I'm concerned about adrenal insufficiency, but can't get GP to hear me. My BP has been what I would call low, since at least before Christmas. Two days ago it was 116/52 and 109/41. I am on two BP meds, Perindopril and Metoprolol. I'm thinking maybe I need to taper off one of them? Mentioned this to GP last trip in, but she didn't even take my BP. I have read up on the adrenals (thanks DL for the links) and seem to have pretty much all the things. She says "we" don't do cortisol or ACTH tests. Should I push for an Endo?
My Pred dose is 5 mg (supposed to be 4 but I'm reluctant to drop it down). I've been at 5 mg for about 3 weeks. GP want me to drop 1 mg every 28 days, but that's not possible, so I've been trying to manoeuvre the Pred I have to fit 1/2 mg drops. The last couple of mornings, I've had bad vertigo on trying to get out of bed and been sitting til it settles and then, it starts up again on laying back down. The room is completely spinning. Took me back to my drinking days. LOL. Maybe ears? I have had that "full head, ears backed-up feeling for months and months". No headaches that are not neck related. No jaw pain. Scalp is pretty much always tender on the top (as if I've parted my hair the wrong way), except when I've had to raise the dose of Pred. It goes away and then comes back when I drop to whatever level I'm at.
I did have a course of anti-fungal meds for oral thrush, which I've finished. Still have the sore throat. Tongue a bit geographic. GP said that "a dentist could diagnose that". I'm like "what?" I had arranged a phone appointment to discuss another course of anti-fungal, because previously she had said "you take it until the thrush is gone". Terrible dryness and thirst. Eyes are crispy dry. Feeling very dehydrated, but drink water constantly, throughout the day. At least four 500 mL bottles. I use Olopatadine and Tobradex drops atm. I had mentioned Sjogrens to her and received the "deer in the headlights" stare again.
My acid reflux has been acting up for about a month or more, with actual regurg of food and possibly the acid is making my throat sore. She has referred me to a ENT for a scope, but I'm thinking I need some kind of gastro scope, as perhaps it could be a hiatal hernia or internal bleeding. I've a lot going on, it sounds like I'm a hypochondriac, and GP makes me feel like she would prefer patients who are coming in for PAP tests and the like or prescription renewals. I've been trying to get myself back on the list for a different GP, but they tell me it's not possible as I already have a family doc. (Nova Scotia). Seems like I've been self diagnosing since having this GP.
I know it's a long post. Thanks for having a look. Your help is always appreciated.