Self isolating is hard. I live on my own and I have hardly anyone in Uk
I wonder if anyone would like to talk
I ha e an elderly Mother overseas and since my Father died I have spent a lot of time overseas but this came at a cost as i kept failing a Post Graduate Diploma
I decided to stay in Englanc to concentrate on the resits and finding employmrnt but every time my Mother has a problem I am expected to sort it out she she is unable to
I think this social isolation is ok for thosr who have family, husbands and friends
But those who live alone it is soul destroying and the loneliness hard
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Am sure we will keep in touch on this Forum. Incidentally, as a medical journalist I was writing something for cancer survivors, which migh be useful for others when we make a dash into the supermarket
I’ve started taking my own quite open bag into the supermarket for a few items. Quite a relief not to have to worry about trolleys or baskets. Just must try not to have a senior moment and walk out without paying.
I’m doing okay, but I miss going out and seeing other adults. I don’t usually stay home 24/7, but I have to since this all started Monday morning here for all of us in the USA. The County Government is thinking of using the Centers as homeless shelters.
I’ve been babysitting for my Nephew and Niece everyday from 9-5:30. Their parents are working at home, now.
They were and we gave them a lot of different things to do during the day. We even had a lunch program and free door to door bus service if they were in a 2 mile radius.😀👍
I take it day by day. Starting Monday, it’s going to be the second week starting that I will be not going to the center. I will be here on HU and babysitting all week at the same time. I will also try to get some ideas for art projects to do this week.
Health is okay, but I had a small headache two days ago and I have trigger thumb on my right hand. Can’t see the doctor since they won’t say it’s an emergency.
I'm in pain 24/7 and have an hour or less sleep per night due to pain. At the moment I'm watching box sets, colouring books, cross stitch. Phoning friends and family to check up on them. I would normally be seeing family and friends but having to self isolate. I'm very lucky I have such a great support network of family and friends and everyone on here. Please take care and stay safe. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Hello I was sorry to read about your pain and trouble with sleeping, but its great that you sound so positive about all of the contacts and support and care you get even if it is at a distance. If we can all look on the bright side it helps so much.
I find your reply to be very understanding and helpful
The advice you have given will enable me to continue to try.
My Father had mental health issues and I cared for him
I will try to support my Mother but I realise there is only so much I can do
Also trying to cope with the social isolation and loneliness is very hard
I have missed the the pass mark by a few marks and I as much I am worried for the welfare and health of Mum, my own sense of self is neglected as I have always put my parents first
This terrible virus is causing so much uncertainty and dealing with the on going issues of my Mother does create anxiety and self doubt
Hi. I know how you feel. My mum lives overseas and she had cancer 2 years ago. She had chemo so her immune system was compromised. I'm really worried about her and can't fly to visit
So hard... What we do apart from praying for our parents? Take care x
It is. Definitely. But Im worried that there will be no flights in August. Will all this madness be over? Im gardening, studying for my exams and reading a boom. What about you? Have a lovely day!! X
Hi, I’m so sorry you’re finding this so difficult. It can be hard on your mental health being isolated so you are very welcome on here to chat.
I’m pretty much used to being on my own and actually enjoy it most of the time. I live in a very small village with poor public transport and my family live on the other side of the country so we keep in touch via phone and WhatsApp.
I read, do various craft activities and bake or cook, trying out new recipes. I am on Twitter and have made some good friends on there. I am also learning Polish on line.
I always start my day in a slow, lazy fashion, breakfast and coffee and then some time to catch up on social media and checking on family.
Then, an hour doing whatever household task needs doing.
Afternoons are me time when I craft or sew
Evenings are for TV and reading before bed.
I don’t really think there is any great secret, just be happy with your own company and believe in yourself.
May I suggest you only look at the news once or ice a day at most, preferably in the morning so that it doesn’t affect your sleep so much.
You said you write lists - it would be good to list all the things that are causing your anxiety, no matter how large or small. Then, with them in front of you, divide them into groups, those you can do something about and those that you can’t do anything about.
From there, you put aside the second list.
Decide on a time line for the things on your first list. It could be most urgent or easiest to achieve.
You can take each item on your first list and create action plans to achieve them.
That will hopefully help you to focus and take you mind from the things you can’t change.
Maybe if you set some kind of routine where she can phone you first thing in the morning and you phone her at night before bed. Explain how expensive it is to keep phoning and that is makes you anxious when she phones so much.
It’s very difficult as she is probably feeling as lonely and anxious as you but it isn’t fair of her to put all her issues on you.
I hope you are managing to get back to your studies.
I’m so sorry you feel so alone - it’s not an easy situation that we find ourselves in but we will get though it 🙂
I’m happy to listen and try to help as and when I can - sorry ☹️!
