My husband has bouts of sneezing and a runny nose when he is eating ,I believe some of it is from not breathing right (He stop breathing )when he is eating. Anyone else experience this.
Thanks for reading
Dee in BC
My husband has bouts of sneezing and a runny nose when he is eating ,I believe some of it is from not breathing right (He stop breathing )when he is eating. Anyone else experience this.
Thanks for reading
Dee in BC
Hi Dee, You've just described my husband. His sneezing fits can go on for ages and he doesn't appear to notice the runny nose. He gets through 9 mansize boxes of tissues a fortnight (I count them in the recycling box ). I don't know of any way of reducing the sneezing bouts but someone may have an idea.
Best wishes
Nanna B
hi deew,
i was told i had cbd 6 years ago now im told i have ataxia type 2,
and for the last 2 years my nose just runs when i eat ive seen my
doctor but she didnt find anything wrong so i was sent to the ent
clinic where i had a cat scan on my nose which came back clear
then he stuck a camara up my nose and that was clear so he put
it down to the disease afecting the museals in the throut not working
quick enough so he gave me nose spray that opens the nose so you
can breath better called NASONEX try that it helps me,
take care
Mum did this a lot from way before everything led us to a diagnosis. I put it down to the fact that she had to turn her head down towards the plate more in order to see as she had poor downward gaze. It all stopped when she was being fed by others, which is what led me to that conclusion. I guess some of it was also down to the concentration. Could try having the plate/food higher up? We tried the PSP prism glasses but mum didn't get on with them, however it may be worth a try as every one is different. x
HI I TOO USE nasocort for my nasal and sinus problems
but cannot smell anything or taste anything at the moment
npt grumbling but i know i tis a sign of Parkinson's that the sense of smell goes - is it the same with psp>??
lol Jill