I have always had a good appetite ,and ate healthily too,but since the pandemic all my good intentions have gone out the window because i'm craving sweet things now,and before this i never was a sweet tooth.
I love to cook and still do even though i'm on my own,but i have no idea about portion control,and always cook far to much,and i end up overeating,but anything i do have left over is never wasted because the birds do very well.
I have suddenly developed a craving for bread and cakes,and i suppose it has'nt helped since i now bake my own bread,and eating it with lashings of butter is my guilty pleasure....a pleasure which will be my downfall if i dont watch it....greed seems to have taken over but i wont beat myself up about it,i will enjoy it whilst i can...lol.
I have put on 2 stone since lockdown,and as someone who is generally very vain,i am ashamed of myself for letting my eating get out of hand,and thank goodness for elasticated trousers,they are a Godsend.