Ok, some bad jokes to lighten the da... - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Ok, some bad jokes to lighten the day,Or maybe not !!😁

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits
198 Replies

Ha - mildly amusing

Haha - laughing

Hahaha - saracstic laughing

Hahahaha - Staying Alive

My dog walking business finally went bust today. Had to call in the retrievers..


A friend of mine tried to annoy me with bird puns, but he soon realised that toucan play at that game.



I have a pencil that was owned by William Shakespeare, but he chewed it a lot.

I can't tell if it's 2B or not 2B.



I set up a new email account today. Set the password as ‘beefstew’ but it wasn’t allowed.

Apparently it isn’t stroganoff.


.I met Sean Connery once and asked if he liked herbs.

He said yes, but only partially.

can't stand people who commit crime in multi-storey car parks. That is wrong on so many different levels.


Horse in the pub having a few beers when spots a donkey sitting in the corner. He nips over to have a natter.

The donkey asks "what did you do for a living?"

Horse says "I ran on the flat in the summer & over the jumps in winter".

Donkey says "I worked with the kids on Blackpool beach", then asks "did you win anything?"

Horse says "yeah on the flat I won the Oaks, St. Leger & the Derby. Over the jumps I won the Grand National & the Gold Cup".

They arrange to meet at the donkey's house a week later, donkey thinks, "I need to impress this guy he's done everything", so he buys a big picture of a zebra and hangs it above the fireplace.

The horse arrives & says "lovely place you have here, who's that in the picture on the wall?".

Donkey replies "thats me when I played for Juventus"..



I bought a head of lettuce from a grocery store called Mammas and Papas.

I can't eat it because the leaves were all brown.


Is there something you can take for



Mandy is painting the lounge, her mam walks in and can't believe how well she's doing, but the sweat is dripping off her. Mam says " why are you wearing a leather jacket and a Parker ?"

Mandy replies "Hellooo Mam read the tin, it clearly says for best results put two coats on !!".



And one for Madbunny,

I see Elton John has bought a treadmill for his pet rabbit.

It's a little fit bunny . 😊

Written by
Bazzak profile image
Reading Rabbits
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198 Replies
MadBunny profile image

And my response to the bunny one

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny


MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Bazzak was arrested when he left some buttons and a zip on the table after paying the bill at a restaurant.

He was charged with fly tipping.

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

🤣🤣 my wife is always telling me I'm walking around with my flys undone, I told her "it's because I was in the boy scouts"!!

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

???Don't get that. Am I missing something?

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Be prepared!!!!!!!😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak


in reply toBazzak

Can't imagine you to have a wife lol 🤯😁

S11m profile image
S11m in reply toBazzak

A male guest got up, naked, in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. He met the hostess on the landing - and she said:"What ARE you doing" he replied:

"Airing my differences"

Apparently, Winston Churchill had a similar experience at Camp David... and his response was:

"The Prime Minister of Great Brittain has nothing to hide from the President of the United States."

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

What do you call James Bond in the bath?

Bubble 07

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Are you stealing my thunder madam 🤣🤣😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Well they're no worse than yours. I told my boss I was fed up with being a human cannon ball. Then he fired me.

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Have you hacked my email?????😁😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

I could ask you the same.

If money doesn't grow on trees how come banks have branches?

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny


MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak


Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny


Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Maria and hubby 🙂

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Bunny says

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Is that a bunny laugh ??😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

No it's a bunny cry of disbelief. Like' aargh that's so bad!'

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Is this a war of words between the Pilker and a little rabbit may I ask ??Let the insults begin 😁😘😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Bring it on mate !

in reply toBazzak


in reply to

Lol you cheeky glad you seen it hope your ok I'm not soposed to be on but passed my phone lol I needed the bazzak laugh today my tears turned to laughing tears 😢🤣xxx

in reply to

Hi.You all certainly made me smile and laugh, just what I needed today. How are you feeling tonight?

