Me and my imagination...: I have found... - Positive Wellbein...

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Me and my imagination...

secrets22 profile image
13 Replies

I have found that we suffer more often in imagination than in our reality,because often our imagination can make terrible mistakes.

The tricks that our mind plays can often see troubles that dont even exist,and even more so since the aloneness of Covid19...I have ended up questioning everything lately like'why did he say that and what did she mean' ,i will be so glad when i get a sense of normality or i will go crackers.

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secrets22 profile image
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13 Replies
starveycat profile image

This lockdown has been tough, the weather so bad, soon it will be over. Problem is we haven't had a normal conversation for ages do we will have to learn how to be social animals again

It's been a very difficult year but please do not be hard on yourself, these are very strange unprecedented times and our minds can work in very mysterious ways.

We are on the way out now as the vaccination programme is going so well and the weather is improving.

Take care and we are all in this together.

Alicia 🙏🌈👍

Grumpyoldmaid99 profile image

Hello secrets22, I don't think you're going crackers at all. Isn't it the norm to hope for the best but prepare for worst in life? I do wonder whether this new "woke" society encourages us to question previously innocent sounding statements in more depth, in order to seek out potential defamatory intent? I can certainly relate to your concerns. My "solution" - I've taken to reading authors I would previously have dismissed, and am suddenly fascinated by autobiographies. Perhaps hoping to reinforce my view that it's the world that's gone mad, not me. Hope you are well 🙃

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to Grumpyoldmaid99

Hello GOM99......snap,i am addicted to autobiographies ,i just love them.x

Absolutely secrets22. Our minds are really good at that. They imagine scenarios and interpret looks and movements and judge all by themselves what people mean as opposed to what they say. I think that all of this has been heightened over the past year as we often have too much thinking time and emotions are running higher than usual. It's a really good skill to be able to rein your mind in and try to live more in the current moment. 😊

honeybug profile image


Hi that is so true our self talk can determine our entire mood and assesment of a situation and how we feel and too much time to not good keeping busy is the key 🤗🌝full moon but it's cloudy actual fullness is tomorror xxx

ninelives profile image

Found a lovely quote in an old book unsure of author."He who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears"

The mind is such a powerful force,I tend to worry about the next MRI scan as I hate enclosed spaces Afterwards I chide myself for getting so distressed when in reality it wasn't so bad.

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to ninelives

Fear is indeed the cause of much of our suffering.My healing thoughts are for you for your next MRI scan,x

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to ninelives

I love that quote ninelives, it makes a lot of sense. Good luck with your next MRI scan, maybe you could remember saying in your post ‘ in reality it wasn’t so bad’. 🙂👍🌺

My mam tends to over worry and to be honest I'm a worrier but not as bad she said it's self preservation and it's true like worrying if there's flood warnings to be prepared mam always has a bag packed with important documents and money etc, whereas me I think oh it always just misses us, although I do start to get concerned when it endlessly rains, facing upto ones fears is good unless would cause horrendous stress, I faced up to my fears of my house and things are coming good I'm starting to like it again and the bad memories are fading, I had such a fear of it just passing it brough back bad feelings and I used to panic walking in, I was never afraid of the rats I luv all creatures it was the depresshion and bad mood I had endured at that time and the filth that goes with rats flies Beatles maggots the smell which I can't smell now it felt like a dirty house not a home, it was nice to see pixie running up and down chasing his ball in the living room,I used to fear going to my dad's empty house after he died fear of the pain I may feel in seeing his empty home and remembering him been there but it wasn't that bad when I had gone in,he had been I the residential home 2 years and I don't like passing there either, I think gradually facing up to our fears makes it more bearable and easier to come to terms with,it's also like going on a date or interview I get so nervous before hand thinking the worst and soon as I'm there I'm not nervous and it's usually ok well apart from the dates lol won't go there on past internet dating one I walked straight passed as didn't recognise him looked nothing like photo lol maby that's why I'm reluctant now, hope you have good day will PM you 🤗🌞🌝🌟xxx

Floxxy profile image

I do so totally agree. X

Big_Dee profile image

Hello secrets22

Well for sure you are better off than most people, who don't know that they can be their own worse enemy. Blessings.

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