Have you considered speaking to the course provider and explaining your concerns? I’m sure in the current circumstances they will be understanding, reassuring and at the very least offer you as much support as possible?
Please try and keep yourself occupied (I know it’s hard), either by studying, trying a new hobby, reading or some other pastime - the more you keep your mind busy the better the time will pass
You could also try meditation &/or mindfulness both long practised, effective ways to deal with stress, anxiety and other mental health issues
Are you able to do some voluntary work - pop to an elderly neighbour and do some shopping for them, take their phone number and have daily chats, or see if a food store wants help restocking shelves or make up food parcels &/or deliver them?
Not sure if any of these suggestions would work for you and the list is endless but hope they may help you 🤗 x
So far my day hasn’t been too bad thank you, I’ve been knitting and watching tv
Walking is always good - fresh air, change of scenery, birds singing and the chance to spot them and other wildlife - good decision imo and nothing to stop you from talking to others as long as you keep a reasonable (2 metre/6 foot) distance 👍🏻
I have also work (now at home - hate it) Tue, day off this Wed, work Thu n back 2 a long weekend from Fri to Mon, I will also be paid if I can work from home or not so that’s a relief 🙂
I think many more people will be praying in one form or another - if it helps, why not?! 👍🏻
Age U.K. is a great charity to work/volunteer for and I’m sure they would appreciate the extra help, very worth while and helpful for yourself and our older adults 🙂
It sounds like you are finding your way through the ‘fog’ and by yourself so you have a lot to be proud of - yes, you reached out, but by doing so it shows you recognised the need and took action to lift your mood - all positives to be proud of 🤗🙂!! x
Please rest assured that you are not on your own - I think the majority of us are feeling the same x
I live with my folks and are concerned (getting worried) for them so I cannot imagine how it must be for you - just keep in touch as often as possible and I’m sure you’ll both be ok 👍🏻x
Aaww that’s kind of you thank you! You look after yourself, carry on with the things you’ve mentioned and hope you have a better week - remember we are all here to help each other anyway we can 🤗 Xx
I hope you do not mind me replying to what you said. But suggesting he goes to an elderly neighbour to do their shopping sounds foolhardy to me. At the moment most able bodied people with cars or within walking distance of the shops are choosing to wait weeks for a safer delivery rather than go into a shop and take a greater risk of catching the virus. And that is for their own food, not food for someone else. Maybe it is better for them to order their stuff online and ask the neighbour if they would like some delivered at the same time - and much safer to speak to them on phone than go there. Its bad enough if you have no choice and have to risk catching the virus to go out for your own things without taking on risking your life for another person, especially one you dont know that well and is not a loved one.
How are you? No I don’t mind you mentioning but I would like to point out I did post this before the recent lockdown and inherent stricter measures placed on us all x
I was only trying to help someone who was feeling isolated and seemingly downhearted to try and help someone else who may also be in the same position - obviously exercising the ‘rules’ about distance etc. Most people are (though recent news shows some aren’t) sensible enough to observe these measures without being reminded 🤷🏻♀️?
I’m truly sorry you appear to have been ‘offended’ by what I suggested ☹️ x
No not offended. Just concerned. And its my fault for saying when it was posted before the lock down. But people like my partner and myself self isolated before the government thought of it - we didnt want to be told, we thought for ourselves. Under normal circumstances we would help a neighbour-not now - far too risky. As for going to the shop, wouldnt do that if you paid us a fortune. We are now starting to grow vegetables to try to make sure we are covered for food no matter what. I envisage a time when as more and more get the virus it will be harder to get the shops to deliver or be stocked . Less and less staff to do it. So you should think ahead.
No worries 🤗 x (I fully understand the need to self-isolate as my father has been more or less since before this virus came to light due to ill heath & I have (mild) asthma so kind of vulnerable myself)
I also live on my own, my health has always been poor, so at this time I am self isolated, I believe now I have the milder type of corona virus, maybe the virus recognised this? I have been in and out of hospital since the age of ten, and had enough pills to put Boots out of business, I am what my doctor calls me a "one off", I have various 'specialists' covering numerous conditions, one condition the only case known of in N. Ireland! I am immune to pain killers! Due to this I have virtually lived in isolation most of my life, but as my family motto tattooed on my arm PATIENTIA VINCIT [patience overcometh] my own motto on the other arm ADAPT THROUGH ADVERSITY! I passed my degree BA Humanities in History after 13 years of bad health and have just finished a book after ten years, ironically called 'Bodies for Sale??'