All my love Lynne xxxx 😘❣️😍💕

in reply to

Hi Lynne so much better for this lol and I know you are too good old happy couple bun and Baz lol or Jack n verah 😁😁X

in reply to

Yes, definitely Jack and Vera 😂🤣xxxx

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply to

Vince and the swamp duck !!😁😁😘

in reply toBazzak

LoL she shouldn't point at you like that 😁how are you today I had a nap sleep early tonight for deff it's really cought up with me I'm looking for full moon but overcast 🌝xx

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply to

No she shouldn't Mandy, you tell her, hope you are well darling 🙂😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Oh she's your darling now is she😠

in reply toBazzak

Yes as you can see I told her,lol I'm resting as slightly unwell slight asthma from allergy thing thanks, have a good night I'll just watch for a bit 😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Do you really look like that

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Well you should know swamp duck😊

in reply toBazzak

Your hairs darker now so you must use the greschend 2ooo sorry can't spell it 🤔☹️see picture below

in reply toBazzak

Hey I was just putting your kissing one on was looking for wedding photo lol

in reply toMadBunny

Do you 🤯😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

Do you think I'm that desperate 😁???

in reply toMadBunny

It wasn't always bad 😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to


Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Vera,, my love

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak


Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

My swamp duck what has Vince done ? 🤫🤔😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Well just look at the picture 😝

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Yep your wig is scewed 😊😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak


in reply toBazzak

Do you have to do that on here your making me 🤮😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

Try being on the receiving end of it then 😝

in reply toMadBunny

No thanks 🤮😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to


Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

V you never complained before !😊🤗😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak


in reply toBazzak

🤮wait till I get you home lol

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

That's better 😁

in reply toMadBunny

How have you put up with him 5o years OMG I'm off now seen enough lol night night sweet dreams or nightmares 😁xx

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

It's not been easy, believe me.

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply to

C V U ❤ed me once 😒😊😊💕

in reply toBazzak

I'm going to watch Emmerdale or I'll end up having nightmares about you too 🤯🤮😁xx

in reply toBazzak


in reply toMadBunny


in reply toMadBunny


MadBunny profile image

Very funny 🙄

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Teacher Maria wanted to teach her students about self-esteem, so she asked anyone who thought they were stupid to stand up. One kid stood up and the Maria was surprised. She didn’t think anyone would stand up so she asked him, “Why did you stand up?” He answered, “I didn’t want to leave you standing up by yourself Miss .”😊😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

You wait til my Pilker baiter mates get hold of you 😁😘

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

They have deserted you my little Bunny, Niao as seen the light Marnies on vacation Mandys in the pub ! It's you and me babe ( that's a song isn't it 🤔)😘😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

'It ain't me babe' Bob Dylan. Or 'I got you babe' Sonny and Cher

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Terrible song but you and me babe 🙂


MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Cheers🙄 Is that all I'm worth . A rubbish song. 🤬

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Light travels faster than sound which is why you seemed bright until you spoke.😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Pilk off!

in reply toBazzak

I havnt been in the pub there shut I been cleaning up the paint pixie knocked the step Ladders and the paint which was grey spilled allover him I now have a grey pixie 🙀🤯😁

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

You can give up if you want 🤗😊😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

A good rabbit never gives up. You're lucky I'm very tired today.😁😘

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

All you have say is, I give up Pilker you are the best and we can be friends again😁😘😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

No I don't want to be your friend any more you've been mean to me😒

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Are you pulling at my heart strings ?😊😊😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

I've nothing more to say to you. Go away!

in reply toMadBunny

Pixie said don't be like that he's changed colour the paint he spilled had a lovely effect don't you think 😁he thinks you'll like him now 😸

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply to

Mandy, You’re a grey sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake.I have to insult you too😁😁😘

in reply toBazzak

As long as it hasn't got cream on 🤫I'm just oiling my hands as I had to scrub the paint off there very dry

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Ok I forgive you. Friends again?

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Yes please😁😘😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

Awwww look at you two making up🤗😘

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

She started it Marilyn honest 😁😘😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

But you always say that! You're one as bad as the other!! 😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

No. he started it

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

Great result for the Blades last night😁😁😁

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Yes I was cheering you on 😁 photo from my walqkq this morning , all very quiet 😘😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Beautiful. I love these photos. So atmospheric.😘😘

in reply toMadBunny

Yes it's nice I love been out at night used to like it on Holliday I even like walking in my streets on a night what a weirdo only car lights and street lights to see lol it's nice in park when they've all left and the sunsets and it comes in a bit dark only trouble is I have to walk quick sometimes to get to the gates before they shut or I'll be locked in I'd never climb them big gates lol 🤯😢🌝

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

For you. Enjoy

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Maria ! I knew you loved me really, but not that much ! 😊🤗 😘🥰

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

You see- I'm full of surprises😘😘😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toMadBunny

Random question- have you ever been to Bramall lane?😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

Maria, I haven't, but you never know, there might have been some pilking going on there so Mr. B might have been😂😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

For some daft reason I asked myself 🤣

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

That's normally me that does that🙄😂

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

Blame it on the Baz

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBTCCET

I did see Sheffield Utd play at the old Highbury stadium though😊

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

Never been to Highbury or Emirates. Been to WHL though.

