Posts - Pregnancy and Parenting Support | HealthUnlocked

Pregnancy and Parenting Support

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All posts for May 2019


I had sex for the first time last September. Was taking the combo pill so had my...

Upper Abdominal Pain

Experiencing upper abdominal pain. is this normal during my 6 weeks pregnancy? i...
jane129 profile image

30 Weeks + 2 Days Pregnant advice needed.

Hi Everyone, Hope you're all doing well. I am under the Midwifery Consultant du...
Ema1234 profile image
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Contraception after a baby

I’ve recently had a baby and I’m thinking about contraception. I don’t get on wi...
Binky1983 profile image

Advice please

Hi ladies hope you are all having a great week Just wanting some advice really,...
Jessieb97 profile image

No idea how far along I am!

So I posted last week about not having periods for years and wondering how long ...
Missnursie profile image

28 week scan

I'm 28+2 today I went for my scan & the baby is already head down, not engaged b...
Leah90 profile image

Working whilst pregnant

Unfortunately not long after I told my employer I was pregnant she let me go fro...
Billiebt288 profile image

12 week jabs

How were your babies after their 12 week jabs? Were they the same as 8weeks or...
Annh17 profile image

stress during pregnancy

I'm 19 weeks pregnant. From day one of my pregnancy i'm fighting with my husband...
mintamir profile image

Childcare costs!!!

I’m just starting to look into childcare costs for the future. I have a little b...
Jwarby profile image

Crying after breastfeeding

My little boy is 12 months old and was exclusively breastfed from birth. He’s no...
kt_11 profile image

Hyperemesis. People opinions and helped you seeked?

I also had hyperemesis with my 1st. Got to 7 weeks for the first 5 days , I was ...
Baby2woo profile image

Struggling to get pregnant

From three months me and my partner have been trying for a baby, working out my ...
Welshie199 profile image

Rosy cheeks

My LG is 12weeks today and since yesterday afternoon, she has had rosy cheeks es...
Annh17 profile image

Update on Last Post

So i had an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay, & my little bean is grow...
Hidden profile image

Toddler not being herself

Hi all, my little girl is nearly 2 and is generally fit and well. The past week ...
Mrsbunny91 profile image

I suffered with hyperemesis gravidarum in my last pregnancy I’m 6 weeks and starting to feel really sick.

I’m now 6 weeks with my second child and I’m petrified I’m going to get it again...
Maddy92 profile image

Pregnant and terrified

Hi all, I'm new here and definitely very new to pregnancy. This is most likely ...
Hidden profile image

Teething madness

New mum and need peoples best tips for teething! Thanks
Nellbell90 profile image

Late on

Hey everyone, so myself and my partner are trying for a baby. I’ve done a test y...
Chels976 profile image


My daughter is three months old and I wanted to try expressing and giving it to...
Pink333 profile image

Flying with 4 week old baby

My parents live in Crete and are wanting me to go and visit in August with my 5y...
JNDuce12-13 profile image

Baby’s growth has slowed at 31 weeks

Hi everyone We’ve been having regular scans since they found our baby’s femur wa...
Star15 profile image

13 weeks pregnant and still Feeling pukey!

When will I get better???? Ladies! When did you start to feel better???
YunaMom profile image

Bottle feeding

Me and my partner have decided for us bottle feeding would be the best option, j...
Billiebt288 profile image

From bed sharing to cot - help?!

Any advice totally appreciated! My baby boy is 10 weeks old and hasn't been a br...
AJBee profile image

Confused 🤷‍♀️

I missed my period this morning so I decided to do a test, I’m not sure u can s...
Baby24 profile image

Is my babies temp normal

Baby temp 35.8 I’m a new mum and my baby boy is nearly 9 weeks. Just had vaccine...
Siobain89 profile image

Tvs in kids rooms?

Hello. I just had a discussion with my partner about when we get a place togethe...
lou121087 profile image

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