Happy Tuesday everyone. I usually post my weekly food creations on Thursdays, but I am going to switch it up this week and post today! This week we were lucky enough to find some live yeast after searching the shop for weeks, so we utilised it by making home made pizza! I am lucky enough to be married to an ex-pizza express employee from when he was growing up so he is incredibly skilled at making dough (and the famous pizza express dough balls)! We used the dough recipe from river cottage: theguardian.com/lifeandstyl...
We also try to use any leftover meats and veg from our weekly shop to create different creations. I've posted a picture of my olive, chicken, pesto, sun dried tomato and onion creation. It's a very fun thing to do with whoever you may be self isolating with or a perfect midweek treat to yourself while using up your leftovers. You just need to make sure you make your dough early enough in the day to let it prove (usually a couple of hours).
What has everyone else been cooking or baking this week?