So I’m a mum of two; my youngest being 4 months old. I haven’t had a great history with contraception... my first was conceived while I was on the combined pill and my little boy was conceived while I had the coil... I opted to give the pill another go but this time having Desogestrel as I’m breastfeeding.... anyway I missed a few pills the last two week, and (SORRY IF TMI) I’ve just has blood-tinged mucus discharge. OH works away during the week so I don’t know if we were just a bit too aggressive when he got back this weekend and that’s caused the pink/blood lined discharge or if it’s something else. Maybe it’s just because I missed the odd day and it’s affected my hormones causing spotting..
Again TMI sorry : My cervical mucus the past couple days has been very ‘fertile’ and now this is making my worried.. I shouldn’t be showing signs of being fertile while I’m on the pill... unless the missed tablets allowed an egg to be released?!
How long after fertilisation of the egg does it implant? (And possibly cause implantation bleeding?)
I’m hoping I’m not expecting as I’ve not even gone back to work from maternity leave!! I think I’m going to stick with condoms from now on!!
And a quick disclaimer I’ve been completely honest with OH about the missed days, and we have both taken the risk by not using another form of contraception. We do want another baby but ideally not right now, we’d like a longer gap
Thanks for reading any advice would be appreciated