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Thank you Vitruviusman
Thanks Vitruviusman, I just printed up a coupon for a 90 day supply for $30.19 at Kroger, going to email my doc and get him to call in prescription.....will let you know what happens.....
Check around, I only pay $24.00 at Safeway pharmacy
your the best man...…..thanks again
I wish it would work for me. I do not get a hard cock except with injections. Dating has been disasterous. I keep myself in excellent shape, 5'8" tall, 145lbs, 30" waist, 41" chest, but without a hard thick cock to go with it, I get dropped like a hot potato.
I've been reading your story and I feel for you. I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time with ED.
PLEASE try the JoyLoop, something I "invented" that you make yourself, and which is currently saving my libido in the midst of 18 months of ADT. Please contact me, Peter, at LoopInstructions@gmail.com and I'll send you the document, including a photo illustration.
This just may help you. Kudos for keeping yourself in great shape!
I would say that if the Loop doesn't work, go for the AMS 700 LCX implant, which should not shorten your penis.
Best of luck!
Hi Vitruviusman
I’m new here. Your story is sad and frightens me.
I frequent gay saunas. Here sex is pretty freely available.
Yes, many (even most) guys are looking for a hard cock. Right now I can supply but after treatment who knows. Won’t be the same, I’m sure.
But lots of guys don’t have a hard cock to share in return. I’ve been with guys who only bottom for that reason. I’ve been with guys with ED following prostate surgery. I’ve been with guys half my age who can’t get an erection or cum because of meds. I’ve been with guys that just want to fuck.
Sure, casual sex is just that. It’s a bit hit and miss. I have been with fabulously sexy men with amazing levels of intimacy. I’ve been there and gone home empty. I’ve had Scary levels of intimacy for someone you just met and don’t know his name. And sometimes, if things are right, we even swap phone numbers.
Does anyone else have this experience?
I have not had sex in over 7 years. The plethora of STD/diseases that one can catch at one of those bath houses or where ever they go is just not smart. There are other diseases resistant to current meds, that are now worse the AIDS HIV. Yes not having sex in 7 years makes me very sad, and feeling unloved but I am not willing to trade a possible STD for sexual release. Dating has and continues to be disastrous.