Hello. I just had a discussion with my partner about when we get a place together (currently living with his parents with a newborn) that I don't want a tv in the kids room. He has his kids every other weekend and they sleep over once a month, and there 6 and 9, tonight they went to sleep at 10:40 because the tv was on and they were playing on there tablets. My partner doesn't want to set a routine here with them as it's only one night. They have Netflix on his TV at the moment but if they had a tv in the new room they wouldn't have that and I think theres nothing on they should be watching in the evening. I said they can watch TV with us until 8 then spend an hour on there tablets then they try to go to bed around 9 as even that's a little late for there ages. And once my daughter goes in her bedroom eventually I don't want a tv left on until late as she'll be sharing with her 9yr old sister and I doubt the 6yr old boy will sleep separately from her at first as there so close. and I think it could disturb my daughters sleep. What do other people think?
Tvs in kids rooms? : Hello. I just had... - Pregnancy and Par...
Tvs in kids rooms?

I’m personally against TVs in bedrooms but that was just the way I was brought up, I only got one when I bought it myself about 17-18. Moving house would be a great time to set new ground rules if that’s what you want to do but I guess your partner would need to be on board too. My parents used to send us to bed at a set time but would allow us to read for as long as we wanted before sleeping, perhaps if they aren’t tired you could put on a small light for them and they could quietly do something like that in the bedroom which would allow your daughter to sleep when they eventually share 🤷♀️ Hopefully you’ll figure out something that works for you all x
Thanks for replying. He was kinda on board with the idea but I think where he only sees them at weekends he likes to spoil them but I think spoil them during the day not by letting them sit up all night with the tv on AND playing on there phones or tablets it's either one or the other. Like this morning I went downstairs the tvs on but there both glued to there tablets lol. It really frustrates me, but I guess as a kid I never had tablets or phones so I was normally outside or playing in my room or watching TV. But yes a new house we will definitely set some rules we both agree on. X
I think I got my first mobile when I was 16 as they weren’t mainstream, no tablets growing up, just the 1 TV in the household so we had to all watch together. I did have a games console but it was time limited. We lived at the end of a cul de sac and everyone only had 1 car and they were kept on the drive so the street was empty to play in with the other children safely. I’m hoping when my little girl grows up we can teach her to enjoy the things we did as kids and limit screen time etc as whilst I understand things are different now and some technology time is great so is doing real things and getting outdoors 😊 I’m just hoping she finds some local children to play with as nowerdays you never seem them out playing in the street or hear them in back gardens and everyone drives everywhere 😢 x
I’m not a big believer in tv’s in bedrooms, me and my partner don’t live together and his kids are 10, 8 and 7 and since I’ve known them they’ve had tv’s in their bedrooms. And because of them having one, my 5yr old wants one which I’ve said is a NO! Much to his disgust.
I suppose like your partner says for the 1 night it’s not too bad, but I think you are right to put a time limit on it. Ie, they go up to bed at 7 if they want to watch a movie in bed, so tv will be off by 9pm... or bed at 8pm and only 1hr of tv.
Thanks for the reply. I didn't get a tv in my room until I was 13 I think lol. My mum was happy to let me watch TV downstairs but when I was there age we didn't have all this technology so I use to play with toys a lot. And that's the other thing when my LG is old enough I don't want her glued to the TV in her room in her cot if they have it on and she wakes up if that makes sense lol. And if they want to watch a film in the bedroom I'm happy to put our laptop on for them just for the film but I think they need rules at our house as well and less technology to keep them entertained and we have brought them loads of games and colouring in bits to do if they get bored.
I wonder if you could come at it from an additional/different angle?
There’s lots of research that advises against the use of gadgets/tv in the 1-2hrs before bed due to the impact on sleep/developmentally.

That's why I don't want a tv in the bedroom. They watch it almost all day unless we're out or there on there phones. We were meant to go out this afternoon but there fast asleep on the sofa due to not going to bed early enough because of there gadgets and tv.
My kids have TVs Xbox PlayStation phones etc 13&11 just turn it off or take away set times they can watch.
If I only had my kids one day a month they’d be spoilt.

I don't mind them being spoilt but then the 6yr old boy gets very cheeky and rude if he doesn't get his own way. And like today they wanted to go to the park but then fell asleep and when they woke up he complained there going late! And it's mainly going to be my LG's room so I don't want a tv in there as she won't need one. I'm happy for them to watch TV or films with us then go to the room with there tablets for an hour or so then bed. And he sees them every other weekend and they sleep over once a month
Sounds fair it’s up to u, mine prefer phones to tv. Your house your rules.
I don't think screens before bed are a good idea because (as someone else pointed out) there is research to show they can have a negative impact on sleep. My bedtime routine when I was a child was to read a story with my mum and siblings then go to sleep. As I got older, I would read by myself before trying to sleep. This is exactly what I will do with my own baby when he/she is born. I loved story time with my mum and look back on it fondly now. It's a great way to spend quality time together and it created my passion for reading. I'd much rather see my child absorbed in a book than staring at a screen, to be honest.
I dont even let my kid watch TV in the house. So a big no from me at TV in kids Room!!!
My son is autistic and he has tv and laptop on at same time it's just something he has to have but I'd not like the tv in bedroom it's a nasty cycle as they can turn it on after its been turned off ideally children need st least 1-2 hrs of screen free time before bed time
I'd put your foot down. If you don't want a tv in your daughter's room, then don't get one for the occasional times your partner's children are staying. They can still have the treat of tv, just in the shared family room. If your partner wants to spoil his children, there are loads of other ways to do so but if it's important to you not to, don't have a tv in your daughter's room.