If we want things to get back to normal, wearing a mask is just a small price to pay. Wearing a mask is important not just to prevent infection from sneezing and coughing. When people talk, spit droplets travel !!! A cloth mask is environmentally friendly and is easy to make.
The point of me posting the statistics is not to frighten people, it is to demonstrate the difference wearing masks makes. I myself am not that scared of the virus itself as I feel there is much we can do to protect ourselves. We should not be surprised that there is another virus (just look at history, we can't stop living our lives). We just need to deal and protect ourselves e.g. wearing a mask, hand hygiene etc, I'm more scared of the human behaviour during this crisis (e.g. fake info circulation, the suicides, abuses behind closed doors, violence etc). This pandemic did not have to go so out of control. It is Nature's way, there will always be another virus. No-one can defy Nature, so just deal with it. Life has to go on.
During the early days, the staff at care homes did not wear masks and elderly residents were dying by the truck load. Some healthy individuals feel that their basic right has been violated (muzzled) so they refuse to wear a mask. It is all about their ego. Some genuinely believe in Herd Immunity. Fair enough, but they should have worn masks when interacting with the vulnerable population. PPE should be compulsory at certain places.
The global lock down is a huge mistake, even though it appeared to be a good idea. It has ruined more lives and I'm not just talking about suicides, homicides, job losses, market crashes etc, our general mental well-being is deteriorating. Without the quality of life, I question the point of simply existing in misery. Covid19 is not the only danger in the World, other patients have suffered unfairly due to the mass hysteria. Other patients have even died due to delayed treatments.
I understand that it's impossible to have a unanimous agreement, as people would only double down on what they believe in. The only thing we can do is to protect ourselves as best we can. If you feel particularly vulnerable, self-shielding is a defence strategy too.
Even with people who are against wearing a mask, please wear one when you are cooking for others or interacting with the vulnerable individuals. Be imaginative, wearing a cloth mask can be fun, it also helps with people suffering from hay fever, polluted air, cigarette smoke etc. They keep you warm in the Winter.
To protect ourselves, please wear a mask, practise hand hygiene and physical distancing.
All the shops and offices should be allowed to open IF they have good logistics sorted out in place.
Please help end this crisis.