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

The new one? It looks like a big spaceship landed on the High road😂😂😂😂😂

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBTCCET

Emirates is much more subtle and classy xx

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

I went the old Arsenal a few times in the late 60s and early70s, one year I became a hero with the icf for doing nothing 😁😁xx

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

I loved the old Highbury, the pitch is now a communal garden for those lucky and loaded enough to own one of the luxury apartments that they made the stadium into🤑

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

It's the same with Upton Park, now houses !😘😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

What have they done with Upton Park Barry? xx

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBTCCET

I was only in there once in the 80s xx

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

Houses, replied above 🙂😘😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

You're too pilking fast for me! 😂

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET


MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

No the previous one. I can't remember who they played or what the score was just shows what an impression it made on me. I do remember having the worst cup of coffee ever. And Modric scored. The new stadium looks awful.

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

Anyway getting back to the original point, what's Bramhall Lane like? xx

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

Quite ordinary really. Last went well over 20 yrs ago. For a long time it had the Yorkshire cricket ground next to the pitch - as in this old photo. Then they built a new side - think it was late 70s sometime. Eventually the 2, ends were replaced and the other side refurbished.

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

It looks really traditional there, things have move on a lot since then, and not necessarily for the better! It more money than sport now🙄😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

Yep. I used to love going back in the 70s. The first game I saw them play was Spurs at home. I was in my teens at the time and remember thinking what nice legs Martin Chivers had. Typical teenager😁

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Maria !! You were probably thinking of...........

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak


Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Yes back in the late 60s, but the young ladies didn't like southerners!😁😁😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

No we don't.I didn't go til1970. My brother wouldn't take me before then as he thought I was too young

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

The Nottingham ladies were much friendlier 🤗🤗😘😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Well technically I am from North Notts but I still wouldn't have touched you lot with a bargepole😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

They probably felt sorry for you😁😘

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Maria 🙄 and I have just dedicated a song to you 😒😒😁😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Thank you.😘😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

To all the girls I've loved before came to my mind xx

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

Behave!! 🤣🤣😘🥰

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

Well I'm slightly back on form today and like my team I have to make the most of it😂😘

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

Did you make a pilk and change it Marilyn ???😁😁😘😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

No way! You couldn't have seen that!!!! 😲😘

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

Yes I did ! I have male the most of it !!!🙉 madam 🤣🤣😘🥰🥰

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

That was a split seconds! You must be sharp as a razor me old mate😂

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

The Pilker has eyes everywhere !Be warned 😊😁😁😘😘🥰

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak


Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Yes Vera!!, take that jumper and trousers off and put on a dress for Jack now! I can see you !😁😁😁😘🥰

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Pilk off😁

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

Jumper and trousers my elbow! When I saw Maria earlier she was in full Sheffield Utd kit doing stretches!! 😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

You removed it didn't you? WHAT a pilking coward!! 🤡😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBTCCET

I'm tellin Miss anyway 😛😘

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

She won't believe you ☺☺😘

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

Removed what ??🤔🤔😊😘😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Stop pilking on my friend 😬

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Don't talk rubbish 🙄

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET


BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

Maria he's pilking on me again😔

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

Don't believe what he says. He pretends to see things even when he hasn't, I'm sure.Either that or he's always lurking. We'll sort him out😁

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

Marilyn tell her I was right !!😁😁😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

No you're never right🙄

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

I'm afraid he's pilking well right this time I said something about make and I put male! He's so quick, it's really pilked me off this time! ☹️😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

It's a bit scary isn't it? Not knowing if he's lurking 🙉

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny


MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

It ain't funny🙄

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

Let's not worry about him, he's just a pilk head🤭

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

Pilk head. Love it🤣🤣🤣

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

D'you think we could find an emoji for it? 😂😂

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

Probably not one we could post on here😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

Maybe this is the closest 🤡

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

That's the one👍🤡😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET


BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

Anyway Maria, I've realised that whenever I come on here, us three end up talking about football,! We need to find a new subject😂😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

I think I probably started it this time. Sorry 😁

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

Little known fact about England footballer Danny Wellbeck.His dad was a bomb disposal expert called Stan.😁😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

Is that true? Love Danny Wellbeck a few years ago we had a cutout of him on the Christmas tree instead of the fairy🙈😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBTCCET

My WH son in law says he is a big fairy anyway 😂😘

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET


Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET

Marilyn, Stan wellbeck bombs!

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBazzak

Pilk head!!!! 😘

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toBTCCET


BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toMadBunny

Yess I love to see them getting beaten! You're definitely on the up👍xx

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBTCCET

Well just as they win a game and they seem to be ........you never know with them 😁

in reply toMadBunny

Lol what a laugh and your the new bunny bazzak so it seems 😁I needed a laugh it's hard after all that painting we decided on the colour grey 😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

How many shades?

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny


in reply toMadBunny

5o see picture above is that the oil you recommended said goes long way 🤔

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

No I said hand cream

in reply toMadBunny

Thought you didn't like cream lol 😁😁

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply to

Are you on her side Brandy ??😊😊😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

Is that a Pilk?

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply toMadBunny

No Brandy Mandy it suits her 😊😘

in reply toBazzak


in reply toBazzak

Don't you be spelling my name wrong be careful what letters you type don't want you accidently pressing R 😠

Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply to

Shall I change it to R 🤔🤔😁😘🥰

in reply toBazzak

On your head be it it may get reported 🤔😁

in reply toBazzak

My mam made this it's strawberry's and cream would you like to some 😋😁

in reply toBazzak


Bazzak profile image
BazzakReading Rabbits in reply to

Phone needs charging Mandy be back later 😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply toBazzak

So does mine

in reply to

Mmm 😋😋😋 xxxx

in reply toBazzak

The fabulous 3 you know that 😁wonder where Marnie is 4 maby better 😊

Loved the Shakespeare one Bazzak!

springcross profile image


AndrewT profile image

Dear Bazzak,

I saw Michael J. Fox, in our garden.... Well I 'Think' it was him, he had his 'Back To The Fuchsia'.

I loved the 'Chicken On A Bear' Pun that, really did, make me laugh!

Why did the Scarecrow get an Award? For being 'Outstanding In His Field'...😬

A Quiz question, quite cleaver really....

A man regularly makes the same Journey, from Work to home. He gets into the Lift (Elevator) but, despite living on the Twentieth Floor always 'Pushes' the Eighteenth Floor Button, and Walks the last two Floors. The only Exceptions being 'When It's Raining' or 'If Someone Else is In The Lift, With Him'- on those occasions he travels to his Own Floor. The question is 'Why Does He Do This Strange Behaviour'?

There are two Doorways, before you, one leads to Freedom, the other a 'Horrible Death'. The doorways are guarded by two Robots- one will always 'Tell The Truth', the other 'Will Always Lie'. Can you phrase ONE question that, if asked to either Robot, will Secure Your Freedom?

Think of a Number, preferably less than 100, Multiply it by seven, add 256.35 to your Number. Divide this by 13.8, to the nearest Decimal Place. If it is Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday add 32.7, if it is Thursday Friday of Saturday add 54.6. If it is Sunday Double it. Next divide the Number you have by 13, again to the nearest Decimal place. If it is Night, look out the Window.... It's Dark, isn't it?😁😂🤣😋

Sorry about, the Last one- I couldn't Resist.....


in reply toAndrewT

LOL good input Mr K 😁😁thank you for cheering us up also ☹️😊🌝xx

🤣😂🤣😂 you've all cheered me up today!! Thank you!!! 🤗💝👍🌻

Adlon57 profile image

The Hen wanted a 'cheep' crossing she could not 'bear' getting in the water!🤪🙃😗

BTCCET profile image

Oooh bit below the belt , wish you luck when she sees that😲😘

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toBTCCET

If I was you I'd delete it!! 😘

Sara_2611 profile image

Ha haha to them all

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Ok some more bad jokes 🙉😊

.I can never quite get the hang of making Womble Coffee...It’s either underground or overground.....
Bazzak profile image
Reading Rabbits

Bad jokes to lighten the day

A man walks into a psychiatrists office muttering: I'm a tepee, I'm a Wigwam I'm a tepee, I'm a...
Bazzak profile image
Reading Rabbits

More bad dad jokes to lighten the day🙂

I bought a dog from my local blacksmith. When I got home it made a bolt for the door.. . . Excuse...
Bazzak profile image
Reading Rabbits

Ok some bad jokes, and a quiz at the bottom ☺️

So my mate said to me: "You really have no sense of direction, do you?" I said: "Where did that...
Bazzak profile image
Reading Rabbits

Ok some bad jokes, I apologise in advance 😁😊

I missed the World hairdressing championships on BBC 1 last night, does anyone know if they’re...
Bazzak profile image
Reading Rabbits

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