I’m 5 days late. Suppose to start my period on 14th.
I’ve had a migraine/headache since last Friday. And all last week(week before suspected period) breast were so tender/sensitive, sense of smell was crazy.
12th I had spotting when I’d wipe. 13/14th dark brown “blood”
15th dark brown little more red but still more brown than anything.
16th brown when I wipe and brown on pad
17th (4 days late) spotting from 4-7pm light pink brown center
18th negative pregnancy test. Very very light cramps def not period cramps. But spotting watery pink and brown. From 12-2pm.
One friends thinks I’m just having a weird period.
Another friend thinks I was having a miscarriage.
Called PP told her what’s going on she thinks is implantation bleeding made an appointment for 22nd.
I’m so lost. I’m stressing out so badly my bf is just trying to be supportive and I’m just thinking about it nonstop!!! Can someone put my mind at ease!