Hi I have been on antibiotics for a uti, first one didn’t do anything now on trimethoprim. I know steroids make it hard sometimes to fight off infections but how long am I probably looking at? I was on antibiotics in October for a chest infection and it did clear it. Any help appreciated and also something I can put on the vulva to stop the burning after urinating. 🙏
uti infection: Hi I have been on antibiotics for a... - PMRGCAuk
uti infection

Hello, has your urine been sent for culture and sensitivity to the labs for diagnosis and now after treatment failure? Is the urine stinging the outside then or just the tube?

If it is the correct antibiotic, it will sort it out. But if it isn't the right one - it won't. What is beyond them to do a culture is beyond me!!! The symptoms of a UTI can be due to other things so it is important they are sure that bacteria are involved.
Other than a barrier cream suitable for use in that area I can't think of a way to reduce the burning - but as Snazzy says - IS it the outer area that is sore or the tube that takes urine from the bladder to outside? It is unusual for other skin to be affected like that. Have you spoken to the doctor about it?
Yes he didn’t want to know about the soreness. The culture came back as e Coli. He had to take me off the nitrofurentoin as my blood pressure shot to over 293/110. I’ve tried using sudocrem but not doing much.
"he didn’t want to know about the soreness" - well it is his JOB to hear about it. Not good enough.
Is there a nurse at the practice? Though it is now Friday night so unless they are exceptional and work weekends ...
God no. It’s got worse at our gp surgery.
Like most. Hopefully the abx will start to work soon. Lots of fluids might make it less stingy, just more often. Have you tried drinking some bicarb in water? Some people swear by it for UTI symptoms.
I get so worried taking anything anymore. Since being on steroids for 2 years I seem to have developed so many tolerances to food and medication. I will try it, how much on the spoon do I put in. I only drink tea in the am and the rest of the day I am drinking loads of water.
No 5 is for the bicarb approach, 1/2 to 1 tsp in water. And I forgot to say before - nothing down there except plain water. no soaps, cleansers, wipes, NO chemically things ...
Thank you for that. Very kind and helpful. Just one more question, I am due for my monthly crp and esr bloods on Monday. Will having a uti raise them? 🙏
It will - apparently a UTI has the potential to raise CRP 1000-fold!!!!! It will also send the ESR up too.
There is a lot of evidence detailing the link between autoimmune disease and food intolerances. There is a very helpful book that is thoroughly evidence based: Autoimmune Fix by Tom O’Bryan. It is worth buying and having a read. Food intolerances need to be taken more seriously than we think, as there is an evidential link between them and the development of auto immune disease. Ignoring them, or thinking it’s okay to have a little bit of what we are in intolerant to (as I was doing) can keep the ‘auto immune disease fire burning’ and even add further complications.
Also, do you have a sweet tooth? There is a lot of evidence detailing the link between Uro- genital infections and too much sugar in your diet. The bacteria causing UTI’s thrive on sugar . So it might help to cut back on that if you do have a lot of sugar in your diet. I am a nurse/midwife and have had a lot of success with ladies suffering with recurrent UTIs, who cut down on their sugar intake. It is difficult when taking steroids, as they do mess with your metabolism and therefore blood sugar levels, however, a low-carb diet can really help tremendously here.
As for your GP, don’t be afraid to challenge him/her. He might not be bothered about the burning but YOU are. Hence, he has a duty of care to respond to that! Alternatively, find another GP - which I know is never easy. I do hope you get the help you need.
Similar problems with my original GP so I changed surgery. That was about a year ago and the new one is brilliant.
I have thought about doing that. The only thing is the nurse who takes my bloods is the only one that doesn’t make a mess of my arm. So she’s the only reason I’ve stayed x
E coli can be a b****r with its ability to be resistant. Have you had a blood glucose checked recently? I ask because if you are getting UTI’s and it happens to be stinging on the outside, you may have thrush as well. If you do it may be due to high blood sugars so that needs to be ruled out.
Does that not show with glucose in urine? I haven’t had my bloods checked for diabetes in over a year. Doesn’t thrush itch though?
High blood sugar doesn’t necessarily show in a dipstick test and isn’t a reliable test of whether you have diabetes. You should have blood tests done if you are on steroids. You could ask for a HbA1c test that shows the average over 3 months rather than a fasting blood sugar which is only a spot check.
If the stinging is on the outside it could be thrush even if it isn’t itchy but it can also be other things. So your doctor should care if you are uncomfortable, not least to try to help you feel more comfortable. However, are you clear in your mind on whether the stinging ins in the tube or on the outside? If it is the tube, keeping the urine dilute is important.
