From bed sharing to cot - help?! - Pregnancy and Par...

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From bed sharing to cot - help?!

AJBee profile image
14 Replies

Any advice totally appreciated! My baby boy is 10 weeks old and hasn't been a brilliant sleeper so far, through no fault of his own.

He was OK in the Moses basket as night to start and had daytime naps downstairs in his carry cot. A few weeks in he got bad silent reflux and more recently horrible trapped wind at night (trumps more than burps) and because of this he absolutely hates to lay flat. after doing a lot of reading and careful thinking we found the best solution for either of us getting any sleep was 2 bed share so he and I are in the big bed (dad's been relegated to the spare room!)

I am hoping at 12 weeks when he is more grown up and hopefully his trapped wind and digestion is much better at 3 months that I will be putting him in his own crib and get much more of the bedtime routine going on and daytime naps back in his carrycot again. His daytime naps are getting a little better in a carrycot, but as for night-time, the only way to get him to sleep is to nurse him. He'll often unlatch just as he's falling asleep which is good news sometimes I can get away with taking him off my chest and putting him next to me in the bed but often the only way he falls asleep is on my chest. It's about 50/50. He then wakes every 2 hours is, either asking to be fed or grunting with trapped wind (the only way to settle him back to sleep is to nurse him again).

It's really concerning me how he's going to cope in the cot, so any suggestions if you have gone from bed shadow to cot would be greatly appreciated!! I have read so much already online and in theory it sounds perfectly logical, but in practice who knows!?

He does love physical contact and during the day he's either playing for a (very) short time, in the sling, sleeping or nursing. there's very little time he's happy just to sit on your lap or be cuddled, he soon kicks off until he is breastfed!

He is only young still I get that, and he was ever so slightly pre term at 36+3, but I do worry he's probably not getting the quality or even quantity of sleep he should be right now and in hoping getting him into the cot will help.

Thank you!!! (Sorry for the novel!) xx

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14 Replies
AJBee profile image

Some awful typos in there I'm so sorry!!! Dictating didn't work as well as I'd hoped!!!

Lovefood1984 profile image

We had a very unsettled newborn who used to sleep upright on us, have you considered asking your GP for some Antacid medication? I know it’s not a solution for everyone and you may decide you aren’t happy medicating a small child if you can cope in other ways. I also bought a book on baby reflux which suggested that there is a reason for their unsettledness and a lot of the time it’s down to allergy’s, this was true in our case but may not be for you so something worth researching/finding out about. Once our little one had her allergy sorted the silent reflux stopped and we managed after a few weeks to get her into her next2me 😀 I started by moving her from her side position/upright on me to her back but right next to me on the bed then one morning I was so tired from her moving around I moved further away and she continue to sleep so that’s when I bit the bullet and moved her into her next2me and she’s been there ever since. I think it’s very trial and error with them I’m afraid x

AJBee profile image
AJBee in reply to Lovefood1984

Thank you so much for your reply and advice. I wish I'd got a next to me from day one! It's only that someone gave us a Moses basket that I didn't. Doh!!

Can I ask what your little bubs was allergic to? Trial and error is exactly right! Thank you again xxx

Lovefood1984 profile image
Lovefood1984 in reply to AJBee

My little girl is allergic to Cows milk, we only found out quite early compared to some as she was really bad on formula but not so bad on my expressed milk as we were mixed feeding at first and then things got really bad when I went all formula 😢 I do wonder how breastfeeding mums ever figure it out, I know a lot on the forum I’m on just do trial and error, give something up for a few weeks, see how baby becomes and then perhaps re-introduce to confirm (or find out when weaning because they gave them yoghurt etc.) We’ve been told to avoid soya too as they can go hand in hand and we also suspect coconut now after using a coconut yoghurt substitute and having the same sort of reaction we get to milk 🙄 We have passed beef (2% risk for us) and a lot of veg and fruit and almond alternative yoghurts 😀 Now just egg and peanut butter to try as the last of the major allergens 😂😬 If you do decide to eliminate I’d be careful of making sure your own diet is balanced (short term would be ok) and it takes a few weeks for things to clear their system and heal unfortunately. I hope you get to the bottom of what’s bothering your little one (if anything), I know what it’s like to have an unsettled baby and it’s not fun at all x

AJBee profile image
AJBee in reply to Lovefood1984

Oh heavens you've not had a good time me have you!? Thank you so much for your advice and all that info. I'll have a good read and investigate further!! Xx

Kempton profile image

It might sound a bit silly but the only way I could lie my baby down once he unlatched was to prewarm the spot he was going to lie on with a hot water bottle. I guess it makes sense, I don't think I'd like going from the warm arms of someone to a cold surface!

Also if your baby doesn't like sleeping flat, does your crib/cot have an incline setting? Or could you put rolled up towels under the mattress at the top of the bed so he's at a slight angle?

Consider putting an item if your clothing in the space he'll sleep so it smells of you. But obviously make sure there are no loose fabrics.

I remember my baby went through a very clingy stage at 3 months and although he'd initially go down in his crib, he'd sleep on my chest from the 2am feed until the early morning. It was just a phase and didn't last for long.

Good luck and I hope this helps a bit!

AJBee profile image
AJBee in reply to Kempton

Thank you so much for the advice. To hear things like this are phases is totally reassuring. Much keep repeating 'this too will pass'. Thank you again xxx

Hey AJBee we had a sleepless baby until we got a pod for our daughter to sleep in, in her cot. It raised her head up slightly and she slept easily and securely inside, with no reflux.

However, the Lullaby trust does NOT recommend them due to SIDS. So it is up to you....

We slept beside her and so were able to see her and hear her at all times she was in it....

If we didn't have this - then we would have had to sleep with her in our arms.


AJBee profile image
AJBee in reply to

You're amazing thank you so much for the reply and advice. Heading off to Amazon right now!! xxx

in reply to AJBee

We had the red castle cocoon baby sleeping pod. We got a 2nd hand one, just in case you wanted to know what worked for us x

AJBee profile image
AJBee in reply to

My god they look so comfortable!!! Why don't they do adult sizes!? 😂 Thank you again xxx

in reply to AJBee

Haha I wish! Do read the Lullaby trust guidelines though - to make sure you are comfortable with these sleeping aids before purchase.

Best of luck! Hope you find a solution!


ChrisWest1983 profile image

My reflux baby did not sleep well either... I tried to elevate his cot with cot blocks , ended up with him sleeping next to me in a pod. Gladly reflux went when introduced solid foods!

Good luck !

(I am pregnant and dreading this to happen again!)

AJBee profile image
AJBee in reply to ChrisWest1983

Thank you Chris! It's reassuring to know im not the only one. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!! At least this time around you know it's a phase that will pass (the reflux not the pregnancy!!) Thank you again and good luck xxx

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