Distraction from PSP: Last week my remaining... - PSP Association

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Distraction from PSP

NannaB profile image
21 Replies

Last week my remaining Guinea pig went on a sleepover play date and came home with two black and white friends. We now have Millie, Molly and Andy. Andy has had the snip so the family won't get any bigger.......unless I send them on a play date! So please let me introduce you to my Guinea family.

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NannaB profile image
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21 Replies
Doglinton profile image

Glad to see Millie, Molly and [M] Andy. They look so alike, Bev. Like identical little cuddlies ! Does Colin cuddle them ?

love, Jean x

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Doglinton

Not quite a cuddle but I put them on his chest if he is lying in bed (on a towel just in case) and he manages to stroke them with one finger. They sit on his lap in the chair. (M) Andy is a bit jumpier at the moment so I'll get him more used to being handled first.

It was great seeing you both last week...again soon I hope.


Doglinton profile image
Doglinton in reply to NannaB

Yes. We did too. Have a good Sunday and see you soon. love, Jean x

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to NannaB

good 2 see ur extended family nannab

lol jill#cxxxxx

abirke profile image

There as cute as ...guineas! You know I did not know you sent your pets on those kind of dates...was there a chaperone?...Are you sure there wasn't an unsnipped Mike amongst Millie and Mollie...pooor andy has to raise someone elses kids....kind of the way of the world now eh, Andy? Don't worry, know one will never know it wasn't you except NannaB and , well, you I guess! hahahaha


PS all my dog gets is a 3 second pet and a ball seldom thrown ....count your blessings, Andy!

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to abirke

They came from a rescue centre AVB. Several centres work together. A few weeks ago they rescued 325 Guinea pigs from one house and since then, up until last week 70 live babies have been born. Lots aborted or the babies died soon after. Mine aren't part of that group but they are looking for lots of homes to adopt the others. There are 60 adults at the centre, lots of pregnant sows and tiny babies. They have to separate the boys from the girls and their mums at 3/4 weeks and don't let them be adopted until they have had the snip. I have a spare cage so have offered to be a foster mum before they go for adoption; well my son and his wife are foster carers so why can't I be? Mine will just have 4 legs instead of 2 and I won't have to take them to school.

Andy likes having two wives but there doesn't seem to be any jealousy between them as they all sleep in separate "dens"... Their choice, not mine. Perhaps Andy snores!


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to NannaB

hahahahah that's one way to keep the babies at bay ....separate dens and snoring!

Well Bev, I commend you and your son for becoming foster parents.....isn't it amazing how someone can do that to such innocent little things.....380 living in a horrid environment no doubt!

We had a puppy mill just discovered a month or so. living in their own squalor; parents malnourished ...The owner would take them to other states and sell these poor animals for high dollar......the mean side of me says " let the owner live in the same environment as she forced these animals to exist until every last one has been adopted" that would be 170 dogs! I am not as kind as you, Bev I did not volunteer for such an endeavor...(.but i am free to make judgement!) I'm sure the owner started out with the best of intentions,,,it just got away from her...

God bless you Bev, son, Andy and wives...


jzygirl profile image

How lovely to have milly molly andy sweet as sugar candy.

I love guinea pigs i can always remember the 1st time i saw newborn guinea pigs. I was so suprised that they was born completely able to fend for themselves. Think i was expecting little bald things like rabbits and mice. Janexx

NannaB profile image

Same here Jane. I was amazed as well. When I took Millie on the sleepover last week, there were new born babies there. They were the size of little mice but running around, eyes wide open, fully furred and gorgeous.


nanonthenet1 profile image

How cute they are, I'm thinking of getting a budgie for hubby to get close to but so far I'm getting the thumbs down 😊

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to nanonthenet1

You can't stroke a budgie although you can get them to talk.

Maybe you will get the thumbs up one day.


vlh4444 profile image

Oh Bev they're sooooooo lovely!!! And so lucky to have found a lovely home with you.

It was nice seeing you and Jean and Chris last week - I really enjoyed it.

V x

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to vlh4444

It was good meeting up wasn't it? It was worth going through fog and torrential rain on the M25.


Patriciapmr profile image

So sweet NannaB, my eldest son has Guinea pigs and he absolutely adores them, they're so cute! xx

I have never had anything to do with guinea pigs until last Easter break when a teacher friend of mine minded the classroom guinea pig for the holiday. He is called Frankie and was absolutely gorgeous. He is ginger/brown in colour and had the sweetest little whistle voice when he 'talked' to us. I was so enamoured that I painted a water colour picture of him. They are such charming creatures and somehow so innocent and unassuming. A real delight, a gift to the world.

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to

There are lots out there that need rescuing....tempted?


Can you train them not to poop on you?

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to

Unfortunately not, but a towel strategically placed saves clothing. My grandsons know they mustn't get them out of their cage unless I'm there, in case they drop them. Being a normal 5 year old, one of them decided to bring one to me. As I was telling him he shouldn't have done it, it urinated on his tee shirt. From then on he has asked before handling them. A bit of wee had a better effect than me telling him off would have done.


in reply to NannaB

Ha, ha, hee, hee, hee! I was thinking of getting one for my grandson!! Thanks for the good laugh. Feeling a bit low at the moment my daughter has turned vegan! She is breast feeding a nine month old and won't give the two year old milk or cheese even. I am worried out of my wits. She wouldn't do well where they eat guinea pigs would she!!

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to

I was concerned when my vegetarian son and wife had babies but at least they ate dairy produce. Lots of children can't tolerate milk so there are alternatives but children should have vitamin and mineral supplements to add those they are not getting. I know several vegans and it may help you to know they are fanatical about what they eat and have done a lot of research so maybe your daughter has as well. Do they eat at yours very often? You'll have to look up vegan recipes on the Internet. I made the wedding cakes for two of my sons. They both wanted 3 tiers, one fruit, one sponge and one vegan. That was a challenge but I found a ginger cake recipe and it turned out like those squidgy ginger cakes you can buy. It was the smallest cake, top tier, but everyone wanted to try it.

Our nine year old vegetarian grandson started having school lunches in January and discovered meat. Our son won't cook meat but he is allowed to have it here now. Last time both grandsons stayed they wanted an indoor BBQ (grilled). I bought quorn sausages and burgers as well as meat and put it on the table with the pasta, salad, potato wedges etc. I cooked 6 sausages for me and him expecting 2 to be over for me the next day. He ate all 6 when I was feeding Colin. Deprive a child of something and they will make up for it given the opportunity.

Have a good Sunday.


in reply to NannaB

Thanks so much for your reply. X

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