A day of set backs and disappointments - Positive Wellbein...

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A day of set backs and disappointments

Roukaya profile image
20 Replies

I would like to explain that I am not working and I am reliant on a rental income from a flat I let out

The tenants have left and I am left with a neglected flat and I gave them a newly decorated flat at the beginning of their tenancy

They are paying me the bare minimum from the Deposit not enough to cover the neglect they have caused and I may need to resort to The Tenancy Dispute Scheme as they are not willing to assist with covering the damage they have caused

Secondly I had ordered food from ASDA and only half of my food items I had ordered came

Very disappointed as I had ordered food for Ramadan

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Roukaya profile image
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20 Replies
Roukaya profile image

Thank you for your kind words

I think I miss being overseas with my Mother for Ramadan

As for the flat , due to the Lock Down restrictions it will take time to find a new tenant

But the whole point of a tenants deposit is to protect the landlords property in the event of any neglect

If I am unable to reach a solution I will take it further

My Ramadan food order was halved due to excess demand outstripping supply

Very disappointed today

I hope you are safe and well

Thank you for reply

Roukaya profile image

I hope you are well

Thank you for reply

I gave the tenants a newly decorated flat and I am trying to deduct the costs of repairing the flat from their deposit

If they do not agree I will need to take redress from the official body holding the deposit

Given the restrictions of the Lock Down it will take time to find a new tenant

I agree these things are meant to test us

Again this is part of Islamic teachings too

I hope you are safe and well

Thank you for reply

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired in reply to Roukaya

I'm so sorry you find yourself in such a difficult situation. I could easily have become a landlord myself, but I', not good at chasing owed money! I'm a soft tough!

Cheers, Midori

Roukaya profile image

I think it is essential you take care of your health and well being

Without our health there is very little we can do

Thank you for your reply and I hope you stay safe and well

Hi Roukaya, You're having a disheartening day. Please don't let it get you down. It's all stuff that can be sorted out and although it's a worry to be out of pocket and a nuisance to have to chase up what's owed to you, you can recover from this. Being a landlord is always challenging. I did it for a while once and that was enough for me. In the end my rental income was just being swallowed up by repairs caused by the tenants carelessness and lack of respect for the property, so there was no point in continuing. I hope you can recover some of your costs. It's a difficult time to try to sort out the flat though, so that you can re-rent, and I imagine almost impossible to get new tenants for a while.

I guess we can all empathise with the shopping situation. It's a bit pot luck at the moment as to what you'll receive and how much, but I guess this is a time when ingenuity and making do can almost be a source of pride. I hope you can manage with the items you did receive, or maybe get another shopping slot. Stay positive and try hard to remain cheerful 🙏

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

Thank you for being kind enough to answer

I has been a day of set backs and disappointments

It is very true what you say about being a landlord and dealing with the repairs,

But this is essentially my main income until I am able to pass and find employment in order to requalify.

I think as I have been renting the flat since 2008 it is time I find employment and eventually sell the flat.

I managed to get enough food but the food I had ordered was specifically food for Ramadan

But given the big picture we are experiencing unpredictable and challenging times

I thank you for your reply and I hope you remain safe and well

bobbybobb profile image

I am sorry to hear this, Roukaya about your tenant's. It is a disgraceful way to behave leaving someone's property in a mess. You must try to recuperate any losses from them. Did you get enough supplies from Asda , I know you are short of what you ordered but have you enough. Have you tried any of the smaller delicatessen food stores that may deliver. These inconveniences are the ups and downs of life and we pick ourselves up and carry on with the day ahead. We must always remain positive for the day ahead. xxx

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to bobbybobb

Thank you for answering my post

I hope you are safe and well

I did manage to get half of what I had ordered but the main disappointment was the food I had ordered for Ramadhan had been oversubscribed

The tenants were given a newly decorated flat but they have been neglectful in its maintenance and unless I am able to reach an agreement with them for the cost of putting the flat right I will persue the claim

as a dispute with the deposit holder

I hope you are keeping well

I expect it is because I have been taken advantage of when dealing with my Fathers properties and this is why I sold the lot

I expect today again when I see tenants trying to take advantage I realise I should not allow this happen

I hope you are well and safe

To persevere and continue again despite obstacles is also part of our Religion because there is success if we keep on going

in reply to bobbybobb

There was a day just before this kicked off when I was feeling really fed up and cross because I had been looking forward to have gone to the Saatchi gallery in London only to be told it was off and then in the evening I had gone to the Welsh class only to be told that was off too!

