Good morning everyone,
Whilst searching for today's inspiration I came across a gap in my own knowledge.
I'd never even heard of the man whose quote I have chosen and it looks like quite a serious oversight.
Booth Tarkington is quite a name to conjure with in its own right, and he won two Pulitzer prizes for Fiction in the company of only two other people. So I have some research and learning to do!
But anyway, this quotation of his is something I can say without hesitation is absolutely true, having now reached older age. The glorious thing is though, that if you are still young, this isn't something you have to consciously remember to do. If we are lucky enough, our brains will do most of the job for us.
"Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age".
And even now, when you may not think it's possible, in the midst of all the anxiety and chaos, you will experience moments of happiness and pleasure that later you'll recall with pleasure.
Have a great day! πΈ