He spoke to me.: On Facebook, one of my... - PSP Association

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He spoke to me.

NannaB profile image
39 Replies

On Facebook, one of my daughters in law requested details of a good tattoo parlour near to where the family lives. She had lots of suggestions. I asked, "Is it for you" and she said yes but wouldn't say what or where on her body it was going. I read the post to Colin and said, "Shall I go with her and we can both have a tattoo, maybe matching ones". Very clearly and quite loudly he said, "No". For a long time now he has only spoken in indistinguishable grunts and we usually communicate in sign language. Well he does, I just rabbit on. Presumably if it is important enough, he can say more. I'm just very pleased he didn't say yes.


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NannaB profile image
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39 Replies
Georgepa profile image

You probably frightened him to death NannaB - tattoos indeed !

Love Georgepa

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Georgepa

I think he may have remembered what his late brother's wife did. On her 70th birthday, her and her two daughters all had identical tattoos on their right shoulders. They posted a picture on Facebook of 3 naked shoulders with large butterflies on each one. They were standing behind each other at an angle so the butterflies looked very close to each other. At the time he did say he hoped I didn't do that on my 70 th birthday. Why wait until I'm 70 ? No, I don't inflict pain on myself, too much of a coward.


Amilazy profile image

At least it was not piercing he was quite right to make his thoughts known Margaret's grunts become clear words if she is definite about something ie Yes wanting taste of jam or honey or No if I suggest going out shopping with her. Best wishes Tim

Doglinton profile image

If you put a transfer on your ankle think what he might say !

Jean x

That's wonderful that he spoke so clearly. Now you know the secret. Ask questions he wants to make sure he has a voice in the decision. :)

jzygirl profile image

They do find there voices at strange times don't they. On Wednesday we was in town (clacton) and he wanted an icecream. I stopped outside a shop and said do you want a cornetto in a very loud voice he said " NO I F*****G DON'T " never seen so many heads turn so fast as i sped off lol. Janexx

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to jzygirl

Whoops !!!

Patriciapmr profile image
Patriciapmr in reply to jzygirl

Ha ha, that's just the sort of thing Keith often comes out with! You have to smile sometimes don't you?


marytea13 profile image

good on him!

DenB profile image

It's just the little things, NannaB,isn't it?

D x

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to DenB

You're right, it is.


Heady profile image

Hi NannaB, yes it's surprising what can be achieved, if they put their minds to it! Sad they don't do it more often, still I suppose the effort is too great. S barely talks at home, but out and with strange people he finds his voice quite well! Perhaps he is fed up of talking to me!!!

Lots of love


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Heady

Probably the same with C Heady. Fed up with talking to me.


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to NannaB

After all we do......... Hey ho!!!

Lots of love


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Heady

B is the same. I just figure he knows I will figure out what he is saying whereas he does not have the luxury of time with other people. Though I must admit, his speech is almost inarticulate to everyone nowadays.

abirke profile image

CRAZY WILD STUFF! Remember when I wrote about B talking in his sleep. He hadn't spoken that clearly to me ....in a long time....

How is is that they can turn it on and off...or can they..... does it just happen?Thats one for the books.

So ya'll getting matching tattoos?


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to abirke

Definitely no tattoos for me, unless they are stick ons.


jessybx19 profile image

We would celebrate every time my dad would say a word or two. Many times we were able to get and I love you.

It is the little things.💜💜💜💜

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to jessybx19

It certainly is the little things.


Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Heady does not talk much at home, but anyone comes he chats to them. NannaB maybe you should get on of those stick on tattoo,s what do you think? Jzygirl it made me laugh, I could just imagine it. Yvonne xxxxxxxx

cabbagecottage profile image

john can't stand anyone talking , especially about health or illnesses , he never has . if it came up in conversation with anyone he would just say can't you fine something e,she to talk about .

my husband will never ask anyone how they are ,she makes a point if it . it does drag a cinversation down doesn't it

I fact the carers came this morning , I do ask them not to talk too much over his head as they are seeing to him . I try to keep out of the way because I join in as well otherwise . the one girl had a bad head but also said her husband not well they think he has had a TIA., After a while he just came out with 'it's like emergency ward 10 in here ". I didn't even think that he had ever heared of the programme .

Shen I start rabbiting on , which I am doing now only in print .! He tells me stop my mouth going , or plain shut up .. I can always understand that lol .

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to cabbagecottage

I'm sure C is telling me to give my mouth a rest but it doesn't come out, although he never told me to shut up when he could speak but then the conversation was two way. I have always enjoyed watching all the medical programmes so C is used to it. When I had investigations a few years ago I asked if I could see the monitor. How many women can say they have seen the inside of their womb? Ok, you are saying, how many would want to see it but I was fascinated. Off to the park now.


