Screw it I dont care whats in the water right now lets go skinny dipping. This is a pic of my friend Jill and Aunt Bev in the hot tub durnhing the summer. So even though its only 46 derees guess were going skinny dipping one more time gotta love her. Wish you guys were here to keep us company and have a glass of wine . Dont worry I will not let her freeze and will have her all snuggled up and warm in mins.
Bev says: Screw it I dont care whats in the... - PSP Association
Bev says

Wow! What an amazing view. I was going to have a hot tub for my 60th birthday. Got a wet room instead. Hey Ho!
Kyrste, Brilliant view, understand your wish completely. Though why not keep it going for a bit longer, remember the Icelanders go swimming in their hot spas in temps below 0 C / 30 F. Did it on a winter visit 5 yr ago great relaxing feeling until the dash for the towel and changing room through snow and slipping on the ice.
NannaB my only regret with getting the wet room is I have lost the tub could do with a soak sometime.
Best wishes Tim
When I moved to this house, the first thing I had to do was take out the bath and put in a huge shower, for My husband,although now he can't even get into the shower.
I loved and miss soooooo much soaking in the bath on a chilly night with a good magazine and a cup of tea, how I could do with that now when R is in bed early every night.
Oh well!
Great photo! Good for you Kryste, for keeping the good times going.
Hope Aunt Bev enjoyed her glass of wine. Hope you can both carry on doing this as often as possible!!!
Lots of love
We did enjoy the wine, I got lucky the VA gave me the lift to get her in and out with its really for a electric scooter you bolt it down in the back of a pick up and it lifts the chair in thougt it would be a great idea to get her in and out with she is totaly dependent on me so her move ment is gone untill we get in than she works her legs like crazy I put my knees up and she puts her feet on the and peddles away doing exercises she does all the work in the water shoot she wears me out she does not want to get out she said she would stay in the water all day if she could because she can move on her own with my guidence so she dont tip.
lots of hugs Kryste
Water therapy should be an important part of people's care, especially those with movement problems. I would love to get S swimming again, but the gym I belong to, has steps going down from the changing rooms to the pool. They have got disabled changing rooms, one in the ladies, one in the gents!!! The local public swimming pool, is disgusting, wouldn't put my dog in it, for fear of what he might catch, or he might come out bleached!!!!
Lots of love
If I could be there, I would........just to see that you know how amazing that is? Where are you? Do you get snow on those mountains?
Thankyou so much for sharing your hot tub view I am loving it!!!!!!
That is a fab photo. Best wishes to Aunt Bev. xx
If you are from Reno, Is that Slide Mt. Rose, Mt or the Sierra's. I lived in Carson City right before I moved to Hawaii, (that was back in the '70s). Tell me , did your auntie want to go for that dip? I mean it would take a lot of convincing for me to ensconce myself in 40* water(or is that just the air temp....Refreshing to say the least!)! haha. It looks like she is fully reliant on others for movement..It's just so wonderful to see you and your friend care so much about daughter doesn't even ask how dad is.....sorry.....a moment of pain.......Back to you, have you lived in Nevada forever? How big has Reno gotten. It used to be called the Biggest little City in the , state country? can't remember is it still that? Well stay warm....And go for a hike for the rest of us who's highest mt is may be 2,000 ft!
Oh and one other thing one of my fondest memories of living in Nevada was when I was young, after (or during) a snow I would go out for a walk amongst the sage brush. The snow would rest atop the sage and create a ceiling preventing the new snow from falling to the ground. I would duck under to a beautiful private world that was suprisingly warm (didn't want to take a watery dip ) but it was warmer than the snowy air above. I had my own imaginary world on days like that ...sometimes I would see a rabbit hop to it;s new destination with little hindrance from the winter....and when I would pop back up I realize how smooth the new "ground level" was. It just rolled on like a white quilt hiding all that lay beneath.
Yes it is snowing right now ill send a pic to marrow its still the biggest little city but just abandon unless your in a casino seems the only people out side on Virgina St. is mostly the homless not hundreds of people like it used to be We are between Reno and Carson Valley in Washoe Lake and yes that is slde mt. its right out our front door it looks so pretty with the snow on it she has a beautiful view from here Tahoe is only 30 mins up Mt Rose ill take a pic of my little girl and the valley and show it.
Lots of hugs
It sounds like you made quite an impact with your picture!!
And It sounds like you had a wonderful Aunt and Uncle.....I too lived with my aunt and uncle between ping pongs my mom lived...They lived in Paradise CA, ever been there?....I'ts so beautiful!
Now in AR...Sooo Beautiful. I heard Reno was sort of a ghost town....ever since Vegas came along....Well I think my mom said it was sort of dying ever since there wasn't gold in them thar hills anymore ....I don't know...I don't know if we ever went to Washoe lake...brothers would for parties, I was too young.....Thanks again for the pic hope Auntie and you are doing alright!
Can't wait to "meet" your little girl!
Yep I was born and raised in yuba city lived there all my life till I came to take care of Aunt Bev. Reno is kind of like a ghost time compared to what it used to be at least on the mail drag Virginia St where all the large casinos are and thats because of all the Indian casinos that opened in California people dont have to travel over the summit and drive 2 1/2 hours anymore they are just around the corner in California now and dont think when I am home I go to those to. of course I do love them. thanks for writing me
lots of hugs Kryste
i nee dot know /....
what ag rest idea to use the hot tub even at this otime of year