That Sunday myself and my sister in law had gone out for sunday lunch and had decided not to have booked anything else as we had decided to save ourselves the upset and not bother for now and how this was going to be our last one for a while with the way things were going getting cancelled hand over fist and how right we were!

Then we had heard whispers about the over 70s all being told to stay at home for 4 months and we said how that was stupid and also about cancelled summer exams and the schools shutting as well.

Back in 2009 there was the swine flu scare and lots of fuss and bird flu but they were all fuss for nothing and I had assumed it first this was as well but no it wasn't.

It's the classic story of the little boy who cried wolf as when a real problem came round no one was listening!

Tico profile image

Hi Roukaya. I agree with bobbybobb,we must try to remain positive, especially during this time as we will be pulled down and our mental health will then suffer. If i'm having a bad day i try to find a positive somewhere in the day as it offsets the bad. Hope you are well otherwise and Ramadam Mubarak to you. Warm wishes,tina.xx🤗

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Tico


Thank you for your kind words

I realise I should believe that there is always a solution to whatever problem we face

How are you

How do you spend your days in Lock Down

Thank you for wishing me Ramadan Mubarak

I hope you stay safe and well

Tico profile image
Tico in reply to Roukaya

Hi again Roukaya. Doing bits and bobs around my house, i now live alone after separating from my husband 5yrs ago and my only daughter is married with my 2 beautiful Grandchildren; Charlie who is 4 and Maddie who is 19 months old who i'm in regular contact with. I have my cat Sox and share another adopted cat named Ginge with my neighbour. I also feed a lot of waif and strays on my street. As you may gather i'm a big cat lover! Lockdown dosen't really bother me as i know its in our own interests, i just wish others would see that and not disobey the 2 metre rule and stop congregating in the parks and on the beaches. They will still expect to be treated if they are infected and therefore putting more pressure on the NHS. Warm wishes,tina.x🤗

in reply to Tico

What colour is sox the cat?

We have a black and white cat called sox who lives next door to us!

Tico profile image
Tico in reply to

Sox,the female one is black with a white bib and white socks hence the name and she is 8 years old. Ginge is only around 8 months old. Warm wishes,tina.x🤗

in reply to Tico

So ginge is a little kitten then at 8 months old!

Tico profile image
Tico in reply to

Yes,still a kitten.tina.x🤗

It's always the way isn't it how everything goes wrong at the same time as it always does for us as well.

I bet you were disappointed about the missing items in your asda order say they were for somethinh special for yourself you were looking forward to.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

I hope you are well

Thank you for reply

I am trying to sort out a form of financial recompense for tenants who have neglected my flat

I am still trying to sort this out

I hope you are keeping safe and well

Hi Roukaya, these are challenging time's and to get the perfect Tennant's in today's world is hard but like you say they should pay for any damages that they have caused while being there , good luck in trying to get some compensation of them.

AndrewT profile image

Dear Roukaya,

I think you DO need to Persue your Ex Tenants, have you any Photos of how, your flat, used to be? I'm a Tenant myself, Ok I may not be the Tidiest of people, but I DON'T wreck the place- it's my Home, after all!

As regards Ramadan, I'm not a Muslim, but I do have some knowledge of your Religion. Is there not perhaps a Web Page, or Social Media link/ feed, were you can 'communally' Break The Fast together? If not, which seems unlikely, perhaps you could start one.

Does not your Local Mosque have an 'outreach' Group- difficult at the moment, I know, perhaps worth finding out though. Clearly you DO have 'support' on these pages, however there is only 'so much' that we can offer remotely- perhaps phone your Iman? Maybe other Muslim Members can offer further ideas.

I hope that you get the Support, that you clearly need, Rouyaya- both, in terms, of your Tenants AND your Aloneness. Sending all Our Love, and Support


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