coping with anger: havint people u... - Positive Wellbein...

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coping with anger

21 Replies

havint people u respect helps knows that there are nice people out there not just the they help remind u that crows are part of life but u are surrounded by nice people and kind birds or animals..........also painting and projects or other things are prob good distractions or postive distractions but there again.....the friends who dont know how much they help u .........dont bust on you for not working every second....and u can do self care......................with those here like LC..............whereas to tothers .like familiies taht are toxic........ur not working............its complciated but friends help more than trhey realize...........hard to tell them much trey help u cope..........jsut being who they are and they never stab u in the versa of quietly very very protective of my friends......hwo put up with me lol............goofiest jokes in the world for one.............

did i ever tell u of rthe story........

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21 Replies

im deeply sorry if i shared too much and scared anyone off..........often why i keep to myself or with animals..........they just laugh at u think ur going to catch and ride me huh??? u think that old bucket of grain trick foools us............dude upu are hilarious......................have to admit............they are funny...............

dude- u think im going down that hill? for a measyly carrot?????? ha!!!!

oh well ......had to try...................ok partner......why dont i bet on your shlulders and take u down the hill me how its like robin hood and friar tuck........................i should never have left that book aroudn the are fond of maid marion though and ask when is comoing for a visit?? trhey know she is very busy..........i think they think she is wendy of the lost boys and want her to read them a bed time story......maybe im educatingo my horses toooo far?????? what do u all think???


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sometimes i think i made a big mistake letting mr ed and franscis the talking mule board with my other horses............last i heard they were organizing a union........i suspect im in real trouble as smart as those characters are esp

Francis.........................oh..............trhey are making signs.

NO WENDY for stories:::::: no worke voius.............

oh where is that darn shadow again.....

lol ...........................poor wendy always having to put up with me..........

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have to admit...............wendy does have a way with the boys......two and four legged...............they run from me.and to her lessons..........

they stand with one ear cocked at that wendy? paw? when is wendy coming back?????oh god they start jumping up and hilarious...........clean up their stalls, ....brush teir manes and tails..........

tooooo funny................doesnt hurt my feelings at all.................just part of nature.........

paw paw are u getting that buggy to go get wendy??????come on paw tell us telll us..................we will be goood............please paw tell us its wendy time.............

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aw paw....did u hurt wendys feelinga again.....hwo many times do we have to tell u..........take the flowers not the brocholi.............paw do you lose your galsses paw......we were so hoping to have stories from wendy she tells them soo good.................

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I think all animals have their opinions of us. Many of them are just hoping for a pack leader and some affection. It's easy to damage them, just as the wrong treatment can damage we human beings too. I don't think you can possibly go wrong in any kind act you do for horses or any animal, even if others find your actions a bit odd. What's for sure is that they will listen and not judge us. What doesn't harm them must surely teach them that, even if they think us funny, they appreciate our love and kindness.

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yes i think its far wiser in general to approach soft and they are prey species and its my job to help them relax error if i bother them or make them apprehensive............and the more diffeicult rhe horse........the more i know thy have been abused and the slower i go...........turned around a lot of horses which of course is good for me..........

ur right.....i just like to make jokes about myself being from outer mongolia......certainly not doctor land.........

most horses.............respond to women..............totally differnt............and wise fo us take it super slow..........and pout urself in their position..........

of course the older i get...............the more i look like them

and wise not to feed dad...too much grain lol...........just a handful with do............

yes ......i try to treat them as would want to..

and again most women...........hrses trust innnanely and have good repore with.........

Hi Brig57, using birds as an analogy for different personality types is genius. Crows are noisy and flap a lot and always look a bit menacing to me. But there are also many songbirds and those who are willing to trust just a little bit and mean no harm in the world. There's room for all of them, and for all of us. Like birds we need to know which of us are better avoided or treated with caution!

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i suspect im sound sensitve--- either gender- we know the same message not wellcome from nasty tone and body english versus rthe song birds and nighten gtale ...they say us men or guys are so offense..........not really...........compatblity and long term neibhors is sound or tone........diplomacy goes along way..........v nasty eitehr they say......get sugar goes a long way v vinegar................doesnt with me ...........i dont consider that manipuation ...i consider that......just the way it is.................who would i want as a neibor......

partner- u well at my campfire any day................

