I thought it would be time to post here how I am doing after surgery.
I had surgery on April the 5th 8 am and it took 4 hours. I didn't feel much pain to be honest or they kept it controlled during the time I was in hospital, which I left Sunday - 3 days after surgery.
According to the doctors the surgery went technically well. As far as they could be able to see so it seems the "thing" was confined to the gland and I had the right side nerve spared. I believe these were good news because there were fears there was extracapsular invasion. Of course the pathological report will have to confirm this. I had around 15 lymph nodes removed.
The part of the lymph nodes removal procedures is what is still causing me a lot of discomfort as it creates still some liquids in the lower part of the belly. This is causing me some pain some times but mostly as it swells I get relieved only when laying down.
I had the catheter removed 6 days after surgery and gained continence 2 hours after its removal. It stayed this way for 3 days. Now I have some times when I have leakages and this is the part of this whole surgery procedure that is frustrating me as for the rest I am seeing and feeling improvements... Why would that be that I was completely continente for 3 days and now not always so? I don't wear any pad during the nights though and I have been kept dry always. I do the kegel exercises twice a day and I feel I cannot do more because the muscle hurt after sometime. Am I doing ok?
Today is the 5th day I am taking cialis - precribed by doctor - and I was told to start stimulating my penis which I am doing and I now I know what an orgasm without erection is They were very weak though.
I guess that is it. Happy to receive any comment. I have a doctor appoitment by close the end of this month and by then we should be knowing what the pathological report says.
Thank you,