If you find out let me know. I’ve suffered with this on and off for years and no real answer. Saw a consultant urologist recently but he was no help for constant uti or soreness . Will have to find some else. I’m off to Melbourne for two months now. Might try there!
Bababenton was suggested to me as a barriercream for that irritation/ stinging. Or a smear of vaseline is a good barrier. It should subside hopefully when uti clears. Hope you get relief soon.
Strewth what's wrong with your doctor ! If you're dry it is easily treatable so definitely no need to suffer. You should not be using Sudocrem or Vaseline for intimate areas. Maybe ask pharmacist as there are loads of creams and pessaries available. Local oestrogen like Gina might be option once you get any infection cleared.
Cream for that area is Vagisil can find it in the personal area in chemists & stores - take care x
I was prescribed vaginal estrogen for persistent urinary symptoms over several weeks. Apparently, estrogen has a protective effect against UTIs and once you go through the menopause that's lost. I was examined and told that my urethra is slightly bulging and have been referred to Urogynaecology. I had three courses of antibiotics and my symptoms have improved a lot. I stopped taking the vaginal estrogen because I am already taking quite a lot of medication and was concerned about the side effects.
I find it very poor that your GP won't examine you.
I agree with the advice above about using plain water in the genital area. It's also important to dry the area carefully. Don't rub.
Have you tried drinking unsweetened cranberry juice regularly?
I have been on antibiotics for uti for about a month. Nurse prescribed Vagisil cream to help reduce stinging etc. I found it very effective. Can be purchased over the counter, my local pharmacy didn't have it in stock. Amazon delivered the next day.Hope you feel better soon
hello , I’m hardly never without a uti , they’ve become chronic .
D’Mannose sweet cures helps with E. coli , along with your susceptible antibiotics .
I’m currently taking Cephelexin , prescribed by my urologist, but the GP will start with Trimephoprim or Nitrofurantoin.
A Diflucan tablet will help if you’re developed thrush . Now I’m older I don’t get the same symptoms such as itchiness or discharge, just horrendous burning , not unlike the uti . We are more susceptible to Thrush with the double whammy of taking pred and antibiotics.
Coconut oil or Hydromol from Amazon, is soothing for the burning , particularly when it’s cold from the fridge. I also shower the area with hydromol every morning which acts as a soothing barrier.
Also rinsing with water with a peri bottle , after passing usine washes the acidic urine away. Sending hugs x
I have hydromol here but looked yesterday and I’m sure I saw alcohol in it, I may be wrong so will check again x
Horrible - I used to get UTIs regularly before I went KETO although they still do try to pop up now and again. I have found Victory Oil by Naydaya really helpful. It's very soothing for vaginal and vulva dryness and seems to help keep everything in order in my "upper tights" area. It's available from the Naydaya website. Whilst it's a bit pricey it is definitely worth it as a little goes a long way. I use it at least twice a week.
I would definitely try Cetraben cream topically - sudocrem can irritate that area. And no soaps - try dermol wash. Both prescribed by a gyni at st Mary’s London for eczema in that area.
Good morning, I also suffer from utis and soreness and I'm on trimethoprim which I take every day which has helped but I do get infections which I have to take a stronger antibiotic. I use a moisture cream called replens around my vulva area which helps a lot . Wishing you all the best and hope you feel better soon.
Take De-Manose,very gentle i take powder form at slightest hint of uti,brilliant,no need for antibiotics,
I am sorry this is happening to you. D-Mannose(not too much) can also help along with cranberry. I had a string of UTIs while on steroids and actemra combined. And I am allergic to almost everything. A culture should have determined the proper antibiotic. I finally had to be on Cefdinir. Since being off the steroids I have not had a uti. My kidney doc. did put me on a vaginal HRT but I couldn't tolerate it due to the headaches it created. I hope you can resolve this.
i’ve been on prednisone since 2015. I have never once had a urinary tract infection. I chalk that up to using estriol cream in the area. This idea was given to me by a gynecologist and a urologist. The menopausal. changes cause the urinary tract to shorten. This makes it easier for bowel bacteria to migrate to the bladder.
I use estriol, USP cream. Tiny amount 2x week. The particular estrogen does not affect the breast and was approved by my oncologist. It can be bought online in formulations. You can also get a script but it is more expensive.
All the estrogens work this way but estriol Is the safest.
Aside from this avoid baths but I never got a UTI with baths either.
Hi I have been on Prednisolone and Methotrexate for four years and have had recurring bouts of UTI. My GP prescribes Trimethoprim with 5 repeats so that I can dose myself whenever I have symptoms of UTI. Sometimes one week dose is enough but if not I have the other doses to continue until the infection subsides. This Trimethoprim treatment has worked well for me and my UTI occasions are under control.
I also take a daily dose of Hiprex tablets this also helps.