Worth remembering when well-meaning friends/family give us "advice." Interesting advice especially about a flashlight up the ass - will it cure prostate cancer too?
A Spoonful of Clorox: Worth remembering... - Prostate Cancer A...
A Spoonful of Clorox

Randy Rainbow is one talented guy. I find the flashlight to be more comfortable than whatever they used for my biopsy. Here’s hop in’ it works
Randy's one of my favorite on YouTube. Thanks for posting this one for all of us, Allen.
Outstanding. Normally I am not pleased with those who post comedy here since it leads me to waste time on unnecessary clicks, but this, wow, well worth it. Thanks.
Can't stop laughing.
Thanks...I needed a good laugh. Love Randy!
Ha ha. Lmao. Good one TA
Well, I don't know about Pc but its fun while trying!
Thanks, that's a brilliant parody which hopefully might help counteract the very dangerous suggestions that are being promulgated by some in this COVID-19 time.
Please for the love of god vote him out this year American friends. It’s like watching a train wreck.
Along the lines of your thinking:
Vote Him Away Song | The Liar Tweets Tonight
great to see clever/smart people - thanks