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to cabbagecottage

Rabbit on here....noone telling you to quit the conversation....am fascinated with the medical field....

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to abirke

😷 💉 x

abirke profile image
abirke in reply to NannaB

Where do you find those icons....hahahahaha

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to abirke

When I press reply and the keyboard comes up, at the bottom right hand corner of my iPad is .?123 then a smiley face. Click on that and they all appear. You then get a flower, bell and star which all open different pages of icons. I don't know if laptops show the same.

X 🙋

cabbagecottage profile image

you sound very much like me , lol. I never in. A million years thought I would be able to cope as I have don . I end to know how everything works so that I can work things out for myself .

john would never have spoken to me like that before . it's as if he gets so desperate he finds to strength to fight back high pleases me no end . the Johnnie spirit is still there .Hope you noted the park . it's a beautiful day hear with a breeze going . still very hot though . which makes it harder for both of us .

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to cabbagecottage

We got to the park for a couple of hours and as we aren't going out again before S goes home tomorrow, I have put the pool up. I'm sitting on the patio with my feet in the water. Decided not to get in the pool. If I catch pneumonia, who will look after Colin. He is asleep in his chair in a North facing room, lovely and cool.


cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to NannaB

sounds lovely . I haven't got the other room set up for John to go in there to sit . he isn't comfortable enough to stay in his wheelchair . I have thought about buying another armchair for him to go in there when it gets so hot .but it had to be able to go under the hoist . if o could use the wheelie hoist I would manage but it's far too heavyfor me and takes up so much room.

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to NannaB

Carers due soon for afternoon visit. they will only freshen him up and change him into his night top . doubt he will want to use commode . He often doesn't when they come .

I haven't got a clue who will come it says to reliefs in my royal and tomorrow afternoon. ' could be the milkman lo ..

I have hot 14 different carers on the rota for next week . Six of those are men . I am not too keen on having men . I haven't kicked up a fuss , I know they are struggling for staff .

when to assessment is done I might change companies . I don't really want to but it could be I a, dragging my feet and it will be better . Everyone keeps telling me they are all the same so better the devil you know

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to cabbagecottage

Two reliefs on the Rota

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to cabbagecottage

14 different carers seems an awful lot. Our main night nurse, who also gets Colin up and showered etc, is away for 2 weeks. We have a different one every Sunday and Monday and for the next two weeks, she is also doing Tues, Wed and Thurs. Both Friday's we are having a lady who has been before. the only other one we have is for half an hour on a Sunday morning and two staff alternate. During a normal week we only see three carers. I think I would see how other companies work.

I hope you both have a good week.


cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to NannaB

because John I shouted they say he has to have two carers each time ., during the two years since we started we have had 124 different ones .

I have found it very difficult to let go of all the personal things he needs not know who is coming and trusting they will so it properly , .

they keep telling me that all companies are the same , I have been afraid i will jump out of the rpfrying own into the fire if I change . I think I will wait ow until get the assessment result and maybe change then

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to cabbagecottage

are you having direct payment ? I have though about it but wonder if it will be too much for me to deal with on top of everything else .

I have recently been having the same two generally in the mornings no have let go more myself .

o don't think it affects John as much as me , he just gets on with it and hasn't the choice , .

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to cabbagecottage

Continuing Healthcare staff arrange all Colin's care. They have asked me if I'm happy with the care company and when I told them I was the woman said they would stay with them then. I think if I didn't get on with them they would change by the way she spoke. Colin is difficult to manage single handed now so I sometimes have to help transfer him from bed to commode etc. I do everything myself during the day but the carers aren't allowed to use the hoist on their own. The crossroads sitters are though.


cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to NannaB

Hank u and up u , I might give another company a ring tomorrow . Ours is arranged through social services and we pay them , living in Wales we are very fortunate in only ever paying £60 week .see how it hits when assess finished . Got the mental health Dr on Thursday .

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to cabbagecottage

I think it will be different if I agree to let the continuing health arrange it , they did say it would be better . I think I will ring the girl who came bs he. Was fro Wales care who check up on care companies .

the supervisor came this afternoon from card company I told him we have 14 this week and now got six men . I am not too fussy on having men , we have had one now and again but having six now . In a week . johns can't keep up with it . . He told me better with men !!! . I wish they would let me just have one with me helping like you say I do it all day on my own . . I don't think our crossroads would be allowed . We haven't had one for w while the regular one finished and not bothered since . .

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to cabbagecottage

That was meant to b thank you and you too lol I'm tired now off to sleep lol night sleep well ,

Joandbear profile image

Ha! Good for you and Colin. Thanks for sharing

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