Afraid in my own home.: Today I had to let... - PSP Association

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Afraid in my own home.

Noella21 profile image
13 Replies

Today I had to let go the care worker we both had gotten very attached to. I had some issues over all the cell phone calls coming in upsetting her from a boyfriend who she confided in me was an addict. I layed it on the line about this and I thought things were better until this morning . There was a comotion in my back hall when I went to check it out the boy friend was here demanding money from her. She threw the money at him and sent him home. I knew this would never stop so long as he is living with her . She never should have violated our security by telling him where we live. What scared me the most is she has no Idea that breech in our security is serious. I called my son to see if I was over reacting and he said absolutely not. I was afraid I would cave and take her back when the agency called pass on her apology and her request to giver her another chance. my hear screamed yes but my fingers texted the agency back they said if they wanted to give her another chance go ahead but not in our home since he knows where we live. Turns out they were of the same mind as me about bounderies being crossed. They can not send her to another place . I informed them if either of these individuals try to contact me I will have to call the police . I am so broken over all this. We are both very Il and feeling vulnerable . Crying myself to sleep.

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Noella21 profile image
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13 Replies
Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Oh my god, sorry to hear that, yes it is unacceptable her doing that, I agree with you, it is not enough we open our door to people coming in and out, we have to accept them, when you feel comfortable with someone and this happens, it must take all your security away from you, that her boyfriend nows where you live, it is dam out of order, I hope you find another career who you can trust and feel comfortable with. Really sorry to hear this, makes me think, we have a security gate. So many careers have the number, and a key safe, really makes you think about our safety? Sending you both a massive hug sounds like you need it. Yvonne xxx.

Noella21 profile image
Noella21 in reply to Yvonneandgeorge

Thank you Yvonne. I have had issues before with boy friends.They break up and than they have my WiFi pass words and when the girls leave I have had to have my locks rekeyed. I give No one access codes any more.My son's live near by and if for some reason we are unable to open the door they have to call them.I also wear a life line if I fall or there is an emergency It will send help. I am getting a security camera system that I can monitor what is happening around my house on my cell or tv. It is sad when you have to go such lengths before you open your door. I am having to go to stronger pain pills If these women let on to their boy friends about opiates or medical Canibis yor a sitting duck. I think I am having a melt down . Not normally this fearful. I hope I feel better in the morning. hugs back .

Lol it is morning and i am still awake.

Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to Noella21

We have a television indoors so we can see who is at the door. Yvonne xxxxx

Noella21 profile image
Noella21 in reply to Yvonneandgeorge

That is what I am going to install . thanks.

Heady profile image

Hi, this sounds horrendous. I think, if I was you, I would report it to the police anyway. You only need to file a report over the phone, to get it on the record, then if there is any further problem, they will take it serious straight away. Might give you a bit of peace of mind.

Take care of yourself.

Lots of love


Marie_14 profile image

What a terrible thing to happen. No wonder you are worried. You have done the right thing getting rid of her. She is very unprofessional to have put you in any kind of danger. I agree with Heady, I would certainly inform the police about this. They will be there if anything should happen as a result of her stupidity.

Also get a TV so you can see who is there as someone suggested...think it was Yvonne? Change any keys if she had access to your house. I hope she didn't. Take care of yourself and put it down to a very unlucky experience.

Marie_14 (big hug to you)

Marie_14 profile image

Just reading your post again and this was through an agency?! Were they recommended by the council or did you find them yourself? Either way I would report them to not only the police but the CQC and the council. She should have had a Criminal Record check. It might be worth asking the police if she did? Otherwise she will prey on some other vulnerable people? I am sure this is the last thing you want to do but I do think it wise.

If we can help please contact us Noella.

Marie_14 x x

Noella21 profile image
Noella21 in reply to Marie_14

Her criminal check is clear it is the boy friend that is the problem. I really liked the woman . The Agency is handling this in the proper way . They told me to lock the doors and call the police if.he comes back here. So long as she is not here he hopefully won't come back.

Spiralsparkle profile image

I also think you should call the police to report this incident so it is on record. I can only imagine how scared you must be feeling.

Sending you massive hugs. I'm glad your sons are near by.

We had an incident with a key going missing from our Keybox a few days ago. Carer says she locked it up but there was no damage to box and police agree with me thinking she either lost key or didn't scramble the Keybox so was open. I can't prove it either way but the agency are sticking up for her. Police advised me to ask them to do a full investigation into it.

Nanny857 profile image

How awful for you. I hope you do report this to the police like others have advised and you get that security system in soon to give you peace of mind.

Sending you a big hug. Nanny857 x

PSPwife profile image

I am so sorry you had to deal with this. Unfortunately we become a little vulnerable with each caregiver we let into our lives. There are many truly caring people but there are some with questionable judgement or relations. Hang in there, I'm sure the next one will be better.

easterncedar profile image

Oh, Noella, what a terrible nightmare. I'm really sorry. You were absolutely right to stand your ground, of course. An addict attached to a carer is a very dangerous scenario, and the agency is correct to terminate her as well, sad as it is. I hope they find another carer for you that you can like and trust. Peace, Ec

abirke profile image

I read the latest post and was confused till I found this post....Bummer bummer.....I am sorry you had to let this lady go but indeed you had to let her go. You are very well armed I must say; I never thought of all those implements, ie hornet spray, cant remember the rest to protect you from intruders.....Like Heady, we got a dog.....she would take that intruder and make him her best friend.....killing the intruder with kindness if that's possible! However, you might just get you a dog; really not a bad idea.....They could pee on the floor together! hahah

Well speaking of security, we here in America must go and vote today....and my husband is just getting stay safe our own selves, it's time to cast the ballot; hopefully tomorrow we will have the first woman president of the United States of America ...and you will have found a carer who barely knows your address let alone giving it out to others....take care....


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