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one thing i dont a;p;preciate is how many counselors hwoever one defines that is talk down to us rural peopole like the natrive americans. long ago........dude.........ive been on my =own since ten.....driving trucks and into the wilderness 15 or earlier adn uou talking like i cant tie my shoes..........micromanagement of constructiron people is not wise..........nto just me .........that u can not get acorss to inxeroepncd managers........u dont hire expenced peole and then talk down to them..........trhey have 30 years in the trades............or why else hire them................they dont care at about anger........they will just walk off the job...........

i listen to my people who are experenced.......ask them.........

anger isnt always wrong..............same wiht people who shoe horses.........

harder to find than any veterinarnian................not wise to make one mad......u will get some new graduate is all u can find for four counties...........docturs have no clue about rural life.............they think they can just throw their wt around............sure inte the hospoitals.............doent work that way on farm.s.....u go in humble and gracous...............we are to serve not dictate........

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amen- some call us cowards but back where i come from we dont mess iwth rattle snakes, vulures, crows and quick sand.............we may be cowards to some going around 63 and survived tons of horses............for a reason.............the yhoung and cocky think they konw it old timers ridden tons of time bombs.......................we take it real slow ........the cocky ones .............scare us to death.

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i was an exerienced rider at age 14 and my mom used to put me on all the problem horses........rearing and etc..............i learned to not butt heads and go i have ridden and taught about so many problem horses......i just enjoy a nice quiet uncomplicated day at the office so to speak.......nice people simple horses..................u come full circle............hundreds of horses............done with complicated.............done wth challenges................take them somewhere esle or the bronc riders....................i want to start to enjoy life witout complicated..............

MarcusAurelius62 profile image

I wholly understand your comments about people, however Crows are much maligned beautiful, intelligent birds, and, imho, far better than most people

A Crow
in reply to MarcusAurelius62

That's very true MarcusAurelius62. Almost entirely irrelevant, one of the first sayings I taught to my husband when he first came to the UK was the old Norfolk 'saw'. 'If you see a lot of crows together, they're rooks, but if you see a rook on its own, it's a crow'. As with most saws I have absolutely no idea whether there's a grain of truth in this or not, but I do regret the teaching, as every country walk is punctuated with the question 'are those rooks or crows?'

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_booksReading Rabbits in reply to MarcusAurelius62


Another bird lover here... Thank you for the recommendation. It's a new one to me.

MarcusAurelius62 profile image
MarcusAurelius62 in reply to Nothing_but_books

And I came across it quite accidentally looking for a Neo-Classical record by a guy called Gifts from Crows. It's a really beautiful, piano inspired record. Check it out.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_booksReading Rabbits in reply to MarcusAurelius62

I'm having trouble finding it. Have you got a link?

MarcusAurelius62 profile image
MarcusAurelius62 in reply to Nothing_but_books

Click on link below then click first photo link on top left, album called "Holding a Thought Forever". Then scroll down for tracks that you can listen too. You can click on the YouTube link too and see and hear the music. I've ordered the Limited Edition cd. Let me know what you think. The guys name is Andrew Laurence.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_booksReading Rabbits in reply to MarcusAurelius62

I listened to the first piece. It's not for me.

Perhaps you'll enjoy this; I found it during an earlier search.

MarcusAurelius62 profile image
MarcusAurelius62 in reply to Nothing_but_books

I appreciate the music isn't everybody's cup of tea.

The article is incredible! They really are such clever, wonderful birds! That book I referenced has stories like this about our clever Crow friends

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_booksReading Rabbits in reply to MarcusAurelius62

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. You can share bird thoughts, ideas, anything... anytime you like. Did you by any chance read The Big Year? Wonderful! (The movie based on the book was fun too.) How about Alex and Me? See, I told you I'm a bird nut.

all may be true....and fine- get it............the main thing that speaking only for myslef rather associate with and work with and feel life is much blessed with the so called weak or kind birds and song birds......who my crows famil and crow associates look down their noses at for being weak........they arent...........the mean of any weed is tough and the last to what...........i still dont want tat to be in my house................theres more to life thatn my mothers sole barameter of life....toubhenss................her perogative....................i sick of 60 years of her and other runnig over everone else...................those crows...........arent welcome..........

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