It was a cold one today: It's been very... - Positive Wellbein...

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It was a cold one today

26 Replies

It's been very windy and cold here today but a lot more sunshine than I thought we'd get - result.

I didn't do any jogging today as my tummy has been playing up a bit of late, I have IBS, so walking suits me much better at times like these. To be honest I expect the reason why my tummy is playing up is because of the current situation. I'm going to have to concentrate more on the low fodmap diet that I'm following.

Anyway, I still had a lovely time outdoors and I hope you like the photos. I walked 16612 steps today.

Keep well and safe everyone.

Alicia :)

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26 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

Love the photos Alicia beautiful countryside, have a lovely day and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx

in reply to Damon1864

Thank you Bernadette, much appreciated.

You also look after yourself and in particular during this worrying time.

Alicia xx :)

I had diarrhea when this first kicked off which I feel was brought on by stress but for me it has settled down now as I have accepted the situation as one of those things I can't do anything about but to tackle the things I can do something about like my behaviour and getting off my bum to walk every day!

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Yes my tummy has been unsettled for the past 3 days but it's not stopped me going out, I just can't jog if you get my meaning not wanting to go into detail of course. I totally agree, we cannot control what's happening so just have to make the most of what we've got and I have to say some of us are very fortunate as we have somewhere to live, can put food on the table etc.

Don't be too hard on yourself as it's not easy to get out there, particularly when it's cold.

Keep safe

Thank you Zoonie and it was lovely, I only met one couple whilst walking through the woods which was good as it can be hard keeping a social distance from people on some of the narrow paths.

I'm glad you have a local park as it's good to get out in the fresh air, that's the main thing, not how far you walk or where you go, the fresh air is paramount.

Have a good evening. :)

Sprinkle1 profile image

Lovely photos, I take it you are in the UK. If so I heard your weather turned cold. But we are sending you some nice weather, it has been 80 here on my deck for the last 3 days. I too cannot jog, never was any good at it. But I do love to walk, and they say if it is warm and sunny get out and get sun shine on your skin, it helps with killing the virus and off course free Vit D, which we all need., And now you have changed your clocks it will be lighter in the eve......I wish you well, hope your tum clears up, I also have trouble with mine!!! Take good care of yourself and enjoy your days, sending hugs n love.....Sprinkle 1.....

in reply to Sprinkle1

Hi Sprinkle1 , thank you and yes I'm in the UK. It has been cold but at least after all the rain we've had for months it's dry now which is a blessing.

Ooh yes please, I'd love those temperatures. I really hope the increasing temperature as we move towards Summer here it does start to kill it off, there have been far too many casualties already.

It was lovely and light tonight and a beautiful sunset.

I'm sorry you have problems with your tummy as well and hope that you aren't suffering too much with it.

BTW, what country do you live in?

Take care and stay safe, sending hugs your way as well.

Alicia 😊

Sprinkle1 profile image
Sprinkle1 in reply to Sprinkle1

Hello gain, catching up with my emails. Been interested in what you and Craftyperson were talking about re: Tum and diet, very interesting, I'll see if I can get the book. I take Gut Connect 365 for leaky gut, it seems to help. As I am older 78 next month, I have to listen to my tum it has always played me up, I was born allergic to milk!!! Was allergic to fowl and eggs for a long time, could not have the flu shot?!!! One of my problems is i like spicy food - and my stomach lets me know of its disapproval, I also like nuts, I do not eat many, eat them for the "E" oil, but sometimes they complain. Thanks for the help, I live in S.C. now, I am originally from Lincolnshire where I was born and raised. Had some more lovely hot weather, so I am sending it on to you.....Love n hugs....Sprinkle 1....

in reply to Sprinkle1

I have IBS and have had it since 1996 although managed it really well until a bout of food poisoning in 2018 that's when it all started to go wrong. It's a lot better now as I'm following a low fodmap diet. I'm glad that the Gut Connect 365 works for you.

Stay stafe

Hi Jerry

It really was a very cold wind and that's one of the reasons I didn't choose the coastal path.

I think I'm going to go back to the beginning of the diet when I was much better, I'd rather delay than get upset tummy. Yes there a a lot of people anxious at present and it's understandable.

Thank you and my goodness we were nearly neighbours🤗

Thank you and you keep well as well and enjoy your lovely garden.


Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits

love the pics looks a lovely place. hope your tummy settles soon and i found the fodmap diet really sorted me out so hope it helps you. i also found a probiotic tablet with a pre biotic in it thats helped further, the liquid ones no good for me as lactose intollerant

in reply to Craftyperson

Thank you Craftyperson , I'm very fortunate to live right on the doorstep of the countryside. My tummy is so much better today thank you, I think I had a bad reaction to the reintroduction of broad beans, I more than tripled them on day 3, it's the way I read the reintroduction guidance. I've heard that probiotic tablets can help even more but I can't take those unfortunately until I've finished this diet but I have to say I'm so much better than I was before I started it. Thank you for the tip on the liquid probiotics, appreciated.

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply to

Yes I'd finished plan so added tabs and now been able to add few more things. It's tedious working through it but so worth it. I've discovered can have peas and small portion sweetcorn BUT not together. Good luck and glad bit better

in reply to Craftyperson

I'm glad you are able to add things. It's very tedious but definitely worth it to stop feeling poorly all the time.

I can eat sweetcorn but cannot go anywhere near peas, they are a no no.

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply to

Definitely worth it Ive been gradually able to increase the peas but stuck at tablespoon of corn. Weird how food affects us all differently. My worse is mushrooms which I LOVED even raw in a salad closely followed by apples.

in reply to Craftyperson

Oh it certainly is and I'm glad you've been able to increase the peas but such a shame about the corn. Our gut biomes are very complicated and very individual hence not eating the same foods, that's why it's so complicated.

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply to

Yes I never realised how important your gut is to overall health untill I just completed a 10 week course about my ME and everything clicked into place. It's classed as the second brain and actually controls SOoooo much. It's also the only thing can work independently without brain!!!!

Hope you get there, are you doing it through a dietician? I'm lucky my GP referred me

in reply to Craftyperson

It's very important and I first stated looking into it when I read Dr Michael Mosley's book, the Clever Guts Diet Book which was such an insight into it, that's what got me interested. What a very interesting course to do so well done on doing that. The gut controls a significant amount as well as our mental health.

I'm the same as you, my GP kindly referred me to a Dietician and I have a telephone appointment with her mid April.

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply to

Yes and our sleep. It really is a fascinating us maybe not everyone else on here. BUT someone might read this and think that might help me.

Glad you had a good GP too.

Luckily I saw my dietician face to face but now in midst of this virus phone call better than nothing for review of how getting on.

Good luck

in reply to Craftyperson

Totally agree and yes very fascinating.

It would be lovely if our replies to each other helped others.

Same here, it's a telephone call for my next appointment.

Best of luck to you as well.😊👍

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply to

It's over a year since I finished mine but since having the pro biotics introducing few more things now.

in reply to Craftyperson

That's really good, it's certainly worth being patient. I can't wait to be able to start taking probiotics

So did i and that was only to the fridge and back!!

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Been out on bike today 🚴‍♀️

Nice pics by the way when did you visit my back garden?I live op norf!!!

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Thank you, the photos are in Devon. I love the north

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