Hello All and happy new year
Just before Xmas I had results of an x ray on my knee and was told it showed arthritis and I could be eligible for a knee replacement and the wait time may only be about 6 months. I was a bit surprised although clearly it had been bad enough to prompt me to get an xray. I think the predisolone masks the pain and inflammation and I have not been able to reduce my dose easily below 7 and a half to 8 mg. Lots of excuses to keep dose up such as moving house and mother dying in the last 7 months. so..
1) I must try and reduce steroid dose as someone told me they may not operate otherwise
2) Have restarted the iCal-D3 chewable tablets to ensure calcium, although I take Vitamin D high dose on its own with no problem. However I feel the iCal-D3 things make me feel sick. Has anyone else experienced that?
So dear people advice really yet again. Has anyone out there had a joint replacement while on Pred, and has anyone found these chewable tablets make them feel sick?