How do those who live alone cope - Positive Wellbein...

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How do those who live alone cope

Roukaya profile image
31 Replies

I have been posting on this site and I have always received a positive reply

The impact of the virus and the self isolation makes me focus on the value and gift of life

I have just found out a lady the same age has me has lost her husband and has two young children to bring up

I now realise how important it is to make the best of what we have

I am grateful that I usually receive a positive reply and many times I have questioned the purpose of my own life but clearly I can see there is always a reason for anything that happens in our life whether good or bad

May be on this note I should take a leaf from Mahatma Ghandhi whose path to peaceful resistance led to ultimate freedom, Nelson Mandela on his 27 years of Incarceration for believing in a long road to freedom and Mother Theresa who gave and gave selflessly for those marginalised, ostracised and plain rejected

My all time heros

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Roukaya profile image
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31 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

I suppose we all learn to cope with the situation we find ourselves in, being alone can be really awful but it will also have advantages. Have a good night and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx

RoadRunner44 profile image

It maybe a good time to reflect on the fact that although we are ecperiencing difficult times, there will still be many, many others, all over the world who are far worse off than us.


in reply to RoadRunner44

Ok that's true (intellectually speaking) but it doesn't cancel the emotional loneliness

strongmouse profile image
strongmouse in reply to

I think it is good to reflect on all that we have to be grateful for, and rememerning those who are in worst situation like lack of water, food, a home, spring, brings to mind so much that is good in our lives.

Being alone can be difficult. It can be a time for reflection, but it is good to reach out so that people know others care, that they matter. Sending a virtual hug to anyone who needs it tonight.

Each person is special. Sometimes reading about how pthers have coped in similar situations can help a lot.

bobbybobb profile image

Very thoughtful post. You are right in what you say about how important it is to realize we must make the best of what we have. It is inspiring to know about all the great people we admire. We might not be as great and symbolic as our heroes but as individuals, we all have purpose and point to our being which gives a significance to who we are. If we have nothing else but kindness, empathy and compassion, we do ourselves justice. xx

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to bobbybobb

A very well put an eloquent reply

One of my other hero is Muhammed Ali a true kind soul

I was so inspired by him that I bought his book

Now in Mauritius as there is Lock Down is quoting to me aspects from the book

A very beautiful and inspired piece of writing describing his journey as a boxer to being a world class boxer but with a heart of gold and true compassion

Many layers to his unique and charismatic personality

One of my favourite quotes

The charity we give on Earth is payment for our room in Heaven

A very altruistic person but his generosity of spirit became apparent on his passing

Thank you for your kind reply

I live alone too and find the whole covid-19 thing more isolating that my usual/somewhat normal regular life. Need virtual friends.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

A French name

My family is from Mauritius and I can speak French

I only usually speak French when in France, a very beautiful country

I would be pleased to be a virtual frienc

I would like to ask which aspect of the self isolation you finding the hardest

in reply to Roukaya

Vous parler francais. Oui, j'espere que l'on va changer des messages ...salut!

in reply to

Je voulais dire echanger des messages. Excuse moi.

in reply to

Tout est difficile. Pas d'amis. Mon ex-ami m'a quitte. J'ai rejete mes ancians amis. J'ai voulu tirer un trait sur mon passe. Partir a zero. Et me voila toute seule depuis longtemps.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

Si vous voulez, je peut ecouter

Cest la solitude qui est le grand problem

Trop isole , trop seul

in reply to Roukaya

C'est vrai. Enchantee aussi.

in reply to

A bientot j,espere.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

I am pleased to talk to you

I think for the purposes of this community it is better we speak in English

If you would like to continue in French, it is better you contact me by private message on chat

I hope this is ok with you

in reply to Roukaya

It sounds good. However, I am not sure how or if I have private chat google+, microsoft chat..?.I don't know what else I have google e-mails?

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

I have sent you a message on Chat

I hope to hear from you

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply to

You can private message people through the forum. Click on their name in a post it will take you to their info page and can message them

Roukaya profile image

Je peux exchanger des messages

Je peut parler Francais mais je marque practique

Enchante de vous renconter

SORRELHIPPO profile image
SORRELHIPPOReading Rabbits

I am lucky, for this situation, I have been living alone since 2013, when my husband died. I had to retire early from work in 2008, due to ill health, and the last time I got out was September 2017. All told I am well used to this situation. I have a Carer once a week, to collect my meds, help a little in the home and grab eggs and bread if next door has any. All I have needed to do, is sanitise more in the flat, distance from the delivery people (Hermes has known me for years), pray that soon Sainsburys gets the info it needs to recognise me as vulnerable. I have a couple of relaxation CDs, read books, do crosswords in the newspaper, BUT have never had to cope with time with no cricket/rugby/Olympics etc. So may start to go nuts ( or more nutty than I am already) This is why I like the Forums on here, nice to virtual friends, who have something in common with me.

Roukaya profile image

Life in Lock Down is tough

It is the removal of our freedom

Given your circumstances to date, you are in a position to cope with the restrictions of Lock Down

I hope you are able to cope without your Sports

I miss the little freedoms I used to enjoy

Nuttyshirlz profile image

Hi I also live alone. I’ve also got arthritis so I’m used to not going out as much. I’m used to my own company. Since I split from my ex. I’m doing what I normally do just not going out. Talk more to ppl online than do in real world. I was supposed to be moving but that’s gone on hold for now. So I’m spending my time sorting through my cupboards etc. Then think I might start packing stuff I don’t use on regular basis. You learn to cope in your own way.😷

Roukaya profile image

Thank you for answeing

Lock down impacting on us all

I think you are right to focus your energies on your movd

Everything on hold

I have a small flat which I rent out and the tenants are still insisting to move as their tenancy has expired

This is my main income and given the lock down restrictions, tge the Agent will only be able to find a new tenant once the restrictions are lifted

I tried to offer a reduced rent but they wanted to pay less than half the rent

As we could not agree they have decided to leave mid April

I wish you well

TheBigM profile image

Hi. I am on week 3 of being home alone as my work chose to enforce home working for the first 10 days. I am now on furlough but we have set up a WhatsApp group to keep in touch and share funniest etc.

I'm also revisiting learning French on Duolingo - it's free.

There are lots of local Facebook groups too

Hope you find ways to pass the time and make good use of your hours allowed exercise.

Roukaya profile image

Thank you for reply

I should be studying for the resit of a Diploma in Wills and Probate

I also hopefully will start to apply for a years work experience

If I had the chance to work in Mauritius then I would go back and join my Mothet

She is quite an independent person but as she lives in Mauritius I ring to see how she is

Misty4 profile image

I am also on my own following the removal of a brain tumour and complete thyroidechtomy necessitating a five month stay in hospital in 2018 which meant being required to cease fostering children which I had done and loved for over 30 years. I was widowed some 25 years ago and fostering has been my lifeline. House feels very empty now. I’m 68 hoping to move when this crises is over and would like to apply to a school as a volunteer reading assistant. Can’t wait

Roukaya profile image

I think after such an illness I think you should be pleased your have your health

It is essential you take care of yourself and stay safe

You must be incredibly disappointed that you are unable foster but a person once told me we should adapt to change and hopefully bring your passion and kindness to the children you seek to help

lonestray profile image

I've lived alone for the past 12 years since my wife passed away due to Alzheimer's. I was fortunate in that I was finally diagnosed with stomach cancer. Whilst caring for her on my own [my choice] for the final five years of her life I suffered with stomach pains. The doctor said I had irritable bowel syndrome. It's now nine years and eight months since I've had a Total Gastronomy and I'm 88 and a half years old. My latest challenge was to undergo surgery for a fractured hip on the 14th Dec. Released from hospital at the end of Dec I was left to get on with recovery without help. Now I've recovered I'm in lockdown and am fortunate to have a daughter to deliver my groceries once a week. I count my blessings in that I can do a daily work-out with the hope of returning to completing my daily run.

maryanne01 profile image
maryanne01 in reply to lonestray

I think you are great.

maryanne01 profile image

You are a goulnd also inspiraio

lonestray profile image


Thanks, From the start my life has been a challenge. Raised as an orphan only to discover that I did have family for the first time when I was sixteen. By then it was far too late to form a close relationship with anyone. That was until I met my wife when I discovered the true meaning of love. It seems my life was meant to be challenging. We had three children, two girls and a boy. The younger daughter was kill by a careless driver when she was fifteen. Late in life my wife passed away from Alzheimer's, then of course I ended up with stomach cancer. My our only son has bow cancer. Yester day l received an Email that my sister had passed away at the age of 96. When I was released from detention in Ireland at the age of sixteen I was to discover that I had two relatives, one a Mother of sorts and a sister. The reason I was in detention was for "Receiving Alms". Only recently I uncovered this information. The biggest surprise was to discover that I was two years old when I appeared in court in front of a Judge Cussen to be sentenced. As I researched my 'family' the story became more bazar. Suffice the mention that when I discovered an older sister I was seventeen years old we formed a loose relationship as I left Ireland to join the RAF. The UK has been my home ever since. Over the years before my wife's illness our whole family including our grandchildren (all nine of them) visited her on holidays and she up in the UK and have fond memories of her. I'm still learning to survive and have very bad days to learn lessons from. Yesterday started out a bad one as I decided do without food or drink for twenty- four. So far I've had two meals to day and hope to have more later. Who knows what's on the road ahead? Life is one long challenge.

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