Counting my blessings : I'm having a... - Positive Wellbein...

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Counting my blessings

Weeniedoglady profile image
30 Replies

I'm having a pretty tough day with everything so i thought it might help to list all of the things I'm thankful for....and i am lucky to have a lot of them.

So far, my friends and family and I are all healthy.

I have a house and enough food.

I have a sweet doggo who I can cuddle every day.

My husband and I still have our jobs....

I can go for walks in my neighborhood and I've noticed that lately everyone smiles and says theres a sense of togetherness....because we are all in the same boat.

I still get some pics and messages from my kindergarten students!

In this day and age it's possible to immediately pick up the phone or get on the computer and speak to a loved one. It would be hard to do this without being able to reach out, or only by mail.

Let me know what some of the things you're grateful for are....


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Weeniedoglady profile image
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30 Replies
Buddy34 profile image

Like you I'm thankful that my family are okay and the 3 people that did have symptoms are recovering well, that's

my main thing.

I can also go running 3 times a week while keeping my distance from others.

I have enough food now that all the stupid panic buying has calmed down.

And I have my dog who makes me laugh.


Weeniedoglady profile image
Weeniedoglady in reply to Buddy34

Oh i know my doggy makes me laugh everyday....hes so funny

Activity2004 profile image

Hi Weeniedoglady ,

Fantastic list of things to be thankful for.😀👍

My list of things I’m thankful for is:

My family and friends on and off HU

Being able to have a house

My job

My cat

My love for reading, so I don’t get bored while I’m not working or allowed to leave the house (high risk of getting sick from COVID 19)

It's a really good thing to stop and count our blessings Weeniedoglady. Thanks for sharing yours with us and for cheering us up with your positivity.

I'm grateful for a calm mind which doesn't panic too much and for the love of my husband and family and good health for my age.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend. 🌺

daveh121 profile image

Dogs are always good.

We have a nice garden, family, dogs, chickens, cat, and a parrot who takes a lot.

We are healthy, live rurally in a very supportive community.

Weeniedoglady profile image
Weeniedoglady in reply to daveh121

I've noticed when I'm out for walks that I talk to my dog....a LOT. Like hes a little human. He is in fact, my favourite human 😜

daveh121 profile image
daveh121 in reply to Weeniedoglady

Same here. We have a wonderful elderly German Shepard, he is one of my favorites. And sour son’s mixed breed young dog who is hilarious.

HazelW profile image

Like you, I've been counting my blessing.

I, and more importantly, my family, are all all well and have so far avoided this horrible virus

I have plenty of food and drink - mainly due to having discovered some local businesses who deliver ( and who I shall continue to use after this is over.

I have access to modern technology , so not only get to talk to my family but can see them as well.

I have a big pile of books to work my way through, plenty of wool for knitting & a good supply of jigsaws and my paper is delivered every day , giving me loads of crosswords & word puzzles, so my brain is ticking over nicely .

And ....... the sun is shining ☀️🌝🌞 !!!

Life could be so much worse !!

in reply to HazelW

I'm enjoying reading at the moment as well and have started a Jill Mansell book called to the moon and back which I am enjoying some far.

Bobbyo1 profile image
Bobbyo1 in reply to

I have been given a load of books to donate to the big c most are jill mansell I have not read her books before. At the moment I reading books by cathy glass true stories of fostering as a foster parent she is the author perhaps I have to read the books by jill mansell

PatsyIpswich profile image

Yes lots of blessings especially my husband but also new FB group for neighbours in our road.

Suanna profile image

Being alive.

Ilovebunnies profile image

My blessings are very much appreciated, I have a home, beautiful garden (only fake grass, only brushing-no cutting), plants are all in pots, & my health is still holding up, but the thing I am happy about is 'my' hedgehog (wild) has appeared safe & well & looking for food! He's learned a 'new trick', he toddles up to front door so security lights come on, let's me know he wants fed. Got so much wool I think I could survive 'possibly ' 6 months - to a year with it. Happy days , Chris

Bobbyo1 profile image
Bobbyo1 in reply to Ilovebunnies

I also got fake grass our neighbours might think we are mad we hoover ours

Ilovebunnies profile image
Ilovebunnies in reply to Bobbyo1

I've got fake grass in the back garden, got bad hay fever so no real grass where I can sit. Ive got a special rake & ' cleaning ' spray, never thought of vacuuming it

Yesterday was really blessed. My son visited and we had 10 minutes in the car park, my granddaughter delivered some shopping and I saw the great grandchildren in the back of the car. Saw my daughter on FaceTime, she is now getting over the virus and got a click and collect slot at Asda.

Such happiness


Bobbyo1 profile image
Bobbyo1 in reply to

I had a couple of homemade cards sent from two of my grandchildren through post and my great grandaughter who is only 18 months has to feed our fish from a distance so my husband is now called grandad fish and I'm nanny ozzy because of the dog called ozzy

Inksplat profile image

I love this post - and it’s definitely the way to look at the world... I’d add there’s also beautiful art and music in the world, and beauty in everything we see in nature. 😍. Have a lovely day and keep your spirits lifted upwards ❤️

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello , it is at times like this when we need to count our blessings and be grateful for those who care. I have a roof over my head, food in my cupboard, TV, Computer & phone for contact, my milk is delivered, an emergency food pack is being delivered, my paper is delivered , I can contact all my freinds & family at a small cost, my medicines are delivered when needed, I have a garden to sit in when fine, dawn chorus from birds, flowers in the garden, freinds and family all over the world, groups of freinds to go out with at normal times, still be able to go out at other times when we are virus free. Not having to work or take risks and occasionally being looked after & spoilt, no financial worries of major concern. Have a lovely day all , enjoy the sun and a special easter , please say a pray for the less fortunate.

HamishBoxer profile image

I am like you very grateful for the above except I miss not having a Boxer dog for the last 5 years.Having had 4 over 40 plus years.

That is a good idea and something we should all do. Here's some of my blessings;

My lovely husband and son,

My son is able to work from home and my husband has retired,

Even though I am in isolation, I have a back garden that I can sit in and I know that some people don't even have that,

I am able to keep in touch with friends and family on Facebook and we are so lucky these days with all the social media we have,

I have masses of books to read,

I have lots of hobbies and don't get bored,

We are so lucky to have an NHS service in this country,

I had my birthday before all this happened and was able to go out for a meal,

Even though I have had two operations put off until who knows when, I know that at least they should get done eventually.

I am sure that there are a lot more things I should write down but that is quite a few for now.

strongmouse profile image

Through ill health I have spent long periods of time bedbound, in pain and unable to read or watch TV.

SO my list of blessings includes not being in as much pain, being able to get up and be out in the garden.

Sitting enjoying the sun on my face (after the suncream applied!)

Listening to the buzz of bees.

The blessing of having family even though they are far away and being able to talk to them and skype.

Watching the trees beginning to blossom and nature emerging from its winter sleep.

Clean water and a comfortable bed.

Having help with food deliveries and medical supplies.

And after emergency surgery a few years ago the joy of being alive.

It can be tough some days living with ill health. But getting through them does make us stronger. This pandemic reminds us that everyperson matters. We are all part of a world wide family.

Agatesup profile image

I am thankful for my wife and our home, for our three children and there families, that we stay in touch via texting, FaceTime, and telephone, for health care people, for mail and newspaper and grocery delivery persons, for my walking, and for making each day with my wife!

Wdoug profile image

I'm feeling well after 3 1/2 years of Lupron and now 6 month vacation from ADT. Have 2 cats who love me and an 8 YO Granddaughter with whom I share Much Love!

Bobbyo1 profile image

I won what is called a thankful diary and I started filling it in on lockdown you dobit in the morning when you wake up and then before you go to bed and made realise how thankful I amxx

Weeniedoglady profile image
Weeniedoglady in reply to Bobbyo1

Great idea! I'm studying psychology right now and I'm really into positive psychology. There has been some peer-reviewed studies that show 'Gratitude Practice' can increase your level of happiness and actually change your brain to look for the positives. Journaling, and writing down 3 things you're grateful for everyday for at least 28 days is one of the activities that yielded amazing results! I've done it before....I think it's time to start it again:-)

Take care!

jetjetjet profile image

your post

Sops profile image

Yesterday was my birthday and I expected a quiet day, as I am confined to the house

Far from it, I was wakened by the lovely family next door with a gorgeous hand made card and flowers thoughtfully laid on my porch whilst the children stood back, their dad hiding behind the fence cautioning ‘social distances girls’

I had numerous phone calls from family and friends, a parcel delivery, and then a family visit, them staying at the top of my garden path with flowers and home made cake,

I am truly grateful for a wonderful day. Especially the card my friend of over 40 years sent making me one year younger!

Thank you for family, friendship and caring


Weeniedoglady profile image
Weeniedoglady in reply to Sops

This is lovely, thanks for sharing! Sounds like you have a lot of wonderful friends and family:-)

Happy birthday! X

Sops profile image
Sops in reply to Weeniedoglady

Thank you for your good wishes.

i have a large scattered family and was very proud on my birthday to hear that my daughter who by trade is a couture milliner, has stripped out her premises and is making NHS visors and masks,


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