fee, then walk away anyway. Anyone dodgy enough to offer the no win no fee is dodgy enough not to be trusted. I could be wrong on that.

Well that's my take for what it's worth.

Best to you


Spiralsparkle profile image
Spiralsparkle in reply to Kevin_1

I have used Beacon but need more in depth help which needs to be paid for.

I thought those solicitors did have nurses who can represent at the DST meeting, when my brain read their website but my brain is really not working anymore .

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Spiralsparkle

The solicitors in the link I posted do have nurses who will do an 'independent' DST. I would not go to a solicitor who is unable to provide such evidence.

Sorry - Its' me not writing very clearly.


Kevin_1 profile image

Sorry Spiral Sparkle

My replies above have been about Beacon not the Care to Be Different recommended company. I misread your post.

Yes, the Care to Be Different recommended Law firm will probably be OK and they do use nurse assessors.

However don't forget that Care to Be Different is a businesses and it is highly likely they have entered into some form of monetising contract with the recommended Solicitor.

Most Solicitors will give you half an hour free consultation to help you decide whether you want to continue. I would ring the Care to Be Different firm and the one I put into the link above too.

Then make your choice.

No your addled brain... mine! ;)



Spiralsparkle profile image
Spiralsparkle in reply to Kevin_1

Thanks. I will have to get myself in gear and contact them both. Procrastinating as ever as brain really can't deal with it all. Got social worker to do another checklist last week so will be having another DST done soon anyway

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Spiralsparkle

Hi Siralsparkle

Doing the 24 hour care thing knocked my brain for six.

I would make the most stupid mistakes and sometimes I could barely remember how to tie my shoe laces.

Good luck with the new DST. I've got my fingers and toes crossed and made a wish on a star too. :)

Spiralsparkle profile image
Spiralsparkle in reply to Kevin_1

Thanks we need all the luck can get as this county is not giving CHC out it would appear and every health professional I've encountered seems to be in the complete dark about the eligibility.

Spiralsparkle profile image
Spiralsparkle in reply to Kevin_1

I've rung the link you gave this moening and spoke with the nurse. She is sending me out a brochure which has their costs and also is going to have a look at the DST for me to give an opinion on whether worth appealing or just attacking the new assessment full on with them. She understood that I have no brain left to try do this on my own anymore lol.

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Spiralsparkle

Hi good for you Spiralsparkle :)

Yes, my time of no brain will come soon enough.

I take my hat off to you that you are fighting this.

I hope your Mum is as good as she can be.



Spiralsparkle profile image
Spiralsparkle in reply to Kevin_1

Thanks. How are you & Liz this week?

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Spiralsparkle


I am so glad you didn't ask me yesterday! Yesterday Liz was being 'difficult' she was at home for the afternoon. She kept demanding I communicate with her and essentially said she was very frightened at the home, one of the staff had been threatening her and she was frightened to go back. She got me thoroughly fearful for her safety.

I used to do complex assessments in Mental Health where the patient does not want to tell you what is really going on. There are ways of looping back and questioning in parallel lines which will throw up inconsistencies and so forth. I used this approach, its a smiley gentle one, and found that everything she was saying was being made up.

Then I was left with the questions of her deteriorating thinking and whether she was becoming paranoid. As it happens I think she was clumsily trying to force my hand to keep her at home.

It all ended in hugs and 'I love yous' I was left shattered.

Today was a much better day :)

doglington profile image
doglington in reply to Kevin_1

So sorry about that, Kevin. So upsetting, as I know how much you wish you could have her home.

Its so sad - but I must confess for admiration of Liz !! She is still fighting, even if confused. I bet a few years ago she would have run rings round you !! ?

Love, Jean xxx

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to doglington


She did!

I got wise and learned to spot her doing it. I never said, just let her run rings and we would always be in a better place for it.


She has a little bit of a frontal lobe issue. So there has been a slight personality change.

But for all of that she still has a heart full of love.




Spiralsparkle profile image
Spiralsparkle in reply to Kevin_1

Sorry to hear that and can relate unfortunately as Mum really is becoming very hard to handle.

Glad to to hear today was better. My patience is non existent today.

mum is very irritated and angry when carers come and then in tears as confused about what is going on. All different approaches to deal with her behaviour and moods don't appear to be helping. Reasoning now is not possible.

Have an appointment at long last with a hospice consultant to try to sort out her meds. I've been asking for over a year! Since they discharged her from the day unit it has had a massive impact on her so I've got everyone who would listed to write to the hospice and tell them she needed more help and quick. Don't know if it will help or not but I pray it does before I lose the plot.

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Spiralsparkle


What works for us is if I tell her what behaviour she is doing and that I love her a lot, but that it makes me feel like *whatever*

With minor frontal lobe issues folk can't easily see that their behaviour is not 'acceptable' . Having it explained to them sometimes helps.

Sorting the meds. out might help too.

Yes, I know the worn out patience thing. Miserserable.




Spiralsparkle profile image
Spiralsparkle in reply to Kevin_1

I usually get the answer 'so what'!

She now gets angry if I try to explain that she can't be as she is with the carers. She has sworn at them and told them to get out.

Since her epilepsy meds were upped three weeks ago it has really heightened her behaviour for the worse.

I will try your suggestion to see if it able to be absorbed

Kevin_1 profile image

Oh, Spiralsparkle

You have it a lot harder than us.

Though there appears to be something in that it got worse when the epilepsy meds were changed.

Roll on that meds. review.

Good luck!

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