Wearing a mask is still not being don... - Positive Wellbein...

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Wearing a mask is still not being done by those who should know better

7 Replies

On the television where the pictorial video footage is an 'instant advert' is not being used for the good that could be achieved.

Masks are not being worn by especially those people who should know better and who are in the public eye. Then we here confirmation that yet again Boris Johnson is in isolation yet again......... Come on Boris you know you have made mistakes as we all can but for the populations sake man ----- bloody well pull your socks up !!!!!

It ahs been said by powerful people that N95 masks are the ones that are efficient so why is the NHS not dishing these reasonably efficient masks to all those incredibly brave nurses and doctors working tirelessly in the NHS? They well deserve the utmost protection or at least 95% protection don't they?

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7 Replies
starveycat profile image

Being old masks are magic they hide my double chins and because I suffer with jaw tremors nobody can see them, yippee !!!!!!

Hi when I went to hospital for my leg check with specialist she had a proper mask as I call them under a thin blue one, but my doctor only had a thin blue one 😷

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

do you like cloth masks or regular medical masks? 😊

in reply to Hb2003

We have the chemical ones for supermarket and visas but when virus low k wore cloth and social distance mam's always worn chemical we had some my step dad got from work 15 years ago off a lorry my sister bought some on line 😷I didn't wear make up today just bit blusher as looked pale I have realised what's point if not going anyway thought going in park but would have cloth mask and scarfe 😷

in reply to Hb2003

I like to see the designation for a mask so that the person buying it will know what the protection level is. N95 masks which are usually white and have that data stamped on them and is clearly visible are the ones to buy. Amazon and others sell them at about a calculation of approximately £2 each. Many have made their own masks which they find have protected themselves. It seems an unknown quantity. It has been found that as well as IPA (isopropyl alcohol) with TCP in it, mouth wash(chlorohexidine0 kills viruses. A perfume spray with the above in it and can be used to kill bugs on the exterior surface of the mask to good effect & then dried appropriately.

There is no guarantee for full protection but some protection is better than none.

in reply to

Some of the green /blue masks are very inferior to the white N95 respirator masks and many of those wearing them surprisingly know that fact. One day in the near future hopefully all people will obtain maximum protection by wearing a suitable protective mask and that will be one that gives approximately 95% protection.

I cannot see for the life of me why any other idea should be contemplated..... It should be taken on board by all and sundry that the vaccines are a long way off yet and so all the protective measures should be embraced until the virus has gone.

To my knowledge there has not been a survey regarding whether the individuals that contracted C19 were actually wearing masks or not. One cannot help but evaluate that it might well have been helpful if those facts were known.

One does not have to be a rocket scientist to realise that there are numerous individuals who are bearded who wear a mask that does not seal to their beards.

While beards seem to be worn by nearly all males. This should have been knocked on the head from day one because any protective mask needs to seal air tight to the skin around the airways......... I was wasting my breath when I said this on day one but as usual not the slightest notice was taken. Don't forget that many months ago, some so called experts said a mask does not protect the wearer. That statement was a blatant lie.

Zappa61 profile image

Totally Agree, It will just drag on for longer & longer, Stay Safe :)

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