A mosquito bite became inflamed and angry-looking overnight. Went to GP , then sent to A and E. After blood tests it was decided to start with an antibiotic ointment and hold off oral antibiotics...just keep watch on symptoms.
Sometimes at lower doses of pred (less than 8mg) I have wondered if my immunity is still compromised.
I hadn't had antibiotics for over 30 years prior to taking pred. In the past year I have had another fungal infection (had one last year), cellulitis requiring IV antibiotics, a slight skin tear that became infected and required antibiotic cream, and now this.
I am only on 3.5mg but I guess my immune system, like my adrenals, is still very dozy.
Maybe we all need to be very careful (e.g. wear gloves when gardening) or perhaps I have a particularly wimpy immune system.