I am finally in the pipeline for one of my knee replacements in 6-8wks time. I have been reducing very slowly from 15mg and currently on 8mg. I have decided I will not reduce further until well after my knee surgery. I put on 6 stone in 6 months when I started pred, this has impacted on my knee pain causing me to be on crutches or motor chair as I am unable to bare weight due to being bone on bone. I would appreciate any information to confirm I am doing the right thing.
I suffer chronic fatigue, I sleep most of the night, tend to wake once for the loo then lay awake for an hour or so before getting back to sleep. I have to set my alarm to wake me in the morning at 7.30am , once up and washed and clothed which takes a lot of effort and is a very long process, I have a bowl of bran flakes and a cup of coffee. I then conk out until about 2-3pm when my dog wakes me with a nudge to be let out for a wee. I have another coffee, try to read the paper then conk out again only to be woken by my dog again at 5pm for her tea. My point is that if it wasn't for her waking me I would probably sleep all day. I'm in bed by 8.30-9pm and take about half an hour to an hour to fall asleep. Life at the moment is in fairy land for most of the day and night. I am hopping I can start to reduce again once the operation is over and I am well into recovery with the hope of the second one following very soon.
Do I stay at 8mg as I am nearing adrenal wakening or stay at 8mg until the second one is done?
Apologies for the length of this essay, it has taken 3 goes and dropping off in between.