First time to post I am a 62 year old female I have had PRM for 20 months now, it has been an interesting journey, first coming to terms with having the condition and accepting that I had reduce the amount of activity I did each day. I have come to terms with this and now can still play tennis ( but a lot less), go for medium walks and discovered from taking up Yoga to just relax! . I also changed my diet to low carb, this working really well. I have been following this group since I was first diagnosed, it has been such a tremendous help, from the posts to the FAQs I have got most of my queries answered so thank you all you are a life line.
My question today is - I am currently tempering down from 4mg to 3mg (having successfully tapered from 5mg to 4mg) using your suggested tempering method. Week 1 was absolutely fine, very happy as this is the lowest I have have ever got. I am on week two and am waking up quiet stiff all over it gradually wears off by lunch time. The pain is mild I cope fine with it. So is ok to just continue keeping an eye on pain level and if it rising stop and stay at 4mg for another couple of weeks and try again? I had the Shingrix vaccination last Monday no reaction until Friday felt off colour and Saturday v unwell, arm swelled up slightly was very & sore & was very red & hot to touch, it calmed down on Sunday I am thinking the aches this week may somehow be a knock on due to the Shingrix vaccine reaction ??
Final question is about waking up Adrenals & do exercise to help wake them up. I do play tennis twice a week, sometimes I am very stiff when I get on court and by the time I finish I feel wonderful and all the pain has gone - I did read somewhere in one your posts that it is possible to plough through the pain to wake up adrenals and I have also read you should not do this as it may damage your muscles, interesting in any advice you have. Many thanks.