I did this on my own, self isolated, I do not have many friends because of this, ok I have two sisters whom are aware of my present medical condition and can ship in my food and medical needs! Probably a couple of days ago I thought I would be more susceptable to the COVID 19 strains I now believe the opposite to be true? [Hopefully?] I will survive! It is only for a couple of months there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am a twentieth century guy, but I do believe the internet, phone and even the old written word will help to break the pain of loneliness? A bit of humour always helps to brighten the day!
Good news and bad news, I do not have Coronavirus, another lump on my "gentlemanly area" as my sister called it, [I have schwannomatosis, benign lumps which grow on my nerves] is causing the high temperature, I had not coughed or sneezed at all was the query point, I will need more operations but at least I can walk in the garden in the pyjamas! All the very best!
Blimey? Everything is happening, blood tested, prostate trouble [confirmed], operations coming up, sugar level too high, now being put on diabetes medication, and officially told to self isolate, am one of the few? Still am able to get out to the garden, cherry trees blooming! My doctor rang up with the news, he had just broken his leg, which I asked after, he really appreciated that! Still no Coronavirus!
I am now since Monday when told by my Doctor, a routine blood test recently taken for another condition proved negative for Coronavirus, but close family connections prove to be my lifeline, I am now in a official isolated condition, isolated to the four walls off my house at least hopefully better weather I have a small back garden, a bit of sunshine and fresh air does help Coronavirus! Hopefully? I suppose I am better off than Charles in that respect, but IF I do catch Coronavirus, I am just as susceptible as him, it MIGHT not be the more mild strain?
OH YEA???? What's on TV? in your face females, effeminate males, cookery programs [with what?] American detective and 'comedy' "shows", ENGLISH what is termed comedy programs, ENGLISH NEWS AND EVENTS, ENGLISH ADVERTS {Not available in N.I.}, INTERNET [have a virus now from a Covid 19 help web site?], read a book, I now have an eye infection? sorry will end this conversation, not very positive!
Yes. It gives you time to think and a reason to rethink everything and then you can plan how you will achieve those ideals or work out they are a fantasy and forget them or just dream about them. Whatever it takes to move forward.
Wow. I know you did not intend to but you have really impressed me with the matter of fact way you share your circumstances and problems. Most would have found these so difficult and be moaning all of the time, or going on about how anxious and depressed they are, you really do make the most of it and cope so well. It would be nice to get to know you a lot better if that is ok with you . Have a nice day.
i Talk to my family and chat to ppl online but I’m waiting to move so obviously that’s on hold for couple of months or so. So at present I’m going through all my draws and cupboards sorting them out and then I’m planning on packing a lot of stuff I won’t use. lol
Good to use that extra time wisely and at least you are in touch with people. The days must be slow and very much the same as the day before though eh?>
Am in a similar situation to you. I have my partner and he is here with me, but he is very busy with stuff, it doesnt follow that we spend all day together - I have no family at all and his family live a long way away and we just send each other a few texts or emails.
Good morning and what a beautiful day in Kent. I fully agree it's little more challenging in some ways living alone. But from other posts I've read above we have the advantage of being a little safer. If other people in the house go out even to exercise which I can't they possibly could bring something back. I'm stuck indoors as my letter said not to go out to exercise. But with the phone and messaging it's bearable. Keep your chin up. We can get through this.
I woudlnt live with someone who goes out to shop or exercise and thinks they can come back and endanger me. They would have to move out and stay away while this all going on. My guy shut down his business and lost his income rather than risk meeting others now. I dont take any risks I dont have to.
Hi, regards to your post I'm very much in the same situation, I'm in Nottingham and I'd like to find a genuine person to talk to, ? If you ever want to talk I'm here 07485105018
Hi, regards to your post I'm very much in the same situation, I'm in Nottingham and I'd like to find a genuine person to talk to, ? If you ever want to talk I'm here 07485105018
I’m on my own in isolation just around the corner as it happens in sunny Derby 😎 I am struggling I must admit I have been painting and decorating to keep myself busy ! I can go out for a walk for exercise and I must admit it does lift your mood just getting out in the fresh air and sun but it is such a scary time for all of us ! I’m always hear to chat to if you need a friend 😀
I'm painting my whole place and laminated my bedroom, I'll get there!! I feel like I've painted myself at the minute lol , a good bath is in order!
Please don't judge but like you just said, I'm so lonely and I'm here for you anytime
I'm going to jump in the bath and I'd definitely like to talk more? That's if you want to? If you want to text or call, email or just message on here ? And please feel free to ask me anything?
Wow hello x Gosh talk about random things, your in Derby lol just around the corner.
Weather looks ok, but a few clouds are on the way over. Not that it affects me as I'm HOME, alone and just plodding on with things to occupy me, DECORATING
So how about you? Are you ok?
So my name is Karl, im 41 and like you I'd love to find anyone that